The Malta Chamber and PT Matic strengthen ties

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry has renewed its Bronze Collaboration Agreement with PT Matic Environmental Services Ltd. For the second consecutive year, PT Matic will be paired with The Malta Chamber’s ‘Circular Economy Committee’ to provide leadership support to business on matters related to sustainability and resource management.

Ahead of the signing, Ms Marisa Xuereb, President of The Malta Chamber, noted that the continuation of this partnership reflects the essential work that has been carried out between both parties in the last year in exploring possibilities and future global economic scenarios with a view to forecast and advise on required strategies and resources.

“The role and work of the Malta Chamber centres around mobilising people and resources with a view to promoting a business environment which is conducive to the prosperity and wellbeing of its members and the Maltese people whilst advancing the islands as a worthy jurisdiction for trade, services and investment within the Mediterranean region, the European Union and the rest of the world,” noted The Chamber President.

Ing. Oliver Fenech, General Manager of PT Matic Environmental Services Ltd, said “it is with great pleasure that we renew our sponsorship with The Malta Chamber. We are pleased to have found in The Chamber, but also in the Circular Economy Committee therein, the right level of commitment and professionalism necessary to drive the transition towards a Circular Economy. Over the next year we thus look forward to continued efforts in submitting the right policy proposals and in leading initiatives that enable private enterprise to occupy a driving role in achieving circularity.”

The Circular Economy Committee is a horizontal policy committee set up to draw on the work of experts and Economic Groups to ensure that The Malta Chamber is centrally positioned to provide leadership in the country and to the business community on issues of environmental sustainability with the aim to help businesses reach their ambitions and objectives. The work carried out by this Committee has been greatly impactful especially during the pandemic.

The Bronze Collaboration Agreement was signed by Ms Marisa Xuereb and Mr Christopher Vassallo Cesareo as President and Deputy President of The Malta Chamber respectively, and Ing. Oliver Fenech as General Manager of PT Matic Environmental Services Ltd.

The Malta Chamber signs MOU with the Malta Chamber of Construction Management to support ethical construction development

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry and the Malta Chamber of Construction Management signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) aimed at supporting the business and development of the construction industry.

“This agreement is a clear indication of our commitment to support the construction industry to become more professional. Construction managers will have a huge responsibility in the transformation of this sector and as Malta’s leading business representative body, The Malta Chamber will provide the required support to all players within this industry,” said The Chamber President Marisa Xuereb.

Ms Xuereb emphasised that The Malta Chamber is the ideal platform that provides the right mechanisms for a joint effort assisting entities in pushing their sector forward and making their voice heard in a meaningful way.

The President of the Malta Chamber of Construction Management (MCCM), Mr Jesmond Chetcuti highlighted the close collaboration between all interested and impacted stakeholders within the construction industry.


“The MCCM will be representing the various levels of construction management. MCCM is very pleased to have reached this agreement with the highly reputable Malta Chamber. This close collaboration will help to address issues of concerns and the finding of solutions,” said Mr Chetcuti.

In this context, the two entities shall seek to co-operate actively on matters of national economic policy with respect to the community of construction management, architecture and civil engineering and the upholding of business ethics while promoting best practices amongst members of both organizations, and the general-public.

Atlas Insurance to include COVID-19 coverage under the travel policy

Atlas Insurance has added COVID-19 to its travel insurance product offer. This will ensure that travellers insured with Atlas will be covered in relation to certain COVID-19-related difficulties. Such cover is available under the Atlas Travelpak policy at no additional cost to the regular premium, and is intended to provide coverage in circumstances of cancellations and other eventualities due to a number of circumstances resulting from COVID-19.

“With several countries achieving encouraging results in the fight against COVID-19, it was only normal that people are now starting to consider their travel plans again,” said Matthew von Brockdorff, Managing Director and CEO of Atlas Insurance PCC Limited.

“For this reason, Atlas Insurance has upgraded its Travelpak policy, by offering coverage for travellers who might be faced with COVID-19-related difficulties when abroad. The product will certainly provide the needed peace of mind to our customers, who are eager to travel once again,” he said.

The Atlas COVID-19 cover will allow travellers to claim any cancellation expenses if they contract COVID-19 in the fourteen days before they are due to travel. Travellers will also be covered if they will be denied boarding because they are told that they are showing symptoms of COVID-19.

The COVID-19 cover will also allow travellers to claim expenses for a missed departure due to an unusually long delay for results to be received, or cancellations due to a close relative, travelling companion or host abroad contracting COVID-19. Travelers are also covered if they are forced to quarantine or hospitalised due to COVID-19 while abroad.

