Trade Diplomacy

4/2/25 – Christopher Vassallo Cesareo and Dr Marthese Portelli, President and CEO respectively of The Malta Chamber, held an online meeting with Stavros Stavrou, President of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry with a view of reviving collaboration in the bilateral and European Union contexts. The two sides recalled the MoU in place since 2002 and agreed on the need to upgrade its provision to present and emerging opportunities of cooperation. The meeting was facilitated by Ronald Attard, President of the Cyprus-Malta Business Association, and Helga Mizzi, International Relations Advisor at The Malta Chamber.

11/12/24 – HE Tomasz Czysek, Ambassador of Poland, called at The Malta Chamber for a meeting with President Chris Vassallo Cesareo. Ongoing business and trade relations between the two countries were at the of discussion, with both sides expressing interest in taking these exchanges to a deeper level.

4/12/24 – The historical and present-day commercial relations between Malta and Tunisia were discussed between Ambassador Zouheir Bouras and President of The Malta Chamber Chris Vassallo Cesareo. During the meeting, the two sides recalled the longstanding links between The Malta Chamber and its business and industry counterparts in Tunisia. The sectors of renewable energy, agrifood, health and digitalisation were identified as areas of possible enhanced exchanges.

24/10/24 – A virtual meeting was held between The Malta Chamber and the Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts to strengthen and update the framework of cooperation already in place through a Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2012. The two sides agreed to increasingly share information, promote business and trade opportunities and facilitate contacts between respective members. The Malta Chamber was represented by President Christopher Vassallo Cesareo and Helga Mizzi International Relations Advisor. The Ambassador of Lithuania to Malta, H.E. Dalia Kreiviene participated in these exchanges.

15/10/24 – Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo,  President of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise, and Industry hosted H.E. Sandrine Lelong-Motta, the newly appointed Ambassador of France to Malta at the beginning of her term in office. This meeting aimed to enhance collaboration between the French Embassy and The Malta Chamber and to further strengthen business connections between the two countries in broad terms. The discussion centred around increasing opportunities for mutual trade and investment in various sectors, including innovation, education, technology, and tourism.

19/9/24 – Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo, President of The Malta Chamber held a meeting with Mr Petr Havlik, Minister Counsellor responsible for Economic, Commercial and Scientific Affairs at the Embassy of Czechia to Malta.  The exchanges served to underline the willingness of both sides to strengthen contacts between the countries’ business communities, also through the direct involvement of the Chamber of Commerce and the Confederation of Industrialists of Czechia. Mr John De Giorgio, Honorary Consul of Czechia in Malta and Ms Helga Mizzi International Relations Advisor at The Malta Chamber also participated in the meeting.

13/9/24 – H.E. Teimuraz Janjalia, Deputy Foreign Minister of Georgia called at The Malta Chamber in Valletta, for a meeting with President Chris Vassallo Cesareo. Discussions focused on bilateral and multilateral trade and economic cooperation, Georgia’s economic integration with the European Union, investment climate and opportunities in both countries. Helga Mizzi, International Relations Advisor at The Malta Chamber accompanied President Vassallo Cesareo.

4/9/24 – A meeting was held between Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo, President of The Malta Chamber, and Mr Mark Neirynck and Ms Paula Kant from the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels.
During the meeting, which was also attended by Ms Helga Mizzi, Advisor – International Relations, the two sides explored opportunities to strengthen business relations between Malta and Hong Kong with specific focus being placed on the financial services, education, tourism, maritime and aviation sectors.

2/8/24 – Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo, President of The Malta Chamber, held a meeting with H.E. Maria Camilleri Calleja, Malta’s Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, to discuss the further strengthening of business ties between the two countries.

The Ambassador gave a detailed overview of the sectors that present growing potential mentioning the education and training, and logistics. digital, financial services and renewable energy fields in particular. The Embassy of Malta in the United Arab Emirates was inaugurated in February 2021 and has since assisted several Maltese businesses in establishing contacts with UAE counterparts and participating in trade fairs and missions. President Vassallo Cesareo recalled that in 2022, The Malta Chamber signed a Memorandum of Understanding with The Federation of Chambers of Commerce of the United Arab Emirates, which incorporates the Chambers of Commerce of all seven Emirates.

