Looking Ahead

It is highly unlikely that we will forget 2020 very easily. The year that started quite unremarkably, turned out to be an unprecedented unfolding of events that took the entire planet by surprise. 2020 seriously put world economies to the test, and brought global social systems to their knees.

With the spread of Coronavirus, in the early months of 2020, the world was forced to rethink its priorities as it grappled with an ignored and forgotten force of nature that took everyone unawares. Locally this was no exception, as the virus forced the country into a partial lock-down.

The Malta Chamber, while itself already designing and managing an internal restructuring process, embraced this time to become closer to its members than ever before, as well as reach out to entirely new business sectors which had developed or reorganised over the recent years. The pandemic brought about a positive sense of collegial thinking and a very strong appreciation for aligned personal and business sector energies.

In fact, 2020 was a year which offered an undeniable opportunity to truly focus on what matters most as driven by the core values of The Malta Chamber.
COVID is still very much a reality and numbers are not showing any sign of slowing down. Yet hope reveals itself bright on the horizon as a number of reputable research institutions are in advanced stages of commercialising their vaccine solutions, with distribution systems being deployed as early as December of this year.

This sheds light on a very important matter. As we all look forward to a new form of stability, will we be going back to the ways of old, and simply place this challenging year behind us? Shall we throw away lessons learnt in the past months? I hope not. Shall we benefit from the sacrifices we have made as a business community as derived from strong life principles such as honesty, integrity and respect for each other, our employees and our loved ones?
The COVID 19 crisis pushed us into a tight corner, the only way out of which was a heightened sense of courage, ingenuity and flexibility. Some of us were agile in pivoting their entire business model from one sector to the next, as they saw opportunities there for the taking. Our Chamber of Commerce has nurtured, supported and motivated this value and will continue to do so even after COVID in order to enshrine this ambition of becoming better at a personal level and also at a corporate level during every day of our lives.

This is why the Chamber worked hard to support and promote a Business Re-engineering Scheme to the Government in July. The objective was to ensure that all businesses will embrace the opportunity to analyse and test their economic models led by business leaders who embark on a personalised restructuring journey aimed at smart and sustainable objectives to develop into resilient business models. The scheme was launched in November, and we are convinced that it will make a real difference for businesses, the national economy and the quality of life of our nation.

This is an excerpt from the upcoming Economic Vision magazine, which will be delivered to members in the coming days. In this edition of Economic Vision the country’s foremost political and business leaders will reflect on the challenging yet insightful year behind us, while expressing their ambitions and plans for the one ahead.

HSBC Malta awarded mental wellbeing Gold Certificate by The Richmond Foundation for a second time

HSBC Bank Malta has once again been awarded a Gold Certificate by The Richmond Foundation after upskilling 10 per cent of its employees, mainly line managers, as mental health first aiders. This is the second time that HSBC has been awarded this certification, after having become the first corporate entity in Malta to receive it in 2018.

In stark contrast to 2018, this year’s training was carried out in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. This not only meant that the course had to be conducted online but it also called for special focus on the specific mental health challenges arising from such an unprecedented situation.

Simon Vaughan Johnson, CEO of HSBC Malta, said: “HSBC has a longstanding commitment to the mental wellbeing of all its people. Having been the first corporate entity in Malta to receive the Richmond Foundation’s Gold Certificate in 2018, it was time to refresh the training of those who participated last time and upskill new colleagues. Of course, this new training could not have come at a more important time given the uncertainties and challenges which Covid-19 has created and which we are all adjusting to.”

“Richmond is honoured to be celebrating this milestone with HSBC, one of the most active companies which invests significantly in its employees’ wellbeing. This recertification in Mental Health First Aid means that HSBC employees across different levels are now better equipped in identifying emerging mental health issues amongst their colleagues, and effectively supporting them in seeking the appropriate help. Mental health awareness is a source of resilience, which is one characteristic which will see people through the pandemic in a sustainable manner commented Stephania Dimech Sant, CEO of Richmond Foundation Malta.

HSBC Malta has worked with the Richmond Foundation for almost two decades to ensure that all its employees have access to advice and professional assistance on managing mental health.

Empowering Manufacturing in Malta

Addressing an online dialogue session organised by The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, Mr Joe Pace, Chair of the Manufacturing and Other Industries Economic Group executive committee said that the Manufacturing sector was a crucial mainstay of the Maltese economy, and all parties needed to make sure to do all possible to guarantee its permanence.

