The Malta Chamber Presents National Priorities During Meeting With Leader of the Opposition and Opposition Spokespersons

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry met with the Leader of the Opposition Dr Bernard Grech together with Opposition Spokespersons to discuss the challenges and opportunities that exist within the various business sections.

Click here to download the full speech by President Xuereb.

Launch of Diploma in Joinery and Furniture making

In an event held at MCAST Paola, the Furniture Manufacturing Business Section launched a collaboration with MCAST and MG2I. Through this collaboration fifteen new students starting MCAST’s Diploma in Joinery and Furniture Making Course will be offered part-time employment and on the job training at seven furniture manufacturing companies. These companies, who form part of the membership of The Malta Chamber, will be receiving students at their factories from Wednesday to Friday each week, with students to attend lectures at MCAST in the first two days of the week.

“This collaboration illustrates what MCAST is all about. We want our students to work as they learn, and also to use work and real-life experience as an educational tool,” said MCAST Principal Profs Joachim James Calleja.

In her address to the new students The Malta Chamber President Marisa Xuereb emphasised the important impact that collaborations such as this could have in reviving industries. “Our manufacturing sector is facing severe shortages in trained workers, and this is also true in the furniture manufacturing industry. By partnering with educational institutions like MCAST The Malta Chamber is helping to address this shortage which is a primary concern for our members.”

The seven companies who will be taking on employees as part of this collaboration are Joinwell Ltd., Domestica Ltd., Shaker Ltd., Delia Woodworks Ltd., FX Borg Furniture Ltd., JDS Manufacturing Ltd. and Trends Manufacturing Ltd.


BCRS Malta Ltd hosts first of series of information sessions about Beverage Container Refund Scheme

BCRS Malta Ltd held its first in a series of information sessions about the upcoming Beverage Container Refund Scheme on Tuesday. The meeting which was attended by members of the business community hailing from the production, importation, distribution and retail segments of the beverages industry, was organised in collaboration with The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry and was intended to explain in detail how the scheme will function.

Welcoming guests to the session, BCRS Malta Ltd chairperson Mr Pierre Fava said that the upcoming Beverage Container Refund Scheme in Malta will be a significant milestone in what has been an important and challenging journey so far. He said that the Beverage Container Refund Scheme would radically change the way single-use beverage containers were disposed of, once and for all.

“This will revolutionise the way we think of plastic, aluminium and glass containers. This is going to be a project that we will be proud to have undertaken together, and which our children will thank us for” Mr Fava said.

BCRS Malta Ltd, a 100% private non-government company, is the licensed operator for Malta’s Beverage Container Refund Scheme. The company is fully focused on implementing a technologically driven scheme based on international best practices and to date €17.2 million of private investment has been committed by way of capital investments to create the necessary infrastructure to run the scheme.

Aiming to collect and recycle up to 90% of all single-use beverage containers by 2026, Mr Fava called BCRS Malta Ltd a historic collaboration. “I am proud to chair this group of stakeholders in the beverage industry who have come together to do something which would be beneficial to the country’s environmental targets and well-being. We are fully aware that this will likely require a culture change from most of us, but we believe we can all make it together” he concluded.

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry President Ms Marisa Xuereb said “The private sector has a key role to play in undertaking investments that provide for a greener, more sustainable economy. Government policies and the absorption of EU funds targeted at attaining sustainability objectives need to facilitate and promote private sector investment in such infrastructure, across all waste streams. The extent to which we will succeed as a country in developing a viable circular economy depends greatly on the efficiency and effectiveness of waste collection schemes, and on our ability to channel waste streams to economically feasible activities that can be harnessed by the private sector.”

While providing a detailed presentation of how the scheme will function, BCRS Malta Ltd Chief Executive Officer Ing. Edward Chetcuti said that this was based on international best practices from similar schemes which were operational in several other European countries. He then proceeded to explain how the system would make use of 331 Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs) to collect beverage containers in bottles and cans made of PET, aluminium and glass containing water, soft drinks, beer, ciders and flavoured beverages but excluding wines, spirits, juices and dairy products which would not be collected by the scheme.

All collected containers will then be taken to the BCRS purposely built Hal Far plant, where they will be sorted according to material type and packed efficiently to be exported for onward recycling. The IT system which would support the scheme, would regulate the collection and separation of returned containers through the latest Internet of Things technology creating an intelligent network that would govern the system automatically. An interactive map with the locations of the various RVMs spread across Malta and Gozo would be available online and would facilitate the customer interface.

Mr Franco Schembri, Chief Officer, Operations from Circular Economy Malta, said “As the national regulator of the beverage container refund scheme, CEMalta appeals to the economic operators of the beverage industry to regularise their operations by registering themselves and, in the case of Producers and Importers, their respective products with the Scheme. It is imperative that all economic operators understand that it is in the interest of all to make this Scheme a success story in protection of the environment”

A question and answer session moderated by Ms Rachel Attard, Media and Communication Strategist from The Malta Chamber then followed.

Dr Jean Noel Cutajar appointed Chief Legal Officer of BNF Bank

BNF Bank is strengthening its top tier management with the appointment of Dr Jean Noel Cutajar as Chief Legal Officer.

A lawyer by profession, Dr Cutajar specialises in banking, finance and corporate law. After graduating as Doctor of Laws from the University of Malta in 2010, Dr Cutajar also obtained a Masters’ Degree in Banking Law and Finance from the University of London in 2017. He also obtained certification on corporate governance matters from the UK Institute of Directors.

Throughout his career Dr Cutajar occupied the position of company secretary in various businesses and institutions and held various other roles, including a role at the Central Bank of Malta, amongst others. Dr Cutajar has been heading BNF Bank’s Legal Department since January 2021 and is a visiting lecturer at the University of Malta.

As part of BNF Bank’s Executive Committee, Dr Cutajar joins CEO and Managing Director Michael A. Collis, Chief Commercial Officer George Debono, Chief Risk Officer Maruska Buttiġieġ Gili, and Mark Micallef, Chief Financial Officer.

Dr Cutajar expressed his appreciation and gratitude on his appointment. “I’m delighted to have been appointed Chief Legal Officer on the Bank’s Executive Committee. Whilst I thank the Board of Directors and Management at BNF Bank for the trust they have shown in me, I look forward to putting my expertise, experience and insights to good use, in order to keep strengthening the Bank’s corporate governance and oversight of legal affairs in the context of a dynamic sector.”

BNF Bank is one of Malta’s systemic banks and a key player in the country’s financial services industry. Offering a wide portfolio of products for both personal and business clients, the Bank operates twelve branches across Malta and Gozo, a Corporate and Business Banking Centre and a trading room. BNF has been awarded several accolades, in recognition of the customer-centric strategy and consistently strong performance.

Furniture Manufacturing Business Section newly formed within The Malta Chamber of Commerce

The newly formed Furniture Manufacturing Business Section within The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, has elected its Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is formed from cross-industry representatives from a variety of furniture manufacturing sectors.

The Malta Chamber Deputy President Chris Vassallo Cesareo, who spearheaded the establishment of this new Business Section said that “It is essential that this vital industry gets the representation that it deserves through the formation of this Business Section at The Malta Chamber.” He added that, “this Business Section and its Executive Committee will start to address the needs of the furniture manufacturing industry, an exercise which will require a holistic approach that must encompass education and training for the industry workforce.”

The newly elected Chairperson of the Furniture Manufacturing Business Section, Ms. Luana Falzon, spoke about the need to champion Maltese companies in this field. Ms Falzon said that, “I feel that Malta has a lot to offer in terms of its furniture manufacturing sector. I believe that part of our work as a committee must be showcasing the quality of the Maltese furniture manufacturing product as well as laying the foundations for this sector to continue to prosper.”

The Committee already started to set out its priorities. Amongst the first tasks the Committee will address is the dire shortage of workers joining the sector, a priority which goes hand in hand with the Committee’s drive to increase education and awareness on the nature of the jobs in this sector.