The Malta Chamber is committed to the implementation of this MOU for the benefit of business communities on both sides. Helga Mizzi, International Relations Advisor at The Malta Chamber participated in the exchanges.

23/7/24 – H.E. Kenneth Vella, Malta’s Ambassador to Estonia recently called at The Malta Chamber for a meeting with President Chris Vassallo Cesareo. Discussions addressed the ever-increasing potential between the two countries, particularly in the sectors of digital innovation, education and tourism. Ambassador Vella conveyed his willingness to work closely with The Malta Chamber to consolidate existing prospects for the Maltese business community.  On his part, President Vassallo Cesareo referred to the Memorandum of Understanding facilitating contacts with the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and thanked the Ambassador for his positive and results-driven approach.

12/7/24 – The Malta Chamber President, Chris Vassallo Cesareo, received High Commissioners Gloria Gangte and Reuben Gauci to discuss commercial and business exchanges with India. Mr Vassallo Cesareo spoke of the successes registered in the pharmaceutical sector and referred to emerging opportunities in the areas of renewable energy, research and innovation, education and connectivity. The President welcomed the willingness shown by the two High Commissioners to intensify business contacts between the two countries through their contacts with The Malta Chamber.

4/7/24 – A virtual meeting was held between The Malta Chamber and the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The exchanges revolved around trade relations between Malta and Greece, focussing primarily on the role that the two Chambers can play to further broaden contacts between business communities. Following the exchanges, Presidents Chris Vassallo Cesareo and Sofia Kounenaki Efraimoglu signed a Memorandum of Understanding covering areas of cooperation between the two Chambers.  Ambassadors Tasia Athanasiou and Joseph Cuschieri participated in the meeting.

1/7/24 – A delegation from The Malta Chamber, led by President Chris Vassallo Cesareo met with counterparts from the Qatar Chamber of Commerce and the Qatar Free Zones to discuss the possible strengthening of contacts and exchanges between the business communities of the two countries.

The speakers gave detailed presentations of their respective entities’ operations with a view of identifying common interests and points of convergence. The Malta Chamber conveyed appreciation to H.E. Simon Pullicino, Ambassador of Malta to Qatar, for facilitating the meeting.

21/6/24 – Mr. Himadrish Suwan, Chairperson, Confederation of Young Leaders of India called on Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo, President of The Malta Chamber,  to personally present a copy of “Exploring Malta”.  The book was jointly published by the Confederation of Young Leaders of India and the Confederation of Indian Universities to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Malta and India.  Mr Vassallo Cesareo conveyed his thanks to Mr Suwan for the gesture and commended his engagement in global youth leadership.

10/6/24 – Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo recently held a meeting with Mr Louis Vella, Malta’s Honorary Consul in San Francisco, at The Malta Chamber.  During the exchanges, Mr Vella gave an overview of possible openings for the Maltese business community in the city, as well as the State of California more broadly.  President Vassallo Cesareo thanked the Hon Consul for his visit and congratulated him on the results achieved in his capacity of Dean of the San Francisco Consular Corps College.

5/6/24 – H.E. Godfrey Xuereb, Malta’s Ambassador to the United States of America visited The Malta Chamber and held a meeting with President Chris Vassallo Cesareo. The exchanges dealt with the ample potential for direct links in the education, tourism, alternative energy, digitalisation and women entrepreneurship among others.  Reference was made to the possibility for The Malta Chamber to address the network of Malta’s Honorary Consuls and the Malta-North America Business Council in the coming months. Youth exchanges, especially those providing for hands-on apprenticeships were identified as a possible deliverable that can be pursued jointly. The Ambassador, who is also accredited to Mexico, expanded upon the growing opportunities provided by this country to foreign business partners.

