New BNF Bank branch opens at campus hub

BNF Bank has opened a new branch at Campus Hub, to offer the community of students, faculty and administrative staff as well as medical staff and hospital visitors a physical touchpoint and access to the Bank’s wide range of financial solutions across customers’ lifecycles.

This endeavour reflects the Bank’s commitment to continue strengthening its customer service, acknowledging that personal, face-to-face relationships are still strong in Malta, and that the Bank’s ongoing digital transformation process and vision for advanced technological solutions should not exclude personal customer-centric relationships.

The new branch, boasting a fresh and modern look-and-feel, will offer personal and business clients highly tailored products and services, as well as products and workshops aimed at fostering financial wellness particularly among students.

BNF Bank’s Chief Commercial Officer, George Debono said ‘’The launch of our new branch at Campus Hub reflects the Bank’s vision of complementing its progressive digital infrastructure with increased accessibility for face-to-face interactions in a welcoming environment with our professional staff. The location allows us to shift the focus from the traditional catchment area usually associated with a retail branch, to a target audience comprising of students, professionals, individuals and families visiting the University, Mater Dei, Campus Hub’s retail outlets, or simply passing by the main roads neighbouring the branch.”

Head of BNF Retail Banking Department, Rueben Bezzina said “We are thrilled to bring our expertise and personalised services to Campus Hub, empowering individuals with the tools they need to achieve their financial goals. Our team looks forward to serving all customers, old and new, from our brand new location.”

To view all of BNF’s branch locations, click here.

Only 36% of local family businesses base their decisions on research and data analysis

New Family Business Grant scheme announced – applications to be accepted as from the 1st of June 2024

36% of family businesses across Malta base their decisions on research and data analysis while the rest rely on internal discussions for their decision-making processes. This was part of a survey conducted amongst local family businesses. The findings of this survey were presented during a conference organised by the Family Business Committee within The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, EMCS and the Family Business Office in Malta.

In his opening address, Chris Vassallo Cesareo, The Malta Chamber President, urged family businesses to recognise the value of robust governance structures. “By doing so, family businesses not only secure their future but also contribute positively to the broader economic landscape. Let us work together to ensure that good governance becomes the standard practice, driving sustainable growth and success for family businesses across Malta,” stressed The Malta Chamber President.

During the same conference, Family Business Office Regulator, Dr Jospeh Gerada, together with Malta Enterprise Head of Outreach, Alexander Vella, announced the Family Business Grant scheme which will become available as from the 1st of June 2024 and which aims to provide part financing of up to advisory and mediation services required by Family Businesses towards facilitation and planning of succession. The maximum support that can be awarded under the scheme is capped at €20,000 per Family Business in any rolling three (3) year period.

Silvan Mifsud, Chairperson of The Malta Chamber Family Business Committee, presented the insightful findings from the survey that was conducted earlier this year. “It is extremely clear that family businesses that invest in having better corporate governance, manage to be better at planning both from a strategic and succession perspective, manage to take better decisions and also setup the needed policies to guide the business appropriately,” he said.

Dr Marthese Portelli, CEO of The Malta Chamber said that, “Family business is vital for the country’s economic success, yet they face a number of challenges. Family businesses need to be agile enough to navigate the ever changing business landscape which we are seeing in terms of the local and international economic climate whilst seeking to remain competitive by increasing their efficiency, efficacy and productivity. The Malta Chamber will remain at the forefront in helping family businesses strengthen their governance structures, introduce agility in adapting to today’s changing world, embrace strategic planning as well as improve on their decision-making process by making better use of data and research.”

The event also featured a panel discussion made up of industry leaders and stakeholders. It was moderated by Rachel Bondi Attard, Head – Media and Communications Strategist at The Malta Chamber, and was made up of:

• Dr Joseph Gerada, Regulator, Family Business Office Malta
• Marco Galea, Managing Director, Oxford House
• George Debono, CCO, BNF Bank plc
• Brian Ferris, Managing Director, Scope
• Joseph Zammit, Director, Neriku Catering
• Alexander Vella, Head of Outreach (Business Development Unit), Malta Enterprise

The panel speakers highlighted the importance of keeping an open dialogue and invest time working on your business, whether in governance or digital improvements. Furthermore, engaging with the business community is crucial, as family businesses focusing on these aspects are seeing success.

Kurt Muscat, Assistant Manager at EMCS, presented a detailed economic analysis on several factors related to family businesses. “It is evident that economic conditions are changing, stressing business profits. The economic analysis highlights the negative impact on businesses when operating in a tight labour market,” he emphasised.

The event was supported by the Family Business Office Malta, BNF Bank plc, Oxford House, Malta Enterprise, Neriku Catering and Scope Solutions.

The green transition in the next EU term


The last EU legislature was characterised by Europe’s commitment to the green transition and climate change mitigation. This has been guided by the European Green Deal’s priorities, covering sectors like energy, transport, industry, and buildings, with the goal of making Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.

Much importance has been placed on cleaner energy sources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Proposals under the Fit For 55 package contributed towards these goals by mandating increased renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable fuels, and building renovations. Most proposals within the package have been adopted as law, aside from the revision of the Energy Tax Directive which includes, among others, controversial issues such as phasing out tax exemptions on maritime and aviation fuels, which is still under debate.

In the last two years, the European Commission has also renewed its efforts on waste reduction and broadening the circular economy. Measures include reducing single-use plastics and packaging waste, improving product eco-design, and strengthening waste management processes. The EU’s sustainability agenda in the next EU term shall remain crucial and must be supported. Climate change is a pressing global challenge which poses an existential threat, with a direct impact on Malta and Maltese businesses.

Aside from the obvious environmental benefits, investing in sustainability can be beneficial for businesses by reducing their bottom line through efficiency improvements, and the potential to grow into new markets. It opens opportunities for innovation and growth, such as in net-zero technologies which are expected to increase in demand as member states strive to meet ambitious climate targets. Consumer behaviour is likewise changing towards favouring more sustainable products and transparency. Businesses offering sustainable goods and services will likely succeed in the long run.

While the benefits of sustainability are clear, there are important challenges which businesses will face in this transition. Costs are always a primary concern, as businesses must upgrade products or infrastructure to meet stricter requirements. This is particularly challenging for SMEs with limited resources and lack of inhouse expertise.

There are various funding schemes which Maltese businesses can access to support their investments, such as those offered by Malta Enterprise. The Maltese government and EU policymakers should constantly review such schemes to ensure they are sufficiently attractive for businesses. This includes addressing persistent limitations posed by state aid rules on what type of support can be provided and to which level.

Balancing sustainability with economic competitiveness will appear as another crucial aspect going forward. Europe’s leading role is commendable, but acting alone risks degrading competitiveness against countries with less stringent environmental standards. This highlights the key role played by climate diplomacy to find common solutions for the global challenge of climate change.

New legislation should also consider their geopolitical and economic context. Economic shocks from the Covid-19 pandemic, and the subsequent wars in Ukraine and in the Middle East have raised input and transportation prices. Policymakers would be wise to avoid worsening this through excessive compliance costs which affect business viability.

Such an approach should undoubtedly involve assessing the wider economic implications of EU proposals beyond their stated aims. During the last years, the reality of island-states such as Malta has been totally overlooked by EU legislation, increasing costs, and negatively impacting our competitiveness.
This is clearly seen in legislation such as the revised Emission Trading System, which poses a clear risk of carbon leakage and a potential loss of direct connectivity to global hubs for EU islands. This naturally has a spillover effect not just on the Maltese maritime industry, but also all other industries which are dependent on it, such as manufacturing.

Ensuring competitiveness likewise involves avoiding overregulation which stifles business innovation and introduces great administrative costs. Policymakers have a key role to ensure that regulatory burdens are kept to a minimum, by constantly reviewing existing policies and refining new proposals.
On the global front, the time is now ripe for the EU to fully commit towards its pursuit of open strategic autonomy to be able to act independently, regardless of international disturbances. This involves strengthening the EU’s economic resilience by reducing dependency on unreliable third countries, particularly in critical sectors such as technology.

This strategy, however, should not lead to isolation or protectionism. Rather, it is about ensuring member states’ ability to meet ambitious targets being set at the EU level while cooperating with diverse and dependable global partners.

As the web of environmental policy becomes increasingly complex, in the coming years policymakers and legislators must keep in mind the impact on business’s daily operations during their negotiations and legislations adopted at EU level.

For more information, please view a publication issued by the Malta Business Bureau, focusing on the Maltese business priorities for the next EU legislature. The full publication can be viewed on

Gabriel Cassar is Manager – EU Policy (Sustainability) at the Malta Business Bureau. The MBB is the EU advisory organisation of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association. The MBB is also a partner of the Enterprise Europe Network

This article was first published on The Malta Business Weekly.