The full list of elected members comprising the Furniture Manufacturing Business Section Executive Committee can be found below: Ms. Luana Falzon Chair, Ms. Jennifer Xuereb Sammut Deputy Chair, Mr. Joseph Abela Member, Mr. Joseph Borg Member, Mr. Sebastian Degiorgio Member, Mr. Terence Delia Member.

Business hampered by draconian travel measures

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry is pleased to note that most remaining Covid-19 restrictions are being lifted, and businesses operating locally will be able to function normally. This will help the recovery at a time when there are other serious economic challenges to be dealt with. Yet some businesses remain severely hampered by what are now excessive travel restrictions.

On 22nd February 2022, the Council of the EU adopted an updated recommendation on non-essential travel from third countries into the EU. This new recommendation states that Member States should allow non-essential travel for persons vaccinated with an EU- or WHO-approved vaccine, recovered persons and all persons travelling from a country on the EU whitelist, while allowing for additional measures such as PCR testing before travel to be requested. It also upholds that reciprocity should continue to be taken into account on a case-by-case basis and indicates that it is appropriate to start moving to an approach that is based purely on the vaccination status of the traveller rather than on the country of origin. The Council recommendation is not legally binding, but most EU countries have adopted it. Yet Malta continues to uphold a long dark red list of third countries, and to apply draconian quarantines to arrivals from these countries even if travellers are vaccinated. This makes it impossible for business-related travel to and from third countries to resume and is placing local businesses who have contractual obligations or potential new business in third countries at a disadvantage compared to their EU counterparts.

Liz Barbaro Sant, Chairperson of TradeMalta which is a public-private partnership between The Malta Chamber and Government tasked with facilitating Maltese business in third countries expressed serious concern about the situation: “It sends the message that Malta is not open for business, and that Maltese businesses are reluctant to service their customers in these countries, which is not the case. On both a commercial as well as a diplomatic level, this has become unsustainable and is drying up the pipeline of international business prospects for Maltese businesses.”

The Malta Chamber therefore appeals to the local authorities to be more sensitive to the economic implications of a draconian approach to travel to and from third countries at this stage. Malta Chamber President Marisa Xuereb stated that “There are significant business interests in third countries that are being put at risk by quarantines that are incongruent with the approach being adopted locally. You are no longer required to quarantine if you have a positive case within your household, but you need to quarantine if you return from most third countries even if you are vaccinated. An urgent review of these rules is required to allow businesses to resume their international activities without further delay. The smallest country in the EU cannot be the slowest to take-off.”

Department of Contracts and Contracting Authorities need to ascertain Full Compliance of Bidders

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry must once again draw attention to the importance of vetting bidders properly in public procurement tendering processes for administrative compliance. This is an effective way of enforcing compliance and cleaning the market of rogue operators.

While the public procurement process provides legal remedies for competitors to challenge the adjudication process, they have very little visibility on the administrative and technical compliance of the other bidders. Similarly, courts are only able to decide on those matters on which competitors object and to base themselves on the evidence brought forward by the objector. The responsibility for ensuring full compliance, and more so administrative and technical compliance, lies squarely with the Department of Contracts and the Contracting Authorities. Both have the right to cancel tenders as well as their awards at any point in time (even if the recommended bidder has been decreed), when a tender has been awarded to a bidder who is not fully compliant on administrative, technical or financial requirements.

False declarations with regards to fiscal or financial status, non-payment of taxes, non-filing of financial statements or the filing of financial statements showing gravely insolvent positions, repeated reports of malpractice to consumer protection authorities, and the institution of criminal proceedings with serious accusation should all trigger alarm bells to blacklist operators and even suspend and withdraw running contracts if the gravity of the case warrants so.