3/6/24 – An EU-Egypt Investment Conference taking place on 29-30 June in Cairo was the subject of exchanges held during a meeting between HE Khaled Anis, Ambassador of Egypt and The Malta Chamber. President Chris Vassallo Cesareo thanked the Ambassador for bringing this event to the attention of The Malta Chamber and its members and augured this ambitious initiative every success. On his part, the Ambassador provided details on the main sectors that will be addressed during the Conference ranging from international partnerships, digital and green economy, socio-economic resilience among others.

31/5/24 – The long-standing and excellent relations between the Maltese and Italian business communities were extensively discussed during a meeting held recently at The Malta Chamber. H.E. Fabrizio Romano, Ambassador of Italy and Chris Vassallo Cesareo had the opportunity to exchange views on the strong points of these unique ties and agreed that Malta and Italy are natural partners in the sectors of commerce and industry. The two sides exchanged ideas and plans on hands on, joint initiatives that will be taken in the coming months to further consolidate and broaden the ever-growing potential. The Malta Chamber Vice Presidents William Spiteri Bailey, Mark Bajada and Helga Mizzi, International Relations Advisor, together with Andrea Varischetti, Deputy Head of Mission at the Italian Embassy contributed actively to the talks.

29/5/24 – H.E. Roberto Buontempo, Ambassador of Malta to Hungary visited The Malta Chamber for a meeting that focused on the growing business contacts between the two countries. Several Maltese success stories have paved the way for increased interest in Malta’s private sector by the Hungarian business community. The sectors of health, education, tourism, hospitality and energy presently provide substantial potential that could be tapped by Maltese entrepreneurs. President Chris Vassallo Cesareo commended the Ambassador on the inroads that have been made thus far and assured him that The Malta Chamber will continue to support all endeavours aiming at registering visible results. Reference was also made to the Business Europe Conference which will be held in Budapest in June, where Mr Vassallo Cesareo will be representing The Malta Chamber.

27/5/24 – As his term in office as Ambassador of China to Malta draws to a close, H.E. Yu Dun Hai was invited to The Malta Chamber for a farewell meeting.  President Chris Vassallo Cesareo thanked the Ambassador for the solid contribution he made to increased Malta-China business and people-to-people contacts during his tenure. This point of view was fully echoed by H.E. Dun Hai who conveyed his appreciation to the collaboration extended by the Malta Chamber to the Embassy over the years. Mr William Spiteri Bailey Vice-President and Ms Helga Mizzi, International Relations Advisor also wished every success to the Ambassador in his upcoming ventures.

22/5/24 – The Ambassador of the Netherlands to Malta, H.E. Djoeke Adimi-Koekkoek held a meeting with The Malta Chamber President, Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo to further explore possibilities in developing and expanding for Dutch-Maltese business opportunities. The two sides agreed on the value of joint efforts to guide entrepreneurs in the right direction and provide them with innovative opportunities to interact more closely. The link between good governance and business was discussed with President Vassallo Cesareo expanding on initiatives taken by The Malta Chamber in this regard. The importance of incentivising youth entrepreneurship was also raised during the exchanges.

20/5/24 – A virtual meeting was held between The Malta Chamber and the Embassy of Malta in Tokyo. Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo, President of The Malta Chamber welcomed the growing interest shown from Japanese side in engaging more closely with the Maltese private sector. This increased momentum is expected to intensify in the run up to the EXPO 2025 which will be hosted by the city of Osaka.  The Malta Chamber will be strengthening its visibility in Japan through its contacts with the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI). On his part, Ambassador André Spiteri expressed appreciation of the initiatives taken by The Malta Chamber to broaden and deepen business contacts with Japan. The two sides agreed on the potential that can be tapped especially in tourism, education, mobility and the maritime sectors. Helga Mizzi, International Relations Advisor at The Malta Chamber facilitated, and participated in the meeting.

16/5/24 – The Malta Chamber President, Chris Vassallo Cesareo held a meeting with Guihua Chen, the newly appointed commercial counsellor at the Embassy of China in Malta. The two sides discussed the present state, and future prospects, for commercial and business contacts between respective business communities. The Malta Chamber continues to consolidate its international outreach to give ensure that its members are given as many opportunities with foreign partners as possible.  