The event was open exclusively for members of The Malta Chamber from the Manufacturing sector. The online dialogue session brought together, Hon. Silvio Schembri, Hon. Miriam Dalli and Mr Kurt Farrugia, as attendees had an opportunity to ask questions related to their sector.
Mr Pace said that “even at a time of crisis, the Manufacturing sector provided an anchor for the Maltese economy as for many months it was the only sector which continued to provide stability, and employment for thousands.”

The Manufacturing group chair said that understandably, Government had focused its assistance during the Covid crisis to other sectors which were harder hit. “While we understand that sectors such as hospitality, retail and catering needed the immediate assistance of Government as they were forced to close their doors as soon as the pandemic started to spread, Manufacturing now needs attention as forecasts for the industry are of concern unless the right decisions are taken”.

“The costs related to pay roll and energy in the manufacturing industry are at an uninterrupted increase, which threaten to put the country’s competitiveness in serious trouble” Joe Pace said. The Malta Chamber on behalf of its members operating in this field has proposed a series of measures intended to help Manufacturing, among which, a reduction of utility rates for industry, a more efficient rapid testing for employees who cannot work from home as well as a revision of the quarantine assistance scheme.

“Support towards the manufacturing sector should be prioritised to not only deal with the issues that Covid-19 has created, but to emerge stronger than ever after the pandemic” he concluded.

When addressing the Q&A session, Minister for the Economy and Industry, Silvio Schembri, remarked that besides labour, the biggest challenge for the industry was the lack of infrastructure and the scarcity of industrial facilities and space. ‘This is why we launched the biggest industrial infrastructural investment programme in our nation’s history, which shall give a competitive edge to our firms and lower operating costs considerably, which will also push for the adoption of the greenest technologies possible, as well as it shall showcase the transformation of our economy,’ said Minister Schembri. Minister Schembri added that now that the inclusion of the Lands’ Authority within this Ministry will accelerate the implementation of the €470 million industrial infrastructure investment program. Minister Schembri added that education and training are key for both current workforce and future generations. ‘Businesses must think digitally. With the inclusion of the digital economy sector within this Ministry, we shall now delve into the opportunities this sector holds, as well as enhance the economic area in high value-added manufacturing industry,’ said Minister Schembri. ‘In order to strengthen Malta’s competitiveness we must first ensure that on the ground we have adequate space and skills for businesses to flourish,’ said Minister Schembri.

Minister Miriam Dalli said “The setting up of the new Ministry for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development is a clear indication of the government’s vision in taking our country forward. The Chamber has been a strong voice in advocating for smart thinking and ensuring sustainable solutions. I am convinced that together we can come up with innovative responses to address today’s challenges. By finding the best responses to the challenges brought about by the pandemic, we will also be able to prepare our businesses for a more sustainable future that supports the industry, provides good quality jobs and a better quality of life for our citizens.”

Addressing the event, Malta Enterprise CEO Kurt Farrugia said “All throughout the pandemic Malta Enterprise kept direct contact with each and every manufacturing company to understand the changing realities of this vital niche of our economy. We are committed to deepen this dialogue in the next months to face the challenges that are still around the corner. We are also ready to provide further assistance through support measures for our manufacturing industry to future proof their operations and make them more sustainable.”

The event offered the exclusive opportunity to Malta Chamber members to ask questions, and get answers directly from the country’s highest authorities in their respective field. Attendants were also addressed by the President of The Malta Chamber Perit David Xuereb, CEO Ing. Edward Chetcuti and Head of Policy Andre Fenech.

‘Research and innovation are crucial for economic renewal’

In Malta, the political decision has been taken to establish a new ministry which is exclusively dedicated to research and innovation and the coordination of the post-COVID strategy.

This is a clear message: that economic renewal has an intimate link with robust R&I investments, the newly appointed Minister for Research, Innovation and Coordination of Post-Covid-19 Strategy Owen Bonnici said while speaking during a virtual meeting with Research Ministers in the European Union.

During his intervention, Minister Bonnici said that there is great value in a target-based approach to raise R&I levels in the European Research Area.

“However, the R&I investment targets should look at the broader economic circumstances of each Member State and seek to explore tailored solutions to their specific challenges. Therefore, we call for flexibility and sensitivity in the approach used,” Minister Bonnici said.

