Inclusivity, disability and youth, all priorities for the Malta Chamber

“Inclusivity, youth and disability are among the Malta Chamber’s priorities as they are central to the development and sustainability of the economy,” said Perit David Xuereb, President of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry yesterday, during a meeting with the Minister for Inclusion and Quality of Life the Hon Julia Farrugia Portelli.

Perit Xuereb said that an attention to these values goes a long way as it contributes to the quality of life of all of society in general.

Minister Farrugia Portelli said a great part of achieving inclusion, is creating a culture of awareness about the subject, also at the workplace. “We believe that the Malta Chamber is a central partner in this journey, as they share these same values”.

Topics discussed during the meeting also included the Agenda for Sustainable Development 2015-2030 which was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in September 2015, which agenda greatly prioritises persons with a disability.

Minister Farrugia Portelli also discussed the reciprocal alignment and thematic engagement in reaching the mentioned Agenda 2015-2030. This thematic engagement helps investors proactively address themes such as the environment, good governance etc. Minister Farrugia Portelli emphasised the Government’s determination on the principle that no one should be left behind.

During the meeting, Malta Chamber President Perit Xuereb was accompanied by Diana Miceli, Policy Development Manager, while Minister Farrugia Portelli was accompanied by the Permanent Secretary within the same Ministry Mr Matthew Vella and the Chief of Staff Mr Reuben Sciberras.

Tech.MT – an integral part of The Malta Chamber

“The Government and businesses must invest in technology that optimises efficiency in a seriously changing economic macroclimate,” said The Malta Chamber President, Perit David Xuereb this morning, during the inauguration of news offices for Tech.MT.

Tech.MT, which was established in 2019 as a Public-Private Partnership between The Malta Chamber and the Maltese Government, aims at promoting Malta as a hub for innovation and technology.

Xuereb noted how during a Cabinet Meeting, which was held for the very first time at The Malta Chamber last year, the main pillars that could drive the economy forward were discussed. “Among these key elements, technological innovation was included. Through this partnership, these offices symbolise the work that has been done towards attaining higher levels of productivity, competitiveness and quality of life,” he said.

The Chamber President said that the vision of Tech.MT was very much aligned with that of The Chamber, in terms of identifying innovation and technology as key principles that can lead to more sustainable and prosperous growth. Xuereb said that key principles such as good governance, enhanced quality and zero climate economy, greatly compliment Tech.MT’s drive towards expanding Malta’s technology industry while positioning the islands as the go-to country for tech solutions.

“Now more than ever, it has become clear that the Government, business leaders, and educational institutions must prioritise the principles of digitalisation and technological advancements at the heart of sustainable economic growth ambitions. As a Chamber of Commerce, we believe that Malta should reach the maximum levels of productivity to increase the country’s competitiveness and Tech.MT is well aligned to help in achieving these goals,” explained Xuereb.

Perit Xuereb noted that ever since it was established, Tech.MT had been a success story. “It has become a pillar for the tech industry and continues to deliver on its mission by organising a number of key initiatives such as the eBusiness Awards and the Women4IT project. Through such initiatives, technology has become ever more tangible and accessible to people of all ages,” said Xuereb.

Hon. Silvio Schembri, Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Business, who also took part in the inauguration, thanked The Malta Chamber as it was instrumental in the setting up of Tech.MT.

Leader of the Opposition presented with Public Procurement recommendations

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry presented the Leader of the Opposition with a copy of its report on a proposed Public Procurement Reform, this morning. Dr Grech was visiting the Exchange Buildings for the first time since his appointment as Leader of the Opposition.

The document makes 36 tangible recommendations for improved public procurement processes, following a thorough consultation process with The Malta Chamber members.

While acknowledging the complexity of the procurement process, Chamber President Perit David Xuereb said that sometimes the process may not inspire the trust it deserves.

“This is not beneficial to any of the parties having an interest in procurement using public funds. Government attracts criticism, the business community who would otherwise be interested in tendering loses faith in the process, and ultimately the customer, who is the tax-payer is short-changed as they would not get the best service or product possible” said Perit Xuereb.

“Our document proposes concrete and measurable ways of how to address the lacunae that exist in this process, including a contract register to ensure transparency of execution to the satisfaction of all”.

The document was developed after a consultation process with Chamber members and through a working group of experienced individuals and professionals from across the economy. The document serves as valuable guidance for the necessary reforms that are needed, in order to ensure that economic operators are able to perform on an equitable level playing field when tendering for Government purchase requests.