10/5/24 – The Malta Chamber President Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo received Mr Charles Rush, Regional Agricultural Attaché from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to discuss existing and emerging potential for stronger exchanges in various fields between Maltese and US entrepreneurs.

The Foreign Agricultural Service has the primary responsibility for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s international activities – market development, trade policies, and the collection, analysis and reporting of market information. Ms Maria Cassar and Ms Helga Mizzi from the US Embassy and The Malta Chamber respectively participated in the exchanges.

8/5/24 – H.E. Tadahiko Yamaguchi Chargé d’Affaires at the Embassy of Japan in Malta called at The Malta Chamber earlier this week for an introductory meeting.

The Malta Chamber delegation welcomed the opening of the Embassy of Japan in Malta earlier this year as an important landmark in the further strengthening of contacts in the investment, trade and business sectors.

The teaching of English language in Malta and two-way tourism were also discussed. Mr Yamaguchi took the opportunity to brief The Malta Chamber on the plans underway by the city of Osaka to host the 2025 Expo.

7/5/24 – The Malta Chamber President Chris Vassallo Cesareo, Vice Presidents William Spiteri Bailey and Mark Bajada, and International Relations Advisor Helga Mizzi, met with the High Commissioner of Australia to Malta, H.E. Matthew Skelly.

Exchanges focused on hands-on initiatives between The Malta Chamber, the High Commission and other Australian stakeholders to transform the strong potential in the business and investment sectors into concrete deliverables. Youth and the Australian-Maltese community were also identified as important contributors to enhanced and innovative business connections.

2/5/24 – H.E. Jeffrey Curmi, Ambassador of Malta to The Netherlands this afternoon called on The Malta Chamber President, Chris Vassallo Cesareo. The exchanges dealt with existing and emerging avenues for enhanced contacts.  The discussion also centred on the identification of sectors of mutual interest for trade and investment between the two countries. Helga Mizzi, International Relations Advisor at The Malta Chamber also participated in the meeting.

19/4/24 – The Malta Chamber President Chris Vassallo Cesareo received H.E. José María Muriel Palomino, Ambassador of Spain together with representatives from the Spanish Economic and Commercial Office accredited to Malta.

The discussion focused on existing and emerging openings for tangible cooperation between the business communities in the two countries, making best use of The Malta Chamber’s expertise.

Both sides expressed their mutual willingness to deliver concrete results through joint initiatives and events. Helga Mizzi, International Relations Advisor at The Malta Chamber accompanied the President during this meeting.

01/03/24 – Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo, President of The Malta Chamber, extended a warm welcome to H.E Santos Álvaro, the High Commissioner of the Republic of Mozambique, who recently presented his credentials in Malta.

During their meeting, Mr. Álvaro explained the diverse investment opportunities available in Mozambique, expressing a keen interest in fostering stronger economic cooperation and exploring avenues for mutually beneficial collaboration between the two nations.

Accompanying Mr. Álvaro were the Honorary Consul for Mozambique in Malta, Mr Karl Farrugia Wismayer, and Ms Alcinda Salvado, Counselor at the Mozambique Embassy in Italy. Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo was joined by Ms Julia Aquilina, Policy Executive at The Malta Chamber.

14/02/24 – Chris Vassallo Cesareo, The Malta Chamber President, met with Aelita Čākure, First Secretary and Deputy Head of Mission from the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in Italy. The purpose of this meeting was to engage in comprehensive discussions surrounding the crucial topic of internationalisation, exploring avenues for collaboration and mutual benefit between Malta and Latvia in the global arena.

22/12/23 – President Mr. Chris Vassallo Cesareo received H.E Matt Skelly, the High Commissioner of Australia to Malta, at The Malta Chamber. The purpose of this meeting was to delve into the realm of industry-based skills development and the exchange of best practices, emphasizing a collaborative approach to further enriching the business landscape. The meeting was also attended by Julia Aquilina, Policy Executive at The Malta Chamber.

12/12/23 – H.E Nathaniel Imperial alongside the Honorary Consul to Malta for the Republic of the Philippines Mr Roger Strickland met with the President of The Malta Chamber, Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo and engaged in a collaborative dialogue with The Malta Chamber. This meeting marked a significant step in enhancing bilateral relations and exploring avenues of mutual benefit.

