BOV Supports Caritas in San Blas Major Renovation Project

In a significant demonstration of its commitment to social responsibility, Bank of Valletta announced its support to Caritas by spearheading a complete overhaul and refurbishment of the kitchen and dining area of the men’s quarters at the San Blas Drug Rehabilitation Unit. The upgraded facilities will provide a more comfortable and welcoming environment for those utilising the men’s quarters, enhancing their overall well-being and quality of life as they journey through their rehabilitation program.

This initiative forms part of the Bank’s 50th-anniversary program and reflects the importance that the Bank attributes to the vulnerable members of our society.

The announcement was made during a visit to Caritas by Kenneth Farrugia, the Bank’s CEO, and Ernest Agius, Chief Operations Officer, who were welcomed by Anthony Gatt, Director at Caritas and his team. The visit was highly welcomed by the residents as they shared the plights that they are facing and how Caritas is proving to be invaluable in supporting them overcome these challenges.

Speaking about the initiative, the CEO highlighted the Bank’s longstanding commitment to giving back to the community. “We are extremely pleased to support Caritas in this important renovation project. Our support to Caritas, and other similar organisations, underscores our dedication to corporate social responsibility and the community that we service, as we continue to celebrate our 50-year history. This initiative and others of the same ilk reinforces our positioning as a caring Bank particularly when it comes to challenges being faced by the vulnerable members of our society.  This project builds upon an initiative undertaken a few years ago, that was also supported by the Bank, which saw the complete refurbishment of the men’s quarters. We hope that the upgraded kitchen and dining area will now provide a more welcoming and dignified space for the residents at Caritas, and I look forward to seeing such an important project come to fruition,” said Kenneth Farrugia.

Corroborating further, Ernest Agius emphasised, “I am incredibly proud of our team’s collective efforts and the impact of our longstanding CSR initiatives. This project underscores the strong corporate values of the Bank and reinforces our beliefs in the power and value of giving back to society. We are truly honoured to be part of this initiative and look forward to continuing to champion positive change through our community partnerships.”

Speaking at the end of the visit, Anthony Gatt said, “We are profoundly grateful for the unwavering support not only of Bank of Valletta as an institution, but also of its people who have always responded promptly to any call for help from our end. The kitchen has always been the heart of any household. Likewise, this project not only enhances the physical space of our rehab unit, but also symbolises a deeper commitment to improving the lives of those we serve. The Bank’s dedication to community welfare through its CSR program sets a remarkable example for corporate social responsibility, and we are grateful for this partnership which is supporting us in creating a more compassionate and inclusive society. All this is happening while San Blas is celebrating 35 years since it opened its doors and started offering renewed hope to hundreds who have participated in this rehabilitation programme.”

‘Nothing can be taken for granted anymore’


The results of Malta’s election for European Parliament are “a reality check for everyone” that make it clear that “no one can take anything for granted anymore,” according to The Malta Chamber CEO Marthese Portelli.

The shock result saw the governing Labour Party lose over 23,000 votes, the rival Nationalist Party gain less than half that number, and third party and independent politicians win a substantial number of votes.

Speaking to, Dr Portelli says the outcome “will hopefully trigger everyone to step up and act now.”

Over the last days, Prime Minister Robert Abela has stated that tough decisions cannot be postponed anymore: “We augur that this time round Government will walk the talk,” says Dr Portelli. “It needs to take the unpopular yet required decisions quickly, and implement them without any further procrastination.”

She identifies pain points in a wide range of sectors.

These include the traffic situation, which over €1 billion of roadworks failed to address, and the utilities infrastructure, with power cuts now a seemingly normal feature of summer.

Dr Portelli also points to other issues like the “shabbiness” of many areas and a lack of proper waste management.

Perhaps more seriously, there “continuing planning policy abuse and over-construction and abuse in the dispensation of public land”, as well as tragedies at workplaces.

None of this is helped with poor enforcement and a lack of proper governance, transparency and accountability, she says, exacerbated by structural problems in the labour market.

Dr Portelli points out that The Malta Chamber has been making “repeatedly” calling for these issues to be addressed since its Pre-National Election Manifesto of March 2022.

“Much of what was recommended there, restated in The Malta Chambers Pre-Budget Document for 2023, and again in the one for the current fiscal year, has not been addressed,” she says.