Travellers are encouraged to read the full policy and FAQs to ensure they have chosen the correct cover that caters for their requirements. Terms and conditions apply.

For more information visit, call 2343 5363 or email:

Atlas Insurance PCC Limited (C5601) is a cell company authorised under the Insurance Business Act 1998 to carry on general insurance business and is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority. The non-cellular assets of the company may be used to meet losses incurred by the cell in excess of their assets.

The Malta Business Bureau announces new President

Ms Mizzi is a Director at EMCS. She leads the funding consultancy services arm providing support to private, public, private and voluntary organisations in relation to the identification of the appropriate EU and local funding streams available for local organisations. She also provides consultancy services in relation to programming, management and evaluation of EU funding programmes. Before joining EMCS, Alison was engaged with the Public Administration for fourteen years. She mostly worked within the Managing Authority for Cohesion Policy and also formed part of the core team responsible from Government for the drafting of the 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 Cohesion Policy Programming Documents.

On her appointment as new MBB President Ms Mizzi commented, “I take on this new role with enthusiasm to keep building on what has been achieved so far and to keep working on bringing the EU closer to our business community. We remain committed to facilitate our businesses’ contribution towards the future of Europe, and to the formulation of new policies and regulatory frameworks to make them work for us where possible. At times it might not be clear as to how businesses can contribute towards this process, which very often is considered as daunting. This is where MBB comes in, by providing timely information on what is brewing at EU level whilst offering an opportunity to the business community to voice concerns from an early stage.”

The MBB thanks Mr Simon De Cesare who led the organisation for the past three years, for raising the profile of MBB and for bringing it closer to our businesses. Furthermore, the MBB thanks outgoing Directors Mr John A. Huber and Mr Anthony P. Tabone, who have relinquished their post, for their support and input over the past term.

The following is the new MBB Board for 2021-2024: Ms Alison Mizzi (President), Mr Simon De Cesare (Vice President), and Mr Richard Cleland, Mr Malcolm Jones, Mr Brian Muscat, Dr Marthese Portelli and Mr Sergio Vella as Directors.

HSBC Malta becomes title sponsor of Malta Pride

HSBC Bank Malta has signed an exclusive sponsorship agreement with Allied Rainbow Communities (ARC), the official organiser of Malta’s Annual Pride Week. Through this agreement the bank will become the title partner of the event ‘Malta Pride in association with HSBC Malta ’. HSBC will also be the Main Stage and Pride March sponsor and will be the lead sponsor of all ARC-led events taking place during Pride Week which is scheduled between the 10 and 19 September 2021.

Crawford Prentice, Head of Wealth and Personal Banking at HSBC Malta, said: “June is Pride Month so it’s a great time to be announcing this new agreement with ARC and to celebrate HSBC’s commitment to LGBT+ inclusivity. This commitment is also reflected in our efforts to ensure a safe and supportive workplace through various learning, development, networking and collaboration initiatives”.

ARC Malta President Clayton Mercieca, commented: ”This support by HSBC gives the LGBTIQ community a renewed hope to rebuild and reunite once again in this difficult period. We are thrilled to partner up with such a world renowned bank and whatever shape Pride takes this year we will ensure that this year’s message ‘Int inkluż’ [You are included] is delivered.”

HSBC globally is committed to valuing difference and the bank’s efforts to create an inclusive workplace have won awards in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and Hong Kong.

ARC, apart from being the official organiser of Malta’s Annual Pride Week, is also a voluntary organization which aims to promote further growth in our Communities and creating opportunities for giving back to society with particular focus on LGBT+ individuals and allies on the Maltese Islands.

Watch the video where Crawford Prentice, Head of Wealth and Personal Banking at HSBC Malta and Clayton Mercieca ARC Malta President talk about the new partnership.

Malta Chamber Tourism Business Section welcomes legal notice facilitating safe travelling to and from Malta

The Tourism Business Section within the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry welcomes the legal notice on the conditions to be imposed on persons travelling to and from Malta as it charts the way to open and facilitate travel safely.

The Legal Notice makes the requirement to present a negative PCR result prior to boarding. This brings Malta on similar lines to other countries. The Tourism Business Section believes that this is critical to provide reassurance for travellers and locals while facilitating travel in a meaningful way.