The discussion emphasized exploring trade opportunities that capitalize on the strengths of both nations including identifying sectors of mutual interest for trade and investment.

The meeting was also attended by Julia Aquilina, Policy Executive at The Malta Chamber.

5/12/23 – In a significant diplomatic encounter, the Maltese Ambassador to Japan, H.E Andre Spiteri, engaged in constructive discussions with The Malta Chamber. This meeting served as a platform to strengthen the ties between Japan and Malta, exploring various collaborative opportunities. This diplomatic engagement underscores the shared values and aspirations of Japan and Malta, paving the way for future collaborations that transcend borders.

28/11/23 – H.E José María Muriel, the Spanish Ambassador to Malta, recently engaged in a fruitful visit to The Malta Chamber, reinforcing the bilateral ties between Spain and Malta. The meeting, held in a spirit of collaboration, delved into various areas of mutual interest and economic cooperation.

Ambassador Muriel conveyed Spain’s commitment to fostering a strong and mutually beneficial relationship with Malta. The Malta Chamber reciprocated the sentiment, expressing eagerness to explore and capitalize on the identified areas of interest.

20/11/2023 – Earlier today, The Malta Chamber President, Chris Vassallo Cesareo, met with H.E Ambassador of the Republic of Malta to the State of Qatar, Simon Pullicino, and discussed investment opportunities and mutual areas of economic benefit.

3/8/2023 – Chris Vassallo Cesareo, The Malta Chamber President, welcomed H.E. Catherine Ward, the British High Commissioner, as they engaged in matters of shared importance.

Among the focal points of their meeting were discussions centered around sustainable technologies, infrastructure development, the importance of entrepreneurship and education, and sustainable mobility. Additionally, both parties explored promising avenues for collaborative initiatives, aimed at fortifying and deepening the existing bilateral relationship.

In attendance were Ms Julia Aquilina, Policy and Internationalisation Executive at The Malta Chamber and Ms Michaela Rizzo, Political Officer with the British High Commission.

26/7/2023 – H.E. Mr Khaled Anis, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt met with the President of The Malta Chamber, Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo to discuss trade and investment relations between the two countries. The discussion focused on exploring ways in which both parties can collaborate further to strengthen the business relationships between Maltese and Egyptian businesses.

6/7/2023 – President of The Malta Chamber, Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo welcomed Algerian Ambassador to Malta, H.E. Abdelkarim Touharia. The parties promised increased communication and collaboration on how both countries could benefit from further economic collaboration on various priority areas such as tourism, pharmaceuticals, and startups.

President Vassallo Cesareo was joined by Policy and Internationalisation Executive, Ms Julia Aquilina and Ambassador Mr Touharia was joined by Mr Anis Lahdir, Ms Manel Messaoud and Ms Somia Hadef.

31/5/23 – The Malta Chamber welcomed a German delegation led by the Honorary Consul of Malta in Saxony and Saxony Anhalt, Mr Detlef Bischoff focusing on opportunities of collaboration between companies of both countries. During his introductory speech, President of The Malta Chamber, Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo emphasised the importance of German-Maltese economic and trade relations. Furthermore, CEO, Dr Marthese Portelli gave a presentation focusing on the processes of doing business in Malta.

Board Member of The Malta Chamber, Mr Philip Seifret concluded the session by encouraging The Malta Chamber members to get involved and contribute to the Maltese-German Business Council which is tasked with planning mutually beneficial events.

29/5/23 – President of The Malta Chamber, Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo welcomed the Chairperson of the Confederation of Young Leaders, New Delhi, Mr Himadrish Suwan as part of his ongoing visit to Malta to present the publication titled “Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Vision for Swachh Bharat: Transforming Lives, Building New India” published by the Confederation of Young Leaders. Mr Vassallo Cesareo and Mr Suwan also discussed youth entrepreneurship, education and governance.

