Expression of Interest 2022-2023
Production of L-Intrapriża on TVMNews+

Reference: ‘L-Intrapriża’ EoI 2022
Issued by: The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry & Malta Enterprise
Issue Date: 18 July 2022
Closing Date: 5 August 2022

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry and Malta Enterprise are issuing an EoI for the production of the programme L-Intrapriza which will be aired on TVMnews+ from October 2022 till June 2023.

This TV programme is a continuation of L-Intrapriza carried out in collaboration with Malta Enterprise in 2021-2022. The aim of the TV programme is to give more visibility to teenagers, parents, educators, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders to understand all the different career paths that exist in the industry. At the same time, the viewers will be able to watch how a product is made or how a service is delivered in the country.

EoI responses are to be sent via email on by not later than 5 August 2022. Submissions must clearly indicate the Reference of the EoI.


Movers & Shakers 2022


Dr Joe Zammit-Lucia author of “The New Political Capitalism: How businesses and societies can drive in a deeply politicised world” will be discussing his ideas with Dr Michael Frendo during the book launch on at the Chamber on Thursday, 30th June 2022 at 6 pm.

Joe argues that capitalism has been the most resilient system of political economy because of its ability to adapt to the times. He posits that the latest incarnation can be described as political capitalism – a state where businesses can no longer claim to be apolitical but will need to develop the skills and capabilities to handle the many political issues they will encounter if they wish to drive success.

Joe puts forward a framework for how businesses can develop these skills and embed them in their business models and corporate governance.

The book was selected among the Financial Times business books of the month, book of the week by Money Week magazine, and described as ‘one of the most powerful we have ever featured’ by the RSA.


Dr Joe Zammit-Lucia

With extensive experience both in the business and political worlds, Malta born Dr Joe Zammit-Lucia is a leadership adviser focused on business leadership in contemporary culture, and an author, public speaker and commentator in the international press on the inter-relationship between business and politics.

He is a founder of RADIX – a not-for-profit public policy think tank, and the RADIX Centre for Business, Politics & Society. His business executive experience spanned R&D, marketing, global brand management, strategic planning, industry economics, public policy and general management. He founded then divested his own management consulting firm with offices in Cambridge (UK), New York and Tokyo. He is currently on the Advisory Board of the Singapore Forum for long-term investors and business leaders and an External Advisory Board Member at CEO World.

Currently London based, he has lived and worked in the UK, US, Germany, France, Spain and The Netherlands.

Dr Michael Frendo

Michael Frendo is currently non-executive Chairman of BNF Bank plc and Vice-President of the Venice Commission (Council of Europe European Commission for Democracy through Law). He also Chairs the voluntary organisation St John Malta (Ambulance and Rescue).

Dr Frendo served in Government as Minister of Youth and the Arts, Minister of Transport, Communications and Technology, and Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was a Member of Parliament from 1987 to 2013, the last three years serving as Speaker of the Parliament of Malta.

Michael has received honours from a number of countries, including the Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella la Cattolica from Spain. In December 2013, he was appointed Companion of the Order of Merit (K.O.M.) of the Republic of Malta. He is also a Knight of the Venerable Order of St John.

David Power Appointed Chief Executive Officer Of BNF Bank

Mr Power takes over from Michael Collis, who led the Bank from 2017 until 2022.

David Power was appointed Chief Executive Officer on 1st January 2023. He joins BNF Bank with extensive global experience both in Conventional and Islamic Banking spanning over 30 years.
He has worked in multiple jurisdictions, including South Africa, the Middle East, South East Asia and the UK, holding several executive positions with responsibility for a wide variety of functions including Retail, Commercial, Small Business, Private Banking, Wealth Management and Offshore Banking.

