This WE MAKE webinar showcased best practices from three leading manufacturing companies which highlighted the investment opportunities for companies, such as rainwater collection for heating/cooling
“Sustainable manufacturing and conservation of resources are more than just energy management. Water management is expected to take a more pronounced role amongst the metrics for sustainability. Aside from an expression of green credentials, investing in water efficiency allows a company to secure its future cost-base, particularly given that Maltese freshwater is a resource under increasing strain, and its future abundance is not a given,” said Chris Vassallo Cesareo, The Malta Chamber Deputy President.
The Deputy President was addressing attendees during the latest webinar organised as part of the WE MAKE Project which aims to assist companies in becoming more sustainable and more efficient, and thus, more competitive.
“There are various ways to carry out water efficiency investments in industry, as there are many applications of water to the manufacturing process. Process water is used in the execution of manufacturing processes such as incorporation into the product, while cooling/heating water may be used for chilled water systems,” noted Vassallo Cesareo.
The webinar, organised in collaboration with Malta Business Bureau (MBB) and the Energy and Water Agency (EWA), showcased best practices from three leading manufacturing companies which highlighted the investment opportunities for companies, such as rainwater collection for heating/cooling.