With respect to governance, The Malta Chamber has been “harping on it” since December 2019: “That is almost 5 years. During this period, we went through the pain of greylisting, plus we are still grappling with the reputational damage of the aftermath of several years of bad governance practices.

“This reputational damage impacts business negatively – it impacts local companies that are involved in international business and it renders us an unattractive country for high quality investment.”

While acknowledging that Malta’s GDP growth remains robust, Dr Portelli warns that this growth is increasingly dependent on sectors that are “less sensitive to reputation but have a lasting damaging impact on our environment and quality of life,” making it clear that: “This needs to change.”

Public procurement is another area The Malta Chamber has been proactive in suggesting solutions to, but “the progress we have been making on this front has been too slow to bring about the required change in mentality and tangible improvement in outcomes for the taxpayer.”

Meanwhile, “the same can be said of reforms in the construction sector.”

Dr Portelli concludes: “The speed of economic growth has not been matched by investment in resources for efficient regulation and enforcement, and in our infrastructure.

“A new direction that clearly mandates the implementation of necessary changes and reforms within the shortest time possible, is required.

“We hope that the result of this election will inspire everyone to take things more seriously.”

This article was first published on BUSINESSNOW on 13th June 2024.

Malta Business Bureau Congratulates Newly Elected MEPs

The Malta Business Bureau (MBB) congratulates the six newly elected Maltese Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and emphasized the critical role they will play in representing Malta’s interests at the European level.

MBB looks forward to collaborating closely with the new MEPs throughout the upcoming EU legislature. It strongly urges them to work diligently to promote Malta’s priorities within the EU, contribute towards policy discussions that impact our economy, and tackle head-on the disadvantages which Malta faces as a small island state.

The organisation further encourages MEPs to establish consistent communication with Maltese stakeholders on key policy matters. This will enable them to understand the realities on the ground and present a strong position in Brussels.

Prior to last Saturday’s election, MBB identified several key areas of focus for EU policymakers in a publication outlining business priorities ahead of the next EU term. The publication is structured around three main pillars: (i) Competitiveness and Growth, (ii) the Green Transition, and (iii) the Digital Transition. It advocates for measures to alleviate regulatory burdens, secure adequate funding, prioritize subsidiarity and proportionality, address geographical challenges, and resolve labour shortages, among other issues.
The publication repeatedly underscores the importance of competitiveness, which is expected to become increasingly prominent in EU policy dialogues in the next term.

MBB strongly urges the elected MEPs to actively engage with these priorities within the European Parliament and help ensure that Malta’s business interests are heard and addressed at the EU level.
The full publication may be viewed on Those interested in further information are encouraged to contact the MBB EU policy team on

The Malta Business Bureau is the EU business advisory organisation of The Malta Chamber and The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association. It is also a partner of the Enterprise Europe Network.

Announcing the Bootcamps & Events 2024 Training Programmes

The eSkills Malta Foundation is proud to announce an extensive list of training programmes for Bootcamps & Events 2024. These programmes diligently cater to a diverse audience, ranging from adolescents to senior adults, and target groups including females, SME employees, ICT professionals, teachers, and educators. With a focus on empowering participants with cutting-edge digital skills and knowledge, the 2024 training programmes promise to bridge the digital divide and foster a more inclusive digital economy.

List of Training Programmes:

