Mediterranean Cleantech Innovation Workshops – R&I for Malta’s Climate & Energy Targets

The Malta Chamber is part of a consortium implementing the Mediterranean Island Cleantech Innovation Ecosystem (MICIE) project is to strengthen the contribution of research and innovation (R&I) in achieving the climate and energy targets of Cyprus and Malta, as defined in their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs).

MICIE is holding 3 separate workshops on the same day simultaneously and you may choose to attend any one of the 3 workshops. During the chosen workshop you can discuss & propose Research & Innovation actions to help meet Malta’s Climate & Energy Targets as follows:

  • Workshop 1: Clean & Energy Efficient Solutions (incl. Urban Planning & Mobility)
  • Workshop 2: Renewable Solutions for Islands
  • Workshop 3: Integration of Renewable Electricity (incl. Smart Grid Management & Storage Solutions)

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (The Malta Chamber) is committed to protect the privacy of individuals who communicate with it, use its services, visit its website, and who make use of its online facilities. In this regard, any personal data submitted with this registration will be processed according to our Privacy Policy. 

Consultation Session – Manufacturing Economic Group Outreach Meeting

The session will be an exchange of views by the newly elected Manufacturing Economic Group committee with the manufacturing companies representatives within The Malta Chamber.

The event will adopt an informal bottom-up approach to identify, brainstorm and discuss how to address concerns and challenges which the businesses are currently experiencing with the aim of drawing up a Work Plan for the next two years.

Your representatives are encouraged to attend and contribute to policy recommendations which will also be considered for the upcoming Pre-Budget Document 2024 which will be presented to Government in Q3 2023.

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (The Malta Chamber) is committed to protect the privacy of individuals who communicate with it, use its services, visit its website, and who make use of its online facilities. In this regard, any personal data submitted with this registration will be processed according to our Privacy Policy.

Economic Impact Assessment on Green Public Procurement

The Malta Chamber would like to invite its members to a workshop to discuss Green Public Procurement. The aim of this workshop is to:

  1. identify the economic cost and benefits of implementing each of the seventeen GPP criteria,
  2. establish a robust baseline of information regarding the potential economic benefits arising from the implementation of GPP criteria on the local economy and the purchasing power that central government has in driving forward green purchasing and the influence this has on the local market,
  3. develop GPP criterion lifecycle assessment, and
  4. establish qualitatively the perceived and real barriers to the uptake of GPP criteria in Malta based on local market conditions through stakeholder engagement. 

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (The Malta Chamber) is committed to protect the privacy of individuals who communicate with it, use its services, visit its website, and who make use of its online facilities. In this regard, any personal data submitted with this registration will be processed according to our Privacy Policy.

Living Labs: Consumer Workshop on Green Technologies for the Mediterranean Food Value Chain

Excellence hub in green technologies: Introducing Innovation Ecosystems in the Mediterranean Food Value Chain

The Malta Chamber is part of a consortium implementing the EXCEL4MED Project, which seeks to strengthen the Mediterranean agri-food supply chain. Through this workshop the Maltese partners of this Project would like feedback from consumers on whether and how green technologies can be best applied for the improvement of the nutritional value of our food chain.

This interactive workshop is being held to tap into your thoughts, ideas & recommendations for the proposed green technologies that may be suitable for your business, organisation or as a consumer.

This initiative is being held as part of the EXCEL4MED Project (Excellence hub in green technologies: Introducing innovation ecosystems in the Mediterranean food value chain) funded by Horizon Europe.

The EXCEL4MED project aims to strengthen Mediterranean innovation ecosystems in food production and the valorization of food side-streams. It addresses challenges faced by Agrifood Supply Chains due to weather, operational and logistical issues, and aims to make Mediterranean fruit supply chains more resilient and sustainable through an Excellence Hub thus contributing to the Farm to Fork Strategy & the European Green Deal. 

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (The Malta Chamber) is committed to protect the privacy of individuals who communicate with it, use its services, visit its website, and who make use of its online facilities. In this regard, any personal data submitted with this registration will be processed according to our Privacy Policy.

Elevating your Customer Experience in the Digital Age

In today’s day and age it is key to provide customers with the best possible experience and service quality whilst at the same time earning and keeping their trust. However, it requires true commitment by organisations which some often struggle to achieve.

Organisations, therefore, need to re-imagine and re-think the art of the possible and move to more data-driven, customer-centric omni-channel solutions which are tech-powered and human-led. Such will help ensure that one successfully retains their existing customers whilst at the same time attracting new ones thus staying relevant in today’s ever more competitive landscape.

Come find out how you can rethink customer attraction and leverage digital innovation to help define what comes next!


Non members are only allowed a maximum of 1 free entrance to The Malta Chamber events per year.  
Non members will be charged a fee of 30Eur + VAT at entrance in the case of registrations that go over and above that quota. ​The Malta Chamber reserves the right to reject registrations of non members.

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (The Malta Chamber) is committed to protect the privacy of individuals who communicate with it, use its services, visit its website, and who make use of its online facilities. In this regard, any personal data submitted with this registration will be processed according to our Privacy Policy.

Info Session: VAT implications on cross border trade

In today’s increasingly globalized economy, businesses engaged in cross-border trade need to understand the taxation implications of their transactions. Value-added tax (VAT) is a crucial consideration, as it can affect the costs and profitability of cross-border trade. In addition, choosing the right Incoterms for the transaction can help businesses manage their VAT liability and be more VAT efficient.

During this info session, we will explore the fundamentals of VAT, including the concept of a taxable person and the place of supply general regulations focusing on goods. We will also delve into the world of Incoterms, understanding what they are, how they work, and their impact on VAT liability. Finally, we will discuss common mistakes businesses make when using Incoterms and how to avoid them.

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (The Malta Chamber) is committed to protect the privacy of individuals who communicate with it, use its services, visit its website, and who make use of its online facilities. In this regard, any personal data submitted with this registration will be processed according to our Privacy Policy.

From ideation to execution: realising vision through strategy

An effective strategy can bridge the gap between a business’ reality and its vision. From introspecting and formulating an actionable strategy based on best practice principles, to implementing and breathing life into it, to continuously refining it and remaining adaptable and responsive to environmental demands, mastering the strategic process is a core competency for any business leader. Join us to hone this critical skillset.

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (The Malta Chamber) is committed to protect the privacy of individuals who communicate with it, use its services, visit its website, and who make use of its online facilities. In this regard, any personal data submitted with this registration will be processed according to our Privacy Policy.

Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency in Buildings

The Malta Chamber in cooperation with The German-Italian Chamber of Commerce and other strategic Maltese stakeholders is organising the conference “Energy Efficiency and Renewables in Buildings: opportunities, challenges and future perspectives between Malta and Germany”.

Coordinated and financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action within the German Energy Solutions Initiative, the conference will focus on the latest innovative energy technologies in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency. 

It will also allow the transfer of energy expertise, the promotion of foreign trade and the facilitation of international development cooperation between Malta and Germany. 

Participation at the event is free of charge. Registration is mandatory for all conference participants.  

A delegation made up of 6 German companies will present their energy technologies at the conference and are interested in getting in touch with potential Maltese partners.

If you are interested in arranging an appointment in the days following the conference please contact the organisers.

Company Profiles

Ecodry International GmbH

LED-LIGHT-Germany GmbH

LUNOS Lüftungstechnik GmbH



NNN Energy UG

Supporting Partners

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (The Malta Chamber) is committed to protect the privacy of individuals who communicate with it, use its services, visit its website, and who make use of its online facilities. In this regard, any personal data submitted with this registration will be processed according to our Privacy Policy.

Collaboration Opportunities Industry-Academia

Especially during a time of manpower shortage in the manufacturing industry in Malta, industry-academia collaboration poses solutions and presents opportunities which might have escaped the notice of the business community. Fortunately, there are success stories to draw on for inspiration. This event will showcase such collaboration stories by inviting the University of Malta and Toly as case studies, who will share their success story. The event will explain how industry-academia collaboration can take place, what it can achieve, and will give an idea of what funding is also available to support it.

This unique event is the 9th in the WE MAKE series of events, which is funded by EWA, led by the Malta Business Bureau in partnership with The Malta Chamber.

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (The Malta Chamber) is committed to protect the privacy of individuals who communicate with it, use its services, visit its website, and who make use of its online facilities. In this regard, any personal data submitted with this registration will be processed according to our Privacy Policy.