Human Capital Project
Funding Programme: HSBC Malta Foundation
Scope: The project is focusing on future skills needed to ensure competitiveness in the global economy. The project focuses on the following industries with a potential for growth:
- Financial services and banking
- Information and communication
- Professional, scientific and technical services
The final results will be presented at a national conference for all interested stakeholders.
Objectives: The project will seek to highlight the following:
- The state of our educational system.
- The factors that created such conditions.
- The future of education.
- The roadmap to ensure a prosperous future for the adults of tomorrow.
Literature review and discussions with policymakers, educators, academics, NGOs and other stakeholders will help us understand:
- The weaknesses which the country has in its educational system.
- The impact of technological innovations on education as a whole.
- Explore new upcoming approaches in the use of technology for education.
- List the knowledge and skills which the students need to shape their future.
- Identify the best methodology to ensure a successful educational system.
- Devise a strategy to prepare the educators of today for the challenges of the future.
Through the project, Malta will be able to prepare for an education system for the challenges of tomorrow.
The Malta Chamber Role: Management of the Project
Value to Members: A future skills assessment will enable employers to pre-empt the future skills required within their operations.
Pillar: Human Capital
Project Website: HSBC Malta Foundation
Timeline: Ongoing