Minister Bonnici said that significant discrepancies in R&I levels continue to exist, with Member States with less developed capabilities only participating in 5.6% of the activities and instruments of Horizon 2020.

This shows that the Framework Programme is not designed to enhance the R&D performance of those Member States, he said. “The onset of the economic challenges induced by the COVID pandemic can only accentuate this reality,” Minister Bonnici explained.

He said that despite these challenges, enhanced R&D investments lie at the core of the public policy response to the COVID recovery. The twin transition towards a digital and green renewal cannot be achieved without an R&D-driven future-proofing of our economy, Minister Bonnici explained.

He said that Malta would like to see support from the European Commission that is tailor-made and curated to our specific R&I conditions, and our particular national ecosystem.

In the future, all of us will be increasingly required to step up our creative processes

Perit Xuereb said that it was the Chamber’s responsibility to look ahead and propose long-term policies for Malta’s economic future. “This means that the skills and talent of the human capital of the future are of central importance to The Chamber” Perit Xuereb said.

The Malta Chamber President noted how Artificial Intelligence was already present in many aspects of people’s lives, and was expected to continue characterising many decision-making processes which were typically of a mechanical or repetitive nature.

“With this paradigm shift, humans will be increasingly required to step up their creative skills to address new needs and development of processes”, Xuereb explained.

Perit Xuereb also mentioned the development of the ‘gig-economy’ mindset, whereby the labour market is increasingly wishing to be flexible and connected. “In today’s world, employment is becoming increasingly characterised by short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs. Industries should take note of this prevailing form of employment as new generation employees and upcoming generations, are valuing the opportunities of technology and flexibility to align with expected quality of life standards as part of their employment relationships,” noted Xuereb. “Such changes will influence the resourcing of business and their operations and logistics. The faster we recognize this, the better prepared we will all be in a business re-engineering period of our economy”

Framing his comments within the Economic Vision ‘A Smart Sustainable Island’, which the Malta Chamber published earlier this year, the Chamber President said that creativity and the respect and support for talent were fundamental elements within this vision.

“We must lead and support our educators with the right mindset, sensitivity and resources, for them to be best placed to prepare talented and well-prepared human capital, equipped with the skills expected of the citizens of tomorrow” Perit Xuereb concluded.

The event was also addressed by Ms Fiona Captur, CEO for JAYE Malta Foundation and Ms Caroline Buhagiar Klass, Head of Human Resources and Corporate Sustainability for HSBC Malta.

HSBC Group’s first ever MySkills Festival was a week-long series of virtual events, interactive workshops and online resources, featuring insight from global business leaders and experts. The festival is also part of HSBC Group’s Future Skills initiative, which aims to connect people and assist them in boosting their professional development. The Group has, in fact, allocated US$80 million in funding to help one million people, including in Malta, by developing employment-related skills.

'The business community has a great role to play in ensuring leadership driven by strong moral values'

During a special meeting of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD) with the Archbishop of Malta Mons. Charles J. Scicluna, Perit Xuereb spoke about the importance of moral leadership in the country.

“Today more than ever, we require moral leaders who inspire strong values to our nation, centred on honesty, integrity, good governance and respect for each other and our environment,” the President of The Malta Chamber said.

Speaking during the special meeting organised by MCESD, which was held at the Curia in Floriana, Perit Xuereb noted that the national ambition for such values cannot remain a well-intended wish list or merely an expression on paper, but it needed to be delivered tangibly. The business community had an important and responsible part to play in this objective too.

“As leaders from the business community, we ascertain that the private sector has the responsibility to ensure that robust moral values underpin the social, economic and environmental development of the country in a truly sustainable manner. The quality of our lives, our environment and the respect for each other are better appreciated and this will lead to the alignment of energies from all walks of life that will drive the true and honest ambitions of our country. We consider ourselves an essential part of the leadership in this effort supported by strong legislative ambitions by our politicians. The Church remains a strong player, in assisting to ensure that our moral standards remain high and in-check at all times” David Xuereb said.

The President was accompanied by the Chamber’s CEO Ing. Edward Chetcuti. Minister Carmelo Abela and other social partners were also present for the meeting.

During the meeting, the Archbishop spoke about the stresses of the pandemic on the national economic and social spectrum and that employers and employees have an equally strong role to play to address shortcomings and appealed for everyone to work together towards the common good.