David began his career at Standard Bank of South Africa, where he spent 17 years holding several senior positions including Head of Priority Banking and the Offshore Banking Group. After this he served as Divisional Director for Private Banking at Nedbank, South Africa and then moved to Kuwait as the Deputy General Manager of Gulf Bank. He also held the positions of Group Chief Retail and Private Banking Officer for the National Bank of Oman and Head of Retail Banking for Commercial Bank International, Dubai. Mr Power was also the Group Chief Retail and Private Banking Officer of Kuwait Finance House, Kuwait and later, Chief Executive Officer of Kuwait Finance House, Malaysia.

David is a graduate of the University of Cape Town, South Africa and has several post graduate diplomas. He has a CPIF (Chartered Professional in Islamic Finance), from CIFF Malaysia, an MDP from Ashridge, UK, a PIM from Henley, UK and an OWP from IMD Switzerland.

Mr Power expressed his delight on his appointment. “I am very pleased to be in Malta and honoured to have been appointed Chief Executive Officer of BNF,” he said. “The Bank is embarking on a digital transformation journey over the next couple of years which is going to significantly enhance the customer journey as well as our staff engagement. All this will only enhance our strategy of putting our customers at the center of everything we do. We will continue to strengthen our current position, through our people and our brand, within the Maltese financial services landscape and beyond.”

Mr Power takes over from Michael Collis, who led the Bank from 2017 until 2022. David now heads the BNF Executive Committee, joining Chief Commercial Officer George Debono, Chief Financial Officer Mark Micallef, Chief Legal Officer Dr. Jean Noel Cutajar and Chief Technology Officer Daniel Cutajar in driving the bank forward.

BNF Bank is a key player in Malta’s financial services industry. Offering a wide portfolio of products for both personal and business clients. The Bank operates twelve branches across Malta and Gozo, a Corporate and Business Banking Centre and a trading room. Through the Commercial Banking arm, BNF Bank additionally offers a wide variety of services to retail, family-owned businesses, small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and other corporate customers.

BNF Bank was awarded the 2022 Bank of the Year for Malta by The Banker as announced by the Financial Times for the third consecutive year since 2020.

Re-Design, Development & Support Services of The Malta Chamber Webportal

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (hereinafter referred to as The
Malta Chamber) is issuing this call for Tender for the Re-Design, Development & Support
Services of The Malta Chamber Webportal (The Project).

The Malta Chamber is the independent voice of the private sector in Malta. Its principal mission
is to actively represent companies from all economic sectors and ensure that entrepreneurs
enjoy the best competitive environment and regulatory conditions possible for the conduct of
ethical business.

As a business support organisation, The Malta Chamber is there to ensure that its members
quickly and easily access the support, services and information they need to help their businesses
succeed and grow.

The scope of this Call for Tender (hereinafter referred to as CfT) is therefore to obtain proposals
from interested companies to enable The Malta Chamber to choose a partner to design, develop,
host, maintain and support The Project in such a way that it meets the conditions and
requirements as outlined in this document.

Expression Of Interest: Production Of L-INTRAPRIŻA On TVMNEWS+

Reference:      ‘L-Intrapriża’ EoI 2021

Issued by:       The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry & Malta Enterprise

Issue Date:      Wednesday 18 August 2021

Closing Date:  Friday 27 August 2021 @ 12.00hrs

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry and Malta Enterprise are issuing an EoI for the production of the programme L-Intrapriza  which will be aired on TVMnews+ from October 2021 till June 2022.

The Programme follows on the success of the ‘Make IT’ series carried out by The Malta Chamber in collaboration with Malta Enterprise in 2019, a campaign aimed at encouraging young people to consider a career in the manufacturing industry. The campaign may be viewed at

With this in mind, The Malta Chamber and Malta Enterprise developed a new concept consisting of a series of TV episodes partially modelled on the ‘Make It’ series.  It will consist of:

  • Interviewing and filming individuals working in the manufacturing and other related industries,
  • Underlining the realities faced by local business operators, and
  • Highlighting the support that both The Malta Chamber and Malta Enterprise provide to these industries, businesses and enterprises.