24/5/23 – President of The Malta Chamber, Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo welcomed Mr Zvonomir Popovikj, Minister Counsellor at the North Macedonian Embassy and Honorary Consul, Mr Matthew Fenech to discuss possible collaborations between the two countries on the areas of hospitality, retail and tech and increased connectivity. The meeting was also attended by Policy Executive, Ms Julia Aquilina.

9/5/23 – President of The Malta Chamber, Mr Chris Vassalo Cesareo and CEO of The Malta Chamber, Dr Marthese Portelli welcomed a US Delegation led by the Regional Agricultural Attache’ from the US Department of Agriculture, Mr Charles Rush.  During the meeting, the parties discussed the existing commercial relationship between the two countries, and how this can be further developed by increasing both imports and exports.  

The meeting was also attended by Policy Executive at The Malta Chamber, Ms Julia Aquilina and representatives from the Embassy of the United States of America, Political and Economic Officer, Ms Morgan Andrews, Commercial and Economic Specialist Ms Maria Cassar and Agricultural Assistant, Mr Dimosthenis Faniadis.  

2/5/2023 – President of The Malta Chamber, Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo met with H.E Ambassador Ms Elissa Golberg, Ambassador of Canada to Italy, Albania and San Marino and High Commissioner to Malta. During the meeting, the parties discussed key developments in both economies with a focus on priority sectors such as tech and renewable energy.

The meeting was also attended by Policy Executive at The Malta Chamber, Ms Julia Aquilina and representatives within the Trade Commissioner Service Team within The Canadian Embassy, Senior Trade Commissioner, Ms Sameena Qureshi and Trade Commissioner Mr Matthew Kalisz.

17/4/23 – The newly appointed President of The Malta Chamber, Mr Chis Vassallo Cesareo met with the Honorary Consul for Malta in The Gambia, Mr Fady Hocheimy to discuss the commercial opportunities that are emerging in this West African country.

The Chairperson of Trade Malta, Ms Liz Barbaro Sant and Mr Anton Buttigieg, CEO also attended the meeting together with Mr Lino Mintoff, Advisor International Relations and Ms Julia Aquilina, Executive. The meeting also focused on a convergent approach in identifying the relevant commercial collaboration and opportunities for the future.

28/3/23 – The newly appointed Ambassador of the United States of America, H.E. Ms Constance J. Milstein paid a courtesy visit to The Malta Chamber. She was met by the President, Ms Marisa Xuereb and Vice President, Ms Liz Barbaro Sant.

During the meeting, the good relations between the two countries and commercial ties were discussed. Both parties also expressed their satisfaction on the positive outcome of the recently organised course for the Academy of Women Entrepreneurs.

27/3/23 – H.E. Ms Mirta Granda Averhoff, Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba in Italy, Malta and SanMarino and non-resident Ambassador to Cuba, H.E. Mr Andre Damato met with the President of The Malta Chamber, Ms Marisa Xuereb and Policy Executive, Ms Julia Aquilina to discuss key developments in the Cuban pharmaceutical industry and other priority sectors and investment opportunities in Cuba.

Ambassador Granda Averhoff was also accompanied by Ms Simona Petrozzi and Ms Gabriela Gamez Granda.

15/3/23 – The Rome Expo 2030 Promoting Committee visited The Malta Chamber to present its candidacy for the forthcoming EXPO 2030. The delegation explained the concept, themes and special features of their proposal.

The committee was met by Ms Marisa Xuereb, President, Mr Christopher Vassallo Cesareo, Deputy President of The Malta Chamber and Mr Lino Mintoff, Advisor – International Relations.

24/2/23 – H.E. Ms Gabriela Dancau Ambassador of Romania met with the President of #TheMaltaChamber, Ms Marisa Xuereb and Chairperson of TradeMalta, Ms Liz Barbaro Sant (who is also Vice President of The Malta Chamber) to discuss trade and investment relations between the two countries and the importance of ease of doing business.

All parties agreed to continue discussions to explore commercial opportunities with the relevant stakeholders. The meeting was also attended by Mr Eugen Rosca, Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy and Ms Julia Aquilina, Policy and Technical Support Executive. 