These reforms also serve to ensure that national funds are deployed to their best potential and in the interest of the general public.

The Working Group was led by Vice President Ms Liz Barbaro Sant, and included Former President Mr Anton Borg, Council member Mr Marcel K. Mifsud, and members Ms Maronna Filletti, Ms Mary Gaerty, and Mr Roderick Abela. The group was assisted by Policy Executive Ms Julia Aquilina, while Dr Clement Mifsud Bonnici (Ganado Advocates) was the professional advisor on the process. The document presented was developed in collaboration with Ganado Advocates.

Chamber presents Public Procurement recommendations to Prime Minister

A delegation from The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, led by President Perit David Xuereb, this afternoon presented a copy of its recently published report on a proposed Public Procurement Reform to the Prime Minister The Hon Dr Robert Abela.

The document makes 36 tangible recommendations for improved public procurement processes, following a thorough consultation process with The Malta Chamber members.

Addressing the Prime Minister, Perit David Xuereb said that the document was the result of The Malta Chamber’s restless and continued effort to promote good governance and also proactively propose ways how this important value could be improved in practice.

Perit Xuereb noted that The Malta Chamber had continuously championed the cause of good governance. “During the early months of 2020, we launched a document titled ‘Ethical Business calls for change – A Manifesto for Good Governance’ which included 60 concrete recommendations. The same document actually included a number of recommendations, which addressed Public Procurement processes and the importance of ensuring best value for money to the public, fairness to economic operators and transparency in the interest of all parties,” said Xuereb.


The ‘Report on Public Procurement Reform 2021’, is a further development of The Chamber’s advocacy of best practice in this area. It offers a detailed analysis of the matters surrounding the crucial process with which the Government spends public funds.

The document was developed after a consultation process with its members and through a working group of experienced individuals and professionals from across the economy. The document serves as valuable guidance for the necessary reforms that are needed, in order to ensure that economic operators are able to perform on an equitable level playing field when tendering for government purchase requests.

These reforms also serve to ensure that national funds are deployed to their best potential and in the interest of the general public.

The Working Group was led by Vice President Ms Liz Barbaro Sant, and included Former President Mr Anton Borg, Council member Mr Marcel K. Mifsud, and members Ms Maronna Filletti, MS Mary Gaerty, and Mr Roderick Abela. The group was assisted by Policy Executive MS Julia Aquilina, while Dr Clement Mifsud Bonnici (Ganado Advocates) was the professional advisor on the process. The document presented was developed in collaboration with Ganado Advocates.

Taking the Chamber’s digital offering to the next level

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry is inviting parties to express their interest to provide the organisation with an online media portfolio for three years, which can be extended to five.

This is a great opportunity to work with Malta’s foremost business representative body in stepping up The Malta Chamber’s digital footprint.

The successful bidder will aid The Chamber with two of its online efforts:
• – A Business News portal, and online home of The Malta Chamber
• Chamberlink – A newsletter published every week, 52 issues per year

Any improvement on the above, and/or new products, services or initiatives that may be suggested, will help in the favourable adjudication of the bid.
Prospective bidders are invited to express their interest by sending a profile of their organisation and a portfolio of past works to, by not later than Friday 5th February 2021, end of business.

Click here to download the full document.

Restaurants to have 11pm curfew during February, aid package for bars increased to €2.2m

Malta’s restaurants will have an 11pm curfew throughout February, and will not be allowed to open before 6am, Prime Minister Robert Abela announced at a press conference on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Robert Abela confirmed that Malta’s bars and restaurants would remain shut beyond 1st February. During Wednesday’s press conference, Dr Abela confirmed they would remain shut throughout the month, and an initially announced €1 million aid package to aid bars and nightclub owners will be increased to €2.2 million.

Bars and clubs were ordered shut at the end of October when Malta’s second wave of infections had spiked. Initially, they were set to reopen on 1st December, but the authorities then extended closure for another two months, until end January.

Dr Abela said that snack bars will continue to have restrictions until the end of February, where they are not allowed to serve alcohol. He confirmed that for Carnival weekend, between 12-14th February, there will be no festivities or celebrations.

With regards to accommodation, he said the Malta Tourism Authority will be carrying out further inspections to ensure that there are no more people gathered than there are registered beds. Concern has been raised at the high number of bookings in Gozo for Carnival weekend, a similar situation to the Christmas and New Year holiday period.

