DS4AIR: Digital Skills for the Artificial Intelligence Revolution
Funding Programme: ERASMUS+: An Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education (Project Reference: 2020-1-MT01-KA204-074223)
Scope: The project supports innovation through the design, development & evaluation of an online training course on Digital Skills for the Artificial Intelligence Revolution – this course is available for all interested free of charge online and at your own pace.
Objectives: To equip employers and employees with the necessary skills to use AI at the work place, and address skills required by vulnerable employees within companies in the process of implementing digital transformation in their workplace.
Partners Involved: Smart Learning, B&P, SERC International and Camara Valencia
The Malta Chamber Role: Partner
Value to Members: Providing a free course on digital skills for AI. A certificate is provided following each module and upon course completion.
Pillar: Digitalisation
Project Website: DS4AIR and course
Timeline: Closed