The Malta Chamber Urges for a Holistic Approach to Planning and Development

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry has expressed its concerns regarding the current piecemeal review process of Phase 2 of the Development Control Design Policy, Guidance and Standards 2015, as issued for public consultation by the Planning Authority.

In its submission to the public consultation process, The Malta Chamber stresses that fragmented reviews can lead to increased speculation, misinterpretation, misapplication, and potential abuse of both the new policies and those already in place. This fragmented approach risks perpetuating the current “pick-and-choose” policy framework, which undermines cohesive and effective planning.

The Malta Chamber reiterates its longstanding position that a holistic approach to planning is not optional but essential to the Maltese Islands. This call has been consistently highlighted in The Malta Chamber’s Pre-National Election Manifesto of March 2022, and reinforced in the Pre-Budget Documents for both 2023 and the current fiscal year. The Malta Chamber insists that the country must transition from sporadic policy development and amendments to comprehensive planning strategies that encompass all aspects of development.

Proper planning extends beyond building heights or floor numbers. Proper planning requires also taking into consideration the country’s aesthetics and infrastructure, particularly the impact on utilities, sewage, parking facilities, waste management, road networks, and traffic. A holistic approach must evaluate these elements in conjunction with the country’s carrying capacity, economic vision, and the overall quality of life for a well-being society.

The Malta Chamber urges the Government to swiftly address the following critical areas:

  1. Revision of the Strategic Plan for Environment and Development (SPED): This revision should be based a thorough carrying capacity study to ensure a sustainable business environment and a well-being society. It must consider the built environment, natural environment, heritage, history, and the Maltese culture.
  2. Drafting of a National Architecture Policy, an Aesthetics Policy and a Landscape Policy: There is an urgent need for a National Architecture Policy, an Aesthetics Policy, and a Landscape Policy to foster cohesiveness and harmony in planning design, including skylines. Strict adherence to these policies is crucial.
  3. Future-Proofing Malta’s Building Stock: It is imperative to prepare the country’s building stock to withstand the impacts of climate change, ensuring resilