As communicated through a Notice published on 28 January 2022 – https://mbr.mt/2022/01/28/legislative-amendments-introduced-by-act-lx-of-2021/ – Act LX of 2021 introduces the requirement for companies to indicate their electronic mail address in the memorandum, in terms of article 69(1)(d) of the Companies Act.
The scope behind this amendment is two-fold. Firstly, electronic communication serves to increase efficiency through timely communication by reducing the reliance on paper format communication to a company’s registered office. Certain correspondence may well be served to a company electronically and is many times more effective in reaching the concerned company officers. Secondly, the Malta Business Registry continuously strives as a central national registry and supervisory authority, toward implementing sustainable governance measures that correspond to corporate sustainability goals reflecting national and European Union initiatives in the sector. Limiting the amount of physical paper-format correspondence and shifting the emphasis to electronic means, will undoubtedly serve to reduce the use of paper and associated materials. Such measure is only one of those which will be undertaken as part of the responsibility in implementing measures synced with the European Green Deal.
Companies are hereby being notified that an adequate electronic mail address that is accessible to all the company officers, is to be provided to the Malta Business Registry by 30 September 2022. It is advisable that this is done by filing an updated memorandum and articles of association. In instances whereby this is not possible, one may address a formal letter to the Registrar, sent to the attention of Ms Stefania Baldacchino.