BOV issues statement on falsified document published by foreign media source

Bank of Valletta declares that a letter purportedly issued by the Bank as published over the past few days in a London-based media source and as referred to by at least one locally-oriented online blog is a fake and falsified document. This event carries a risk of damage to the Bank and to the Maltese jurisdiction. The Bank will be pursuing all remedies available to it at law to rectify the situation.

Bank of Valletta makes regular disclosures to the markets in line with its legal and regulatory obligations. It also maintains an active engagement with the media and encourages media houses to verify with it any information regarding the Bank and its activities.

Managing the digital transition during the next EU Term


Digitalisation has been and remains a main priority on the EU agenda. During the last five years, a series of legislations were adopted to shape the digital economy. From the Digital Markets Act and the Digital Services Act providing fairer treatment, more accountability and transparency by online platforms; to the Data Act introducing harmonised rules on fair access to and use of data; and the Artificial Intelligence Act outlining clear requirements and obligations to AI developers and deployers regarding specific uses of AI, the focus must now shift to ensuring an effective and consistent implementation of these rules and to maximise their positive impact on society and businesses across the EU.

Meanwhile, last year, the European Commission took a proactive step in keeping up with the technological transition by introducing the Web 4.0 strategy that is focused on the virtual worlds. This will shape the EU’s activity in the digital sphere for the next years as it looks at creating a digital space that is open, secure, fair, and inclusive for citizens, businesses, and public administrations.

This initiative anticipates the fact that the next EU legislature must be prepared for more disruptive and fast-paced advancements in the space of the industrial metaverse, quantum technologies, data storage and processing infrastructure, advanced semi-conductor technologies, and biotechnology. Continuous innovation is a characteristic of digitalisation, and it must be ensured that relevant legislation is adopted in a timely manner and to be future proof without stifling innovation. Further use of regulatory sandboxes – where businesses are allowed to experiment with new and innovative products and services under supervision of a regulator for a limited time – will be important.

Virtual worlds, including the industrial metaverse, are poised to revolutionize the business and employment landscape in the EU, with a significant portion of the population using such technology daily for personal and professional purposes. This also has the potential of creating thousands of new jobs in the future. However, just like the emergence of the internet did in the last century, these technologies will also bring some important challenges, including access to reliable information, digital skills, user acceptance, as well as broader issues related to ethical and fundamental rights. These are some of the challenges that need to be duly addressed by EU policymakers in ensuring a level-playing field, equal access, and proper safeguards.

Quantum technologies have revolutionized scientific research. Lasers, electronics, satellite-based positioning, and medical imaging are just a few examples of their real-world applications. The second quantum revolution is now unfolding, which is enabling an even more powerful application of quantum information with critical infrastructures, sensitive communications, and data facing increasing cybersecurity threats. Further discussion is required at EU level in examining the quantum industry and its prospects compared to other quantum powerhouses like the US and China. In maintaining EU competitiveness, it needs to be ensured that adequate EU funding continues to be directed towards European quantum programmes such as the ‘Quantum Technologies Flagship Initiative’ and the EuroHPC Joint-undertaking initiative on building state-of-the-art quantum supercomputers.

AI technologies continue rapidly gaining prominence and pervasiveness. When used responsibly, they hold immense potential to benefit businesses and citizens at large. However, like any advanced technology, AI can also be misused, leading to unethical practices or malicious outcomes. The EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act is the first of its kind, establishing clear guidelines for safe AI innovation and deployment while preventing its misuse that could expose individuals to unacceptable risks. While the AI Act envisions establishing coordinated regulatory sandboxes to foster AI innovation in a controlled environment for businesses to test and refine AI-driven products, services, or business models under narrow regulatory supervision, to be more effective the EU must also look at providing more liability protection for sandbox participants and a better interplay between AI sandboxes and EU data protection rules.

While such developments should be monitored to avoid malicious practises or misuse, EU policymakers must avoid overregulation, particularly as most companies in the digital field are young, micro or small-sized companies, whose main focus ought to be on driving technological solutions that enable the wider business community to be more efficient and productive in their operations. New regulatory frameworks must follow the smart technology sovereignty approach whereby they serve to create attractive business environments and a level playing field for companies to thrive and compete globally. Excessive bureaucracy negatively impacts the time to market of EU digital products and services, and further puts our businesses at a competitiveness disadvantage compared to countries such as the USA and China which are leading digital innovation globally.

Finally, strengthening the digital skills of the European workforce will remain one of the fundamental challenges of the digital transition. This will require ongoing public awareness and investment in education and training to ensure that companies find the human capital to manage and operate digital tools, as well as to shape upcoming innovators that will create the digital technologies of the future. Basic digital literacy is also important for the population at large to ensure the safe use of technology and apply proper safeguards against cybersecurity risks, both at the workplace as well as in their personal lives.

Daniel Debono is the EU Affairs Manager and Head of Brussels Operations of the Malta Business Bureau (MBB). The MBB is the EU-business advisory organisation of The Malta Chamber and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association. It is also a partner of the Enterprise Europe Network.

This article was first published on The Malta Independent.

Cashless payments even more accessible with BOV mobilepos

BOV Introduces innovative SoftPOS solution

In a bid to offer greater convenience and accessibility to both customers and merchants, while modernising the payments landscape, Bank of Valletta has just unveiled its latest innovation; the BOV mobilePOS solution. This new technology promises to revolutionise the way payments are made, replacing cumbersome cash, cheques and bulky terminals with seamless digital solutions using nothing more than an android smart phone.

Speaking about this new milestone for BOV, Chris Degabriele, who heads the Bank’s eBanking function explained that SoftPOS, short for Software Point of Sale, is cutting-edge mobile technology that transforms any NFC-enabled android smartphone or tablet into a fully functional payment terminal. “By introducing a more modern solution to the traditional point of sale terminal, we are now making cashless payments more accessible and providing merchants who are constantly on the go, such as delivery persons or street hawkers, a solution that securely accepts card payments from customers in seconds, with just a tap of a card to a smartphone phone. The BOV mobilePOS accepts major card brands including transactions carried out with Google Wallet and Apple Wallet.”

This technology spells significant benefits, with smartphones or tablets effectively doubling up as portable payment solutions. Safety and security both feature highly in this solution, which is built with state-of-the-art encryption protocols to safeguard against unauthorised access and providing peace of mind to both merchants and customers.

“With BOV mobilePOS, we are ushering in a new era of digital payments,” said Simon Azzopardi, Chief Personal and Wealth Management at Bank of Valletta. “We continue to be leaders and innovators, and our goal is to provide even more solutions that match today’s rapidly evolving marketplace. Our goal is to empower businesses by giving them the right tools that in the end make it easier for them to do business with their clients. I invite our customers to join us as we embrace the future of payments with our latest innovation.”

The BOV mobilePOS app can be downloaded seamlessly from one’s Google Play Store. One would simply need to complete this form and press ‘submit’. Our team will get in contact with the merchant and set up the system in a very short time. In case of inquiries, one may contact the Bank’s Customer Service Centre on 21312020 or submit a query from


BNF Bank pushes literacy agenda for world book day

BNF Bank has continued to maintain its commitment to education and literacy by once again collaborating with two important educational institutions – the Malta Libraries and the National Literacy Agency.

The presentation of 150 Maltese books from the third series Karamellu tar-Raħal t’Isfel to the state primary schools of Paola and Attard was organised to coincide with World Book Day, so as to generate maximum awareness about the importance of reading among children. Moreover, this initiative promotes the Maltese language as well as local cultural narratives of days gone by. The series is a collection of illustrated stories about childhood in the Maltese village of Żejtun in the 1950s penned by Charles Buttiġieġ, who inserts himself in the stories as Nannu Karm. Collaborating with the National Literacy Agency, BNF Bank is helping to distribute this publication across different schools and students of different ages.

BNF Bank also supported the Malta Libraries, through the sponsorship of libraries in Mosta and San Gwann. This initiative is aimed at enhancing access to literature and educational materials in Malta. The books target junior readers, and include books in braille, dyslexic friendly publications and large print and level reader books.

The Bank supported The Optimist Club of Malta with their Ikber Maghna project in Paola.  An affiliate of Optimist International, the Club aims to help children facing educational difficulties by offering help with homework, organising activities and character building. Ikber Magħnaencourages children to spend time with volunteers, learn and enjoy themselves. Educational games were also donated to the Club’s centre in Paola.

In another collaboration, the Bank presented a series of books titled ‘Mid-Dinja tal-Orsini’, by Ms Ruth Frendo to Mosta Primary school, Kinder 2 pupils. These books are aimed at children to promote literacy and inclusion from a very young age. These books provide an innovative approach that allow children to experience the stories visually.

