The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (hereinafter referred to as The
Malta Chamber) is issuing this call for Tender for the Re-Design, Development & Support
Services of The Malta Chamber Webportal (The Project).
The Malta Chamber is the independent voice of the private sector in Malta. Its principal mission
is to actively represent companies from all economic sectors and ensure that entrepreneurs
enjoy the best competitive environment and regulatory conditions possible for the conduct of
ethical business.
As a business support organisation, The Malta Chamber is there to ensure that its members
quickly and easily access the support, services and information they need to help their businesses
succeed and grow.
The scope of this Call for Tender (hereinafter referred to as CfT) is therefore to obtain proposals
from interested companies to enable The Malta Chamber to choose a partner to design, develop,
host, maintain and support The Project in such a way that it meets the conditions and
requirements as outlined in this document.