  1. AppVisionaries: Empowering Girls in Mobile App Development
  2. Artificial Intelligence for Assessment
  3. Artificial Intelligence for Teaching
  4. Artificial Intelligence for Teaching & Learning
  5. Artificial Intelligence: Powering Your SME’s Success
  6. Business Intelligence Fundamentals for SME Employees
  7. ChatGPT: Zero To Hero for Educators
  8. ChatGPT: Zero To Heroes for Employees
  9. Create Beautiful Educational Material like a Pro Designer with Canva
  10. Cyber Savvy: Navigating the Digital World Safely
  11. Cybersecurity to the Next Level – A Training Course for IT Professionals Working in SMEs
  12. Digital Empowerment: Integrating AI and IoT in Healthcare
  13. Digital Skills for Hospitality Success: Empowering Women in the Industry
  14. Digital Skills for the Artificial Intelligence Revolution DS4AIR
  15. Digital Skills: Youths & Adults
  16. Digitalise Your Small Business
  17. Education and Beyond: Integrating AI into Your Teaching Practice
  18. Emerging Technologies for the Digital Transformation
  19. Empowering Citizens with Emerging Technology: A Focus on AI
  20. Empowering Vulnerable Females through Technology
  21. Foundations of Coding and Computational Thinking for Educators
  22. Gamify Your Classroom
  23. Innovazzjoni Digital għaż-Żagħżagħ
  24. Introductory Digital Literacy for Senior Citizens
  25. Intermediate Digital Literacy for Senior Citizens
    Press Release 02/2024: Announcing the Bootcamps & Events 2024 Training Programmes
  26. Navigating Digital Transformation: Equipping Leaders for Transversal Excellence
  27. Programming Basics with Python
  28. Programming Basics with Python for Females
  29. Social Media Marketing Course to Boost Your Small Business with AI
  30. The Future of Data-Driven Automation – Alteryx
  31. Women Transforming STEAM

These programmes cover a broad spectrum of contemporary digital skills, including artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, digital literacy, and programming, ensuring participants are well-equipped to navigate and thrive in the digital landscape.

Programme Highlights:

  • Inclusive Training: A special focus on empowering vulnerable groups, including women and senior citizens, and ensuring equal opportunities for all.
  • Industry-Relevant Skills: Courses designed to meet the needs of various sectors, including education, healthcare, and small to medium enterprises (SMEs).
  • Innovative Learning: Emphasis on the latest technological advancements such as AI, IoT, and digital transformation strategies.
    About eSkills Malta Foundation
    The eSkills Malta Foundation actively promotes and develops digital skills in Malta. By providing various training programmes and events, the foundation aims to enhance the digital literacy of the Maltese population and support the nation’s transition to a digital economy.
    For more information about the training programmes and to register, please visit our website at

BOV announces further improvements across its branch network

Additional digital services also enhanced

In a bid to continue refining the service it offers to customers, Bank of Valletta recently introduced further improvements to a number of customer-facing touchpoints across Malta and Gozo. These improvements provide more flexible solutions that positively impact the customer experience from the Bank’s branch network, while at the same time improving a number of digital services.

Enhanced Opening Hours from fourteen locations

During the past weeks, BOV introduced longer opening hours in a number of additional branches, bringing the total number to fourteen. Fgura, Marsaskala, Naxxar, Santa Venera, Qormi, Żebbuġ and Żejtun have been added to the other branches that already offered such services, namely Buġibba, Mosta, Paola, San Ġwann, Sliema, Victoria and Żurrieq.

All the branches offering extended hours accept different banking requests, including updating personal details, investments, home and personal loan applications, credit cards, account opening and other general queries except cashiering. This service is being offered every Thursday until 6 pm.

The largest fully functional ATM fleet across Malta and Gozo

Apart from recognising the importance that some of the Bank’s customers give to physical interaction, the Bank remains committed to upgrading and improving its existing ATM fleet, which is the largest fully functional fleet across Malta and Gozo offering both cash withdrawal and instant deposit-taking services, transfer between accounts, mobile top-up for all major mobile network providers in Malta and real-time statement and balance queries amongst other services.

Late last month BOV installed a new deposit-taking ATM in Xagħra, strengthening BOV’s presence in Gozo and bringing the total number of Bank ATMs to 94. Several important enhancements are also in the pipeline. The Bank is in the process of replacing 29 of its current ATMs with new, modern, and faster machines. In the medium term, the majority of the BOV ATMs will start accepting contactless technology, and the Bank also envisages gradually rolling out new ATMs that accept bulk deposits.

Online Booking System for all Branch Appointments

Following a highly successful trial period, an online booking system for Branches is now available across the Bank’s entire network. Through this booking system, customers who wish to make an appointment with any BOV Branch can do so easily and comfortably, without having to call or personally visit a branch.

The online booking system available through offers many user-friendly and convenient features. It allows users to identify available time slots within the calendar of their preferred Branch, select the desired time, input details, and confirm the appointment. Users can also modify appointments made and set up automated notifications and reminders. The online booking system caters for appointments for all banking services including during the extended service on Thursday evenings.