13/2/23 – H.E. Mr Khaled Anis, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt met with the President of #TheMaltaChamber, Ms Marisa Xuereb and Chairperson of TradeMalta, Ms Liz Barbaro Sant (who is also Vice President of The Malta Chamber) to discuss #trade and investment relations between the two countries.

All parties agreed to continue with the discussions to examine in more detail the commercial opportunities with all relevant stakeholders in #Malta and #Egypt. The meeting was also attended by Mr Abram Wagdy, Second Secretary, Mr Anton Buttigieg, CEO, TradeMalta and Mr Lino Mintoff, Advisor – International Relations, The Malta Chamber.

13/1/23 – Commercial collaboration between Malta and Slovakia and the planning of events of mutual interest were discussed during a meeting at The Malta Chamber between H.E. Ms Karla Wursterová, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovakia and Ms Marisa Xuereb, President of The Malta Chamber.

The meeting was also attended by Mr Godwin Bencini, Honorary Consul General and Mr Lino Mintoff, Advisor – International Relations.

18/12/22 – The High Commissioner H.E. Ms. Gloria Gangte met with the President Ms Marisa Xuereb during her first visit to The Malta Chamber. The meeting was described as a positive meeting wherein they discussed the excellent relationship between Malta and India and how to enhance further the developing commercial ties between Indian and Maltese companies.

It was acknowledged that India is a major source of foreign workers for Malta in several sectors, such as healthcare and engineering, and all efforts need to be made to ensure that Maltese companies that need skilled resources are able to source them within a reasonable timeframe and Indian workers coming to Malta are able to settle into their jobs.

16/12/22 – A Hungarian delegation headed by Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó visited for the second time since 2018 The Malta Chamber.

During this meeting, the 2 delegations discussed the following:

The Hungarian delegation consisted of H.E. Ambassador Ádám Zoltán KOVÁCS, Ms Krisztina VARJU, Deputy State Secretary for European bilateral relations (MFA) and Ms Dóra ZOMBORI, Deputy State Secretary for Security of energy supply (MFA).

The Maltese delegation, headed by The Malta Chamber President Marisa Xuereb, consisted of Mr Nick Xuereb, Vice President of The Malta Chamber, Dr Marthese Portelli, CEO of The Malta Chamber, Mr Lino Mintoff, Advisor – International Relations, and Ms Rachel Attard, Head of Media and Communications Strategy at The Malta Chamber.

13/10/22 – Finland’s trade and commercial relationship and opportunities with Malta were discussed at a meeting held with Ms Silvia Paananen, Counsellor, Trade and Investment from the Embassy of Finland in Rome.

This meeting was coordinated with the active participation of Malta’s Non-Resident Ambassador, Dr Kenneth Vella. During the discussion, Ms Marisa Xuereb, President of The Malta Chamber outlined a number of potential areas for collaboration in R&D and innovationeducation and smart mobility amongst others.

Mr Simon Arrigo, Honorary Consul General and Mr Lino Mintoff, Advisor – International Relations participated in the meeting.

5/10/22 – The newly appointed Honorary Consul for the Czech Republic in Malta, Mr John de Giorgio visited The Malta Chamber. He was met by Ms Marisa Xuereb, President and Mr Lino Mintoff, Advisor – International Relations.

Both parties agreed that there are several opportunities, be it commercial or cultural, that may be tapped to revive the excellent relationship between the two countries. The Honorary Consul invited all those who may have an interest to do business with the Czech Republic to come forward to create a supportive environment for an enhanced trade relationship.

25/8/22 – The Ambassador of Pakistan, H.E. Mr Tahir Hussain Andrabi, paid a courtesy visit to the Malta Chamber. He was met by Ms Marisa Xuereb, President of The Malta Chamber.

Both parties have agreed that there are considerable opportunities to enhance the trade cooperation between the two countries. The Malta Chamber will be signing a co-operation agreement with the Federation of Pakistani Chambers to enhance the relationship and cooperation on more practical terms.

The meeting was also attended by Mr Lino Mintoff, Advisor – International Relations and Mr Zia ul Noor. Mr Zia has been appointed as Pakistan’s Honorary Investment Counsellor in Malta by the Board of Investment (BOI) of the Government of Pakistan.

14/7/22 – The Maltese Ambassador to Tunisia, H.E. Mr Simon Pullicino paid a courtesy visit to The Malta Chamber. He was met by Ms Marisa Xuereb, President and Mr Lino Mintoff Advisor – International Relations. This meeting followed a successful trade mission from Tunisia which took place in May.

During this positive meeting, future collaboration and commercial opportunities were discussed to strengthen the good relations between the two countries.

28/6/22 – H.E. Ms Jenny Cartmill, Australian High Commissioner met with Ms Marisa Xuereb, President of The Malta Chamber and Mr Lino Mintoff, Advisor-International Relations.

A constructive and optimistic discussion followed touching upon the enhancement of opportunities for trade and investment, Malta’s current economic outlook, and progress on the Australia-EU Free Trade Agreement.

17/6/22 – The President of The Malta Chamber, Ms Marisa Xuereb met with H.E. Mr. Duong Hai Hung, the newly appointed Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Malta. Both parties agreed that there are trade and commercial opportunities to be explored through a closer relationship and mutual understanding of each other country’s potential. The meeting was also attended by Ms Hoang Oanh, First Secretary and Alternate Permanent representative of Vietnam to Rome-based UN agencies and Mr Lino Mintoff, Advisor – International Relations.

25/4/22 – Earlier this week, H.E. Mr Attakarn Wongchanamas, Ambassador of Thailand, and Mr Pornsith Pibulnakarintr, Deputy Chief of Mission paid a courtesy visit to The MaltaChamber. He was met by Ms Marisa Xuereb, President of The Malta Chamber and Mr Lino Mintoff, Advisor – International Relations.

The Ambassador presented the new sustainability policies and reforms that Thailand is embarking on and encouraged the enhancement of more commercial collaboration in various sectors between the two countries.

19/4/22 – The Ambassador was greeted by The Malta Chamber President, Ms Marisa Xuereb. Both parties agreed that the trade relations between the two EU 🇪🇺 partners have the potential to improve substantially. Malta and Greece share the same Mediterranean identity and experiences which could be the basis to further understanding and collaboration to exchange best practices and technology transfer in areas of respective excellence. The meeting was also attended by Mr Lino Mintoff Advisor – International Relations.

6/4/22 – H.E. Mr Khaled Anis, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt called upon The Malta Chamber where he was met by President Marisa Xuereb.

The Egyptian Ambassador expressed his wish to strengthen the bilateral relations between the respective commercial communities. He outlined several opportunities that may be tapped for the benefit of both countries. He also augured that travel between Malta and Egypt will soon return to normal once present Covid 19 restrictions are eased. The Malta Chamber President reiterated the Chamber’s willingness to collaborate and build further the basis for tangible exchange of information and promotion of opportunities with its members.

The meeting was also attended by Mr Abram Wagdy, Second Secretary and Mr Lino Mintoff, Advisor – International Relations.

8/3/22 – The President of The Malta Chamber, Ms Marisa Xuereb met with the Ambassador of the Republic of France, H.E. Agnès von der Mühll at The Malta Chamber.

The French Presidency of the European Union and the situation in Ukraine were discussed. During the meeting, both parties also explored the possibility of enhancing collaboration in the field of education and tourism to encourage exchanges that could benefit students and skilled personnel. The meeting was also attended by Lino Mintoff, Advisor – International Relations.

21/2/22 – Ms Marisa Xuereb, President of The Malta Chamber met with Ms Nosipho Nausca-Jean Jezile, H.E. High Commissioner of South Africa during a courtesy visit to The Malta Chamber in Valletta.

The meeting was also attended by H.E. Mr Denis Vella, non-Resident Ambassador of Malta to South Africa, Mr Ivan Mifsud, Honorary Consul, Mr Luthando Funani, Third Secretary Political and Mr Lino Mintoff, Advisor – International Relations.

Both parties reiterated the positive relationship between the two countries and discussed tangible action to be taken to enhance the opportunities in the commercial sector.