Rueben Bezzina, Head of Retail Banking at BNF Bank explained how the Bank’s branch network serves as a point of contact between the organisation and the community, identifying projects where BNF can make a contribution and leave a positive impact in local areas where the Bank is present. “At BNF, we are not only strong in ESG but also in the quality relationships we foster with clients at our branches. Many times, these relationships create social synergies, beyond the financial services we offer. At a time where the glitz of social media trumps reading, the Bank believes it is more important than ever to instil and elicit the love of reading in young children and to foster a culture of learning and the widening of perspectives among adults, via literature.”

BOV employees On an Exchange Visit to MAPFRE offices in Madrid

In a bid to foster collaborative learning and enhance industry expertise, a group of dedicated employees from Bank of Valletta recently undertook a visit to the offices of MAPFRE in Majadahonda, Madrid.

Accompanied by Tonia Parascandalo, Alex Bezzina and Sarah Borg from the Bank’s Insurance Services and  Pensions arm, the team had the invaluable opportunity to engage in insightful discussions and knowledge-sharing sessions with MAPFRE’s seasoned professionals. The group included the Bank’s representatives who distinguished themselves throughout the year for the high level of service given to customers when assisting them to navigate the world of investments and pensions.  The agenda included deep dives into various aspects of banking and insurance operations, customer service excellence, and the latest technological innovations shaping the landscape of insurance and pensions.  The group was hosted by Elvira López de Lara (MAPFRE Corporate Distribution Director) and Goyo Santos (MAPFRE’s EMEA Commercial Director.)

“This visit underscores our commitment to continuous learning and professional development,” explained Tonia Parascandalo. “By collaborating with industry leaders like MAPFRE, we aim to stay at the forefront of innovation and best practices, ultimately delivering greater value to our customers.”

The exchange also provided a platform for networking and relationship-building between the teams of Bank of Valletta and MSV Life, paving the way for future collaborations. The delegates  expressed their appreciation at the opportunity of visiting the MAPFRE headquarters. “It was a great opportunity to get to know our colleagues better and build a strong connection. The whole training program was very well organized – an experience that we shall definitely cherish,” was one of the comments received from the delegates attending.

Such initiatives reaffirm the Bank’s commitment to invest in its people, providing them with opportunities to continue growing themselves and drive positive change at every touchpoint.  BOV Group has been involved in the life assurance business since 1994, when the first local bancassurance venture had been set up, at the time, in partnership with Middlesea Insurance. This working relationship kept growing stronger over the years, and nowadays the Bank enjoys an excellent working relationship with Mapfre S.A, which is one of the largest insurance providers in Spain with business operations extending to Latin America and the Maghreb.

HSBC Malta Foundation collaborates with local schools and clients to support NGOs for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day

In yet another remarkable community-driven initiative, HSBC Malta Foundation has facilitated a significant donation drive in collaboration with one of its major customers, the HSBC staff members and four local schools. The initiative brought together resources and goodwill to support 21 local NGOs with various donations, just in time for the Mother’s Day and the upcoming Father’s Day celebrations.

The schools participating in this commendable effort included St Benedict College – Helen Keller Resource Centre, Laura Vicuna School in Għasri, Gozo, St Francis School in Victoria Gozo, and De La Salle College. Each institution played a pivotal role in gathering essential items to aid the community efforts spearheaded by the NGOs.

The NGOs benefiting from this drive are leaders in social change and support across Malta. The NGO’s who benefitted this time round were; Life Network Foundation Malta, S.T.A.N.D., Building Bridges, LOOP, Dar Bjorn, St Jean Antide Foundation, Dar il-Kaptan, YMCA, Fondazzjoni Suriet il-Bniedem, MCAST Student Support Services, Smiling with Jerome, Malta Trust Foundation, Fondazzjoni Dar il-Hena, RISe Foundation, FIDEM, Fondazzjoni Sebħ, Dar Hosea, Inspire, Foodbank Lifeline Foundation, Richmond Foundation and the Soup Kitchen in Valletta.

Each organisation received items that will directly assist in its ongoing projects and community assistance programs.

Glenn Bugeja, Head of Corporate Sustainability for HSBC Malta stated, “We are deeply honoured to facilitate this collaboration between our schools and partner NGOs. The generosity and spirit of community shown by our partners and participants are truly inspiring. It’s a privilege to support these organisations that do so much for our community, especially as we celebrate Mother’s Day and the upcoming Father’s Day.”

This event not only highlights the strong community ties in Malta but also underscores HSBC Malta Foundation’s commitment to fostering partnerships that create tangible benefits for society.