During a special meeting of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD) with the Archbishop of Malta Mons. Charles J. Scicluna, Perit Xuereb spoke about the importance of moral leadership in the country.
“Today more than ever, we require moral leaders who inspire strong values to our nation, centred on honesty, integrity, good governance and respect for each other and our environment,” the President of The Malta Chamber said.
Speaking during the special meeting organised by MCESD, which was held at the Curia in Floriana, Perit Xuereb noted that the national ambition for such values cannot remain a well-intended wish list or merely an expression on paper, but it needed to be delivered tangibly. The business community had an important and responsible part to play in this objective too.
“As leaders from the business community, we ascertain that the private sector has the responsibility to ensure that robust moral values underpin the social, economic and environmental development of the country in a truly sustainable manner. The quality of our lives, our environment and the respect for each other are better appreciated and this will lead to the alignment of energies from all walks of life that will drive the true and honest ambitions of our country. We consider ourselves an essential part of the leadership in this effort supported by strong legislative ambitions by our politicians. The Church remains a strong player, in assisting to ensure that our moral standards remain high and in-check at all times” David Xuereb said.
The President was accompanied by the Chamber’s CEO Ing. Edward Chetcuti. Minister Carmelo Abela and other social partners were also present for the meeting.
During the meeting, the Archbishop spoke about the stresses of the pandemic on the national economic and social spectrum and that employers and employees have an equally strong role to play to address shortcomings and appealed for everyone to work together towards the common good.