Let us be guided by our scientific experts

The Malta Chamber is heartened to note the positive strides being registered on the international stage in relation to the development and distribution of an effective vaccine against COVID-19. As hope seems to loom closer, everyone is encouraged to act responsibly, for the benefit of one and all.

With the daily count of new COVID-19 cases exceeding the 100 mark, and the daily death-toll expected to continue to climb over the next weeks, it is most imperative, now more than ever, to listen carefully to the directives issued by the Ministry of Health, and all Health Authorities, and follow all safety protocols diligently and responsibly.

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry has insisted on this basic principle, from the first day of the pandemic. Our Public Health Superintendence and Health Authorities, enjoy The Malta Chamber’s complete trust on the matter.

Therefore, any attempt to discredit the work of the country’s scientific experts in this field, or to disseminate doubt about the necessary health and safety regimes is not only irresponsible, but very dangerous. The Malta Chamber condemns any such behaviour. We cannot afford to lose control of the situation, based on pseudo-science or misinformation. The Malta Chamber is aware of international moves that risk the pandemic being taken over by an infodemic driven by extreme non-scientific minorities. Malta should be strong and resilient against such attempts.

The resilience and sustainability of our business is intimately linked with a disciplined and science-based approach to the pandemic. The quicker we get to a solution, the quicker the business community can start to look beyond the recovery sustainably and into the re-investment phase.

‘More awareness needed if we are to minimise Gender Bias’

“Shortcomings related to the challenges of increasing female participation in the workforce and in business leadership, in a post-pandemic world will not change unless there is increased awareness on the subject” said Perit David Xuereb during an online event this week.

The Malta Chamber President was addressing a webinar which discussed the threat of many women not returning to the workforce after the pandemic.
“While several businesses make it a point to offer equal opportunities away from gender bias when identifying individuals to join their various ranks, there still remain circumstances that hinder women from achieving their full professional potential even in this day and age and we need to be very sensitive to this” Perit Xuereb said.

Social conditioning and culture remain central to this issue, for the Chamber President.

“We must work to erode social stereotypes that may be burdening our women with more than their fair share of work related to the family. We must also be aware of circumstances where men are not encouraged to lend a hand in family responsibilities that should ideally should be split equitably by the two parents”.

In agreement was the Chamber Deputy President Ms Marisa Xuereb who confirmed that often women were expected to care for their children, even while working from home.

“COVID may have actually grown the gender gap divide, as women may be expected to work from home, to be able to care for the children. This naturally is burdening women with a further weight that limits their full potential” Ms Xuereb said.

The event was organised by ‘Self Actualise – Reach your potential’ together with ‘UP – Performance Coaching’, and featured a keynote speech by Dr Mariheca Otto, which was followed by a panel discussion with the contribution of Nathan Farrugia and Mikela Fenech Pace.

Teleworking will go beyond COVID

During an interview on NETLIVE this week, Perit David Xuereb weighed in on the impacts of Covid-19 on employment from a teleworking point of view.

“Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the world had to resort to new work operations, and teleworking is one of such solutions that it is crucial to build on and explore further. It is vital to note that teleworking does not only provide a more flexible and dynamic approach to work but also has positive impacts on other areas such as the environment and transport” remarked Perit Xuereb.

In view of the drastic increase in active cases in the past weeks, the Chamber President insisted that lessons shouldn’t be forgotten. “We must not forget the lessons learnt. As a Chamber of Commerce, we greatly recommend to all employers to actively consider teleworking in the fight to decrease the numbers of cases, and maintain productivity”

“In a recent press release, The Malta Chamber called on all employees to actively provide remote working solutions, where possible, to employees in order to avoid further economic restrictions thus aiding in prioritising national health resources to the most vulnerable,” remarked The Chamber President.

Perit Xuereb also pointed out the emergence of the ‘gig economy’, a free market system in which temporary positions are common and organizations hire independent workers for short-term commitments. Hence, the methods in which output is measured needs to be revisited. “Employers need to be aware of this new reality and that the element of ‘flexibility at work’ definitely needs to be addressed, especially in terms of the employee of the future” said Xuereb.

“The Malta Chamber is deeply concerned for industries which find it difficult to introduce teleworking due to the nature of their operations, such as manufacturing,” said the President. “Covid-19 has impacted greatly the workforce of such industries while manufacturing companies are facing new expenditures,” he said.

“Teleworking will go beyond Covid. We need to work together, as employees and employers alike, to re-align and adapt to such new realities” concluded Perit Xuereb.