The Tourism Business Section representing a wide range of stakeholders in the travel and tourism industry, had urged the authorities to outline the way forward and ease restrictions on non-essential travel to reflect the remarkable progress of vaccination programmes in the EU. This call reflected the scientific advice that vaccination considerably helps to break the transmission chain of COVID-19.

Notwithstanding this important development, the Malta Chamber calls for continued vigilance in the context of the emergence of coronavirus variants. The Maltese authorities should continue limiting the risk of such variants of concern entering the Maltese islands and strict restrictions should remain in place.

The Medical Cannabis Industry Executive Committee congratulates two of its members on being granted a license by the Malta Medicines Authority

Following a rigorous regulatory process that ensures the best medicinal product is made available on the market in accordance with EU GMP standards, ASG Pharma was the first licensed company to be licenced to produce Medical Cannabis in Malta, followed by ZenPharm. A third company Materia Ltd. is in the process of obtaining its license and has already received its EU GMP certification. These licences ensure that patients are receiving products originating from the scientific advancements in medical cannabis which are of the highest quality, the most secure, and effective on the market.

The Malta Chamber welcomes this achievement which emerged from the setting up of the Business Section on Medical Cannabis within the Chamber a year ago. The Executive Committee was relentless in discussing opportunities and ways to optimise the licensing process to make the sector a true success and competitive enough globally, thus arriving at the opportunity of exporting a gold standard medicinal product produced locally and effectively contributing to Malta’s GDP growth.

Discussions were held regularly with Hon. Dr. Miriam Dalli, Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Mobility, Mr. Kurt Farrugia, CEO Malta Enterprise, Hon. Deo Debattista, Parliamentary Secretary for Consumer Protection and Public Cleansing and most importantly with Prof. Anthony Serracino Inglott, Chairman of the Malta Medicines Authority together with all their respective teams in order to make this happen.

The Malta Chamber welcomes this ground-breaking achievement and the priority given to this sector to ensure its competitiveness worldwide.

BNF Bank gives new life to its St Julian’s branch façade

BNF Bank has completed the renovation of the façade of its St Julian’s branch. The characteristic building with traditional Maltese architectural features, in the heart of the picturesque Spinola Bay, has been synonymous with the Bank since the start of its operations in Malta.

With a view to continue fostering a health conscious and positive workplace for BNF Bank employees, and a welcoming environment to its customers, the Corporate Services Department team at BNF work tirelessly to ensure that a pleasant environment which respects the local fibre and heritage transpires across the Bank’s twelve retail branches. The restoration project of the St. Julian’s branch, which currently also accommodates the Corporate and Business Centre, is the most recent to reach completion.

In line with local planning regulations, the scheme emphasises the local cultural identity through architecture with the subtle inclusion of the BNF brand identity. With culture and heritage forming an integral part of BNF’s CSR and ESG initiatives, the Bank remains committed in safeguarding the environment and heritage to be enjoyed by future generations.

Whilst keeping customers at the forefront, the team worked hard to ensure that the renovation works created minimal disruptions while ensuring the smooth running of the Bank’s operations taking rigorous health and safety precautions.

The St. Julian’s branch holds significant importance for BNF, given that it was the first branch to open its doors to the public back in 2008. This branch houses the Bank’s Corporate teams, composed of professional bankers who are committed to support family businesses and companies to grow and prosper with a top-class range of tailor-made solutions. BNF has since gone from strength to strength through customer-centric operations, a focus on people and constant efforts to streamline processes for maximum efficiency to serve both its personal and business clients in the best way possible.

Toly Thinks Pink Campaign

For the last four consecutive years, Toly has introduced their Toly Thinks Pink Campaign, a movement introduced during the month of October. A campaign followed by many corporate businesses, and an initiative appreciated by many worldwide. The hype leaves a positive impact for raising money and bringing awareness all month long, but what about the remaining 11-months out of the year when breast cancer awareness goes quieter?

With about 2.1 million people getting diagnosed every year, and the World Health Organisation stating that lung cancer has been relegated second for the first time in the last two decades. This leaves breast cancer today constituting as the number one most common form of cancer globally.

These statistics motivated Toly to collaborate with Beauty Source and extend their October incentive by introducing Toly Thinks Pink as a year-round, breast-bound campaign. Bringing a 365 day reminder that WE need to get checked, support one another and donate money to beat this.

We are inviting you to share and partake in this campaign with us.
It is our aim to cultivate precaution, as our lives get busier and when distraction is easier.

Let us support this cause for the better and face the fight together.

Click here to buy your compact today and donate with proceeds contributed towards Toly Thinks Pink.