Speaking about these enhancements, BOV’s Head of Personal Banking Channels, Mr Geoffrey Ghigo said “We recognise that some customers prefer the personal touch, while others prefer remote and online banking services. Our strategy for the current three-year period revolves around our customers and their preferences, through innovation across these various touch points. It is interesting to note that our ATMs currently process 62% of all ATM cash withdrawals and 42% of all ATM cash deposits in Malta. By enhancing our ATM network, extending opening hours and introducing innovative solutions, we continue to deliver on our promise to elevate the customer experience across all the Bank’s touchpoints, be it physical, digital or hybrid”.

A healthy minds focus for the BNF team during may

Taking cue from May being Mental Health Awareness Month, BNF Bank rolled out several activities among its employees to strongly push the importance of physical, mental and emotional well-being.
Driven by its ESG Employee Wellness Pillar, the Bank’s human resources team crafted a series of events aimed at addressing different strands that contribute towards positive mental health, while pushing home the importance of being self-aware as a pivotal element in the individual’s understanding of their behaviour as part of their general wellbeing.

Staff attended an online talk about the importance of nutrition delivered by Antonella Grima, a public health specialist and registered nutritionist. The presentation was an interactive event through which employees were reminded of the benefits of nutrition and how what we eat greatly impacts our mental health.

Another insightful online discussion for staff was led by Patrick Psaila, managing partner, warranted psychologist and training consultant at PsyPotential. The talk offered practical tips and techniques to follow in one’s journey to wellbeing and the tools available that can enrich this journey and stay on track.
Others still took to the outdoors on a bright sunny morning for a rejuvenating fitness session aimed at connecting with inner vitality. Led by a BNF employee, Lara Sciberras, the class focused on physical awareness, stretching and working on muscles to stimulate and reinvigorate energy.

An event that was a resounding success was a visit to the offices from service dogs. The docile yet alert dogs provided therapeutic presence and petting these gentle animals gave everybody a sense of serenity and mindfulness. The therapeutic power of animals is well documented and hosting these special guests was a very welcome break in the working day.

And to keep the importance of good mental health top of mind, laptop lockscreens gave out regular empowering and thoughtful messages to encourage staff in their daily efforts at the desk.

Alison Grech, Head of Human Resources Management and Development Unit at BNF said: “Even with so much awareness out there of the importance of mental health, our busy lifestyles present constant challenges. We need to regularly stop to think about where we’re at in our mental health lifecycle. The activities we prepared were intended for this reason and served as reminders that our efforts towards this end should be constant, if we are to lead happy, balanced lives both at work and with our families.”

PwC Malta’s Real Estate survey confirms preference for home ownership and potential pressures in the rental market

PwC Malta’s 5th edition of the Real Estate Survey, which was conducted towards the end of 2023, reveals that almost half of the respondents (Q4 2023: 49%; Q1 2023: 42%) indicate that they have plans to buy property.

Demand to rent property has dropped when compared to the last edition of the Survey, from 31% to 11%. Such decline is particularly evident in the younger demographic, suggesting that this cohort in the population is more interested in purchasing a permanent residency rather than renting property. Government incentives and regulatory developments are expected to further drive property ownership amongst young people. This is in line with recent data released by the National Statistics Office in 2023, which highlights that promise of sale agreements experienced a year-on-year increase of 9%.

The latest PwC survey indicates a decrease in the share of respondents who intend to purchase property as sole owners (Q4 2023: 51%; Q1 2023: 60%). Against this backdrop, published statistics indicate that young Maltese people are moving out of their parents’ home later when compared to other EU countries. According to the most recent local statistics, in 2022, the average age of people moving out of their family home was 30.1 years, compared to a European average age of 26.4 years.

In the context of an increasing awareness on sustainability, the survey registered a positive shift in the percentage of prospective buyers (Q4 2023: 70%; Q1 2023: 59%) who give weight to sustainability factors in their property purchase decision. Furthermore, whilst in Q1 of 2023 54% of respondents stated that they would not pay more for a property which has sustainability features, the latest results now indicate that 59% are willing to pay a premium for a property that carries such features.

The full results of the survey, which targeted a representative sample of residents and has a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%, can be accessed here.