06 October, 2023

BNF Bank collaborates with ACT Malta on native flora propagation

With the aim of fostering a culture of environmental responsibility, BNF Bank is supporting Maltese NGO ACT to increase awareness about the importance of indigenous flora. This collaboration aligns with BNF’s broader dedication to sustainability initiatives.

The partnership featured a successful hands-on educational workshop held with the Banks’ corporate team. The opportunity was then extended to all staff members who showed interest to volunteer. The positive feedback from this initiative was resounding, highlighting the value of the work the NGO is doing in Malta and the Bank’s commitment to jump onboard.

The experience for staff members was an immersive one, as they learnt about the ecological significance of native plant species and the skills required to propagate shrubs and plants as a means to their preservation. “Getting our hands deep into soil as we sowed seeds and planted cuttings gave us a sense of being closer to nature,” said Reuben Ellul, the Corporate Banking team head at BNF Bank. “We learnt how to transform the word sustainability into a tangible measure, by propagating indigenous plants that are unique and particular to Malta. What’s more, it’s a meaningful commitment we can all take up individually and choose local flora for our homes,” he continued.

BNF Bank and ACT Malta also took to social media to promote the need to focus on locally grown native flora species.  Through this joint effort, a short series of educational facts was also circulated to help empower the public and develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of their surroundings.

This initiative will also be taken to St Clare College, St Julians as part of a project to create more knowledge among children on conservation of the species and environmental duty. The initiative is set to commence at the start of the scholastic year whereby students will be given the tools to grow their very own native plant and care for it throughout the scholastic year, with follow up visits by ACT.

ACT works to serve as an enabler to empower people to learn and do what inspires them, in the context of sustainable progress across all areas of society, through open, constructive dialogue and collaboration.

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