MICIE: Mediterranean Island Cleantech Innovation Ecosystem
Funding Programme: Horizon Europe – HORIZON-EIE-2021-CONNECT-01
Scope: Cyprus and Malta, being small islands with similar needs, are leveraging on the work that they have been doing with EIT Climate-KIC to bring all the relevant partners together, exchange ideas, organise workshops and prepare action plans in the innovation field of their National Energy and Climate Plans.
Overall, it is expected that the Global Cleantech Innovation Index (GCII), Global Competitive Index (GCI) and the European Regional Competitiveness Index of Cyprus and Malta will grow through the proposed cooperation, and will thus improve their standings in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM).
Objectives: Through MICIE the partners are:
• Identifying and analyzing existing similar innovation ecosystems worldwide (i.e. the case of Hawaii, Azores and Okinawa), drawing from lessons learned in those cases,
• Connecting, through EIT Climate-KIC, with other mature ecosystems across Europe for joint actions,
• Applying the Systems Innovation Approach for a holistic approach towards the co-creation, co-planning and co-investments for the creation of innovation cleantech ecosystems,
• Identifying, analyzing, classifying and clustering all relevant local and national actors and engage them through a series of workshops,
• Drawing up an action plan for the setting up of joint programmes, that can be used specifically in the case of Cyprus and Malta to stimulate innovation procurement to help the market uptake of innovative solutions. The action plan can also as a template with guiding principles for other areas (i.e. Greek and Spanish Islands, Madagascar, etc),
• Planning and ensuring the long-term sustainability of the joint programmes and action plan through collaborations with other funding mechanisms, and
• Communicating the results of the project, both nationally and at an EU level. The aforementioned actions are perfectly aligned with the work being carried out in Cyprus and Malta.
Partners Involved:
• Technologiko Panepistimio Kyprou CUT CY
• Energeiako Grafeio Kyprion Politon CEA CY
• Malta College of Arts Science and Technology MCAST MT
• Omospondia Ergodoton & Viomichanon Kyprou OEB CY
• The Malta Chamber of Commerce and Enterprise Association TMC MT
• Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy DMRIDP CY
• Energy & Water Agency EWA MT
• Climate-KIC Holding BV CKIC NL
The Malta Chamber Role: Partner
Value to Members: Contribution to the National Energy Climate Plan.
Pillar: Sustainability
Project Website: MICIE
Timeline: Closed