Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (Mcesd)
The Malta Chamber is represented on the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD) which is an advisory council that issues opinions and recommendations to the Maltese government on matters of economic and social relevance. The MCESD strives to secure the continuous improvement of Social Dialogue in Malta.
In view of this, the Council acts as a catalyst between the Social Partners and the Government. Following consultations held within the Council, the MCESD produces and proposes sound and concrete recommendations about socioeconomic matters to Government prior to any reforms or measures of economic and social relevance.
Malta-eu Steering Action Committee (Meusac)
The Malta Chamber also sits on the Malta-EU Steering Action Committee (MEUSAC) which manages the consultation process with civil society on EU laws and policies. The aim of MEUSAC’s consultation process is to facilitate discussion between Government and civil society on draft EU legislation and policies, as well as on the transposition of EU directives.