A delegation from The Malta Chamber led by CEO Dr Marthese Portelli and The Malta Chamber Tourism Operators Business Section Chair Alan Arrigo, met with Carlo Micallef and Leslie Vella, CEO and Deputy CEO of the Malta Tourism Authority to discuss national priorities with the tourism sector.
The topics highlighted included:
• Licensing Regime
• Funding & Events coordination
• Seasonality practices
• Digitalisation
• Industry engagement with Accademia
• Enforcement on unregulated operators
The Malta Chamber CEO also highlighted the following points:
• Reposition MTA’s role as an enabler for the industry and as a regulator which enforces licensing standards and promotes best practices, as opposed to its current perceived status as a competitor with the private sector.
• The extension of community policing to tourism zones in core areas. Incentivise the use of technology to improve sanitary standards and safety by reducing human intervention in cleaning and similar processes.
• Implementation of Digital Strategic Roadmap for Tourism in the Maltese Islands 2030.
• Proper waste disposal by and for the industry.