For the Gozo ferry, temperatures will be taken before boarding. Passengers are required to stay in their vehicles for the duration of the journey, while enforcement agents will ensure that those travelling without cars will remain socially distanced.

Malta has consistently registered triple-digit daily new COVID-19 cases since 3rd January, with the most recent spike mainly attributed to social gatherings over the festive period as well as the drop in temperature due to the winter season. A more transmissible COVID variant first discovered in the UK has also been a cause for concern.

The Malta Chamber’s Vision towards a sustainable future

During the Malta Sustainability Forum, The Malta Chamber President, Perit David Xuereb said that economic development, well-being and quality of life were interconnected.

During The Malta Sustainability Forum reference was made to the Malta Chamber’s Economic Vision 2020-2025, which outlines the vision for a “smart, sustainable island”. The document includes 59 recommendations based on growth in a number of traditional and new economic sectors.

“Since the release of its Economic Vision, The Malta Chamber has established committees tackling environmental and sustainability issues, notably the Circular Economy, Sustainable Mobility and Energy Efficiency & Conservation committees. Together, they continue to work on bridging the gap between theory and practice, to put private enterprise at the forefront of realising a sustainable and successful economic future for all” Perit Xuereb said.

The Malta Sustainability Forum included a series of talks with experts from various sectors discussing the numerous ways which businesses can utilise to become increasingly sustainable while aiding society and the planet in the process.

Transparency is key in public procurement process

Speaking on TVAM this morning, Malta Chamber President Perit David Xuereb said that transparency is key to make sure that trust is strengthened and reinforced in the public procurement process, at all its stages.

The Malta Chamber published a document with 36 recommendations for a public procurement reform last week, following a thorough consultation process with its members.

While acknowledging the complexity of the procurement process, Perit Xuereb said that Government may need to equip itself with further expertise when designing and publishing public tenders. “Sometimes the process does not inspire the trust it deserves, and this is not beneficial to any part of it. Government attracts criticism, the business community who would otherwise be interested in tendering loses faith in the process, and ultimately the customer, the tax payer is short-changed as they would not get the best service or product possible” said Perit Xuereb.

“This needs to be addressed, and our document proposes concrete and measurable ways of how to do this, including a contract register to ensure transparency of execution to the satisfaction of all”.

Referring to the proposal to blacklist businesses who would not be in line with the law, Perit Xuereb said that this meant to provide a level-playing field for all operators in a fair competition. “It is not fair that while most business operators go through great lengths to have all their fiscal obligations, licences and permits in order, they would be treated the same as others who may not” said Perit Xuereb. “Discipline is key here, and we believe that a level playing field is indispensable for a fair and equitable public procurement process”.

Perit Xuereb also spoke about how The Malta Chamber is not against direct Orders in principle, however, more transparency and a clear justification needs to accompany each.

“This is not always the case, and sometimes businesses and the public only learn about a direct order, once this is either already awarded or even when the project has already been completed. This only contributes to further doubt in the whole system, which needs to be cleared for the benefit of all. Direct orders should be linked to standards known to be higher” Perit Xuereb concluded.

Malta Chamber Tourism Business Section welcomes Ministry's long-term strategy

During the last year, the Malta Chamber’s Tourism Business Section executive committee met with the Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection and representatives within the Ministry and MTA and presented the recommendations laid out in our Tourism Think Tank Report which amongst others focused on Airline Route Regeneration and Development, Tourists’ Quality Experience, and a National and Holistic Tourism Strategy.

The Malta Chamber is pleased to note that the Ministry has welcomed the recommendations by the Chamber through the launch, by the Ministry of Tourism and Consumer Protection and the Malta Tourism Authority titled, Malta Tourism Strategy 2021 – 2030 Recover, Rethink & Revitalise.

The Strategy aligns with the wider beliefs of The Malta Chamber that do not just include sustainability and a quality experience, but also prioritises the importance of integrating The EU Green Deal and the EU Digital Strategy.

The Business Section Deputy Chairperson, Mr Alan Arrigo, commented positively on the direction taken by the Authorities and said that, “The stakeholder consultation is key in ensuring that the tourism strategy in Malta becomes sustainable and focuses on long-term goals. This Strategy document gave the broad stroke foundations on what is required and provides our visitors with an authentic, quality experience in Malta and Gozo.”

Mr Arrigo continued, “As a Committee, we look forward to have a discussion and an in-depth look into the strategy document so that we can consult the Authorities further by providing them a vision that is reflective with the thoughts of the business community.”