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry appeals to Government and all relevant authorities, particularly the Department of Contracts, to be truly sensitive to the extent to which the business community and the public in general have had enough of cowboys running roughshod over good governance and clean business, and expects the authorities to leave no stone unturned in convincing all those who are watching that this Government is really serious about its intentions to clean up and raise the bar. We urgently need to close the credibility gap.

Social partners discuss the Right to Disconnect based on a collaborative working culture

Last Friday, The Malta Chamber and the Malta Business Bureau organised a webinar discussing key topics from the EU autonomous framework agreement on digitalisation. The event was organised in association with the General Workers Union as part of the EU TransFormWork project, which is being funded by the EU Social Dialogue Programme. The social partners unanimously agreed that any movement on this subject should be based on a collaborative working culture between the employer and the employee.

During the event, Malta Business Bureau President Ms Alison Mizzi emphasised, “Digitalisation is changing the way we work. Being ever present at the office has become an option not a necessity
for several businesses. This opens the door for more flexible work arrangements but does not come without challenges, including stress from the excessive use of digital tools and the greyer delineation between work and private life. We must create more awareness, provide training and adopt proactive management practices that address these challenges.”

The Malta Chamber CEO Dr Marthese Portelli believes that on managing workloads, “It all boils down to mutual trust, synergy and collaboration between employers and employees. We need a
change in mindset on the workplace which is more output driven. Moving away from a 40-hour week, punch-in, punch-out, to a productive KPI system will lead to more clarity and more efficiency.”

The event saw the participation of the main cross-sectoral social partners in Malta. The employers were represented by The Malta Chamber, the Malta Employers Association, and The Malta Chamber of SMEs. The workers’ representatives were represented by the General Workers Union and UHM Voice of the Workers.

Other special guests were invited to share their expertise and experiences on specific topics, namely, Ms Mireille Pellegrini Petit from Thrive Positive who spoke on the psychological impact of excessive use of technology; Dr Lara Pace from Ganado Advocates who presented the legal parameters of surveillance at the workplace; and Mr Chris Busuttil Delbridge from Evolve who shared best practices on implementing positive cultures at the workplace.

The main outcomes of the discussion revolved around the need to promote more positive cultures in companies and implement proactive human resources policies that are centred on flexibility, respect, and trust, in the relationship between employers and employees alike. There was also agreement on the need of continuously creating awareness on the downside effects of excessive use of technology. 

It was agreed that performance monitoring tools could be used to ensure that there is a level playing field amongst all employees in terms of their output and job responsibilities. Company policies should clearly stipulate monitoring policies, which policies must be in full compliance with GDPR requirements.

Finally, and as a separate initiative, The Malta Chamber developed policy guidelines on the Right to Disconnect. The guidelines outline the responsibilities of employers and workers as well as promote recommendations on good management practices and a collaborative company culture. The purpose of the initiative was to create more awareness on the topic of modalities of connecting and disconnecting and encourage companies to incorporate internal policies on the subject matter.

More information on the EU project can be viewed from

‘We need to support ethical and forward-looking business’ – The Malta Chamber CEO Marthese Portelli

The Malta Chamber CEO Dr Marthese Portelli appealed to the newly elected Cabinet members to commit to and take bold decisions required in the national interest and that go beyond partisan interests – the country must step up. The statement took place during an exclusive meeting held at The Malta Chamber with several newly elected Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries.

During her presentation, Dr Portelli outlined The Malta Chamber’s priorities for this legislature which will continue to focus on (i) Economic Recovery, Resilience and Growth, (ii) Good Governance, (iii) Human Capital and Education, (iv) Infrastructure and Digitalisation and (v) Sustainability. She identified the 5 key drivers for implementation as follows:
• National reforms
• Ease of doing business
• Competitiveness and support incentives
• Sustainability
• Growth sectors

Click here to download the full presentation.

The Malta Chamber CEO emphasised the importance of restoring our country’s reputation as this has a direct effect on Malta’s attractiveness and competitiveness and is a crucial requisite for ethical and forward-looking business. She also insisted on driving the country towards more investment in in quality driven sustainability and digitalisation efforts which render returns on investments.