24 May, 2024

New BNF Bank branch opens at campus hub

BNF Bank has opened a new branch at Campus Hub, to offer the community of students, faculty and administrative staff as well as medical staff and hospital visitors a physical touchpoint and access to the Bank’s wide range of financial solutions across customers’ lifecycles.

This endeavour reflects the Bank’s commitment to continue strengthening its customer service, acknowledging that personal, face-to-face relationships are still strong in Malta, and that the Bank’s ongoing digital transformation process and vision for advanced technological solutions should not exclude personal customer-centric relationships.

The new branch, boasting a fresh and modern look-and-feel, will offer personal and business clients highly tailored products and services, as well as products and workshops aimed at fostering financial wellness particularly among students.

BNF Bank’s Chief Commercial Officer, George Debono said ‘’The launch of our new branch at Campus Hub reflects the Bank’s vision of complementing its progressive digital infrastructure with increased accessibility for face-to-face interactions in a welcoming environment with our professional staff. The location allows us to shift the focus from the traditional catchment area usually associated with a retail branch, to a target audience comprising of students, professionals, individuals and families visiting the University, Mater Dei, Campus Hub’s retail outlets, or simply passing by the main roads neighbouring the branch.”

Head of BNF Retail Banking Department, Rueben Bezzina said “We are thrilled to bring our expertise and personalised services to Campus Hub, empowering individuals with the tools they need to achieve their financial goals. Our team looks forward to serving all customers, old and new, from our brand new location.”

To view all of BNF’s branch locations, click here.

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