Each episode will also include the most recent local business news and events organised by The Malta Chamber and Malta Enterprise.

EoI responses are to be sent via email on  Submissions must clearly indicate the Reference of the EoI.


The clarifications can be downloaded here

Energy and Water Financing Measures

Download the WEMA Consent Form

Download the WP1 MBB Enterprise Database

“A Six-Hour Working Day Gives Us A Competitive Edge”

Meet Good Game Ltd, the iGaming company that’s making the most of its time.

What’s in a day? It’s a question that Toni Halonen, CEO of iGaming company Good Game Ltd put a lot of thought into when starting to employ people in 2016.

Originally, the 35-year-old from Finland moved to Malta to become a professional poker player with his cousin Ville Sissonen, but instead the pair took a different kind of gamble and launched a business.

The men wanted to recruit the best, but knew they’d struggle to stand out among the other hundreds of gaming companies operating on the island.

So they decided to offer employees a six-hour working day.

“It’s been very successful for us,” Toni says. “Last year we sold two of our biggest websites in Finland, with one selling for €15 million.”

But where did they come up with the idea of the shorter working day?

“When we were building the business, we asked ourselves what kind of company we would like to work for. We’d done content writing jobs in the past and know that doing it for eight hours can be very tedious. We’d heard that some companies in Sweden have had good results, so we said we would try it.”

Good Game is now building its first non-Finnish website, Bojoko – which in fact, is Spanish for “good game” – which works as a marketplace for UK-licensed online casinos.

It now employs 12 people at its office in Gzira, in a relaxed environment where staff can pad around in slippers and lounge in swinging rattan chairs. It’s all very Scandinavian!

“Retention has been very good which has saved me a lot of time on recruiting and training new people,” Toni says as we sit in the sun-drenched whiteness of the company terrace. “Our shorter work day has also become our brand and it has people in the industry talking. I ask my staff to come to work anytime between 8am and noon, but ultimately, it’s up to them. The extra time gives them a chance to do more of what they like.”

Front-end programmer Esa Holla agrees. The 28-year-old moved here from Finland two years ago after he was contacted by Toni. “I had to look up where Malta was on a map, but as soon as I saw all the sunshine it gets, I was sold.”

“I usually come in around nine or ten o’clock, but some days if I’m tired I’ll come in later. It’s a flexible six hours, so if I feel tired in the middle of the day, I’ll go home and take a nap and continue working from home once I wake up. Sometimes I work longer than six hours and work a shorter day the day after. I’ve used my extra hours to start my own company with a friend. I have more energy and the quality of my work is better. I used to work a standard eight-hour day and I think most people spend the extra two hours just talking nonsense with their co-workers or drinking coffee. It would take a lot for me to leave. I’ve already been offered other jobs for more money in places like the UK, but I’m not interested.”

His colleague, art director Ilkka Tauriainen, 35 also enjoys the company’s flexibility. “I’m usually one of the first people into the office in the morning. I work a straight six or seven hours through if I take a break and then go home. I use my extra hours to play online with my friends, watch TV or just chill. We get 26 holidays a year and we can also work during the public holidays if we want to get that time back or use it on another date.”

But Toni admits there is one negative.

“There is one component that is missing from a six-hour work day and that’s enough time for face-to-face interaction, or just brainstorming. We do have short meetings, but we don’t really have time to just chat and be creative in that way.”

So as someone who moved to Malta initially to be a professional poker player, would Toni encourage other CEOs to gamble on a six-hour working day?

“I have mixed feelings about other companies doing it, as it makes us stand out and be competitive within the market,” Toni admits. “But I would like to see a change in the industry so that more people can benefit.”

“I don’t think a big company would to it because they might be too scared to make such a big change, but it’s definitely something a start-up like us could try from the beginning.”

“While I can’t compare if it’s made a difference to our bottom line because we have never worked an eight-hour day, I do know that some companies have made the switch from eight-hour days to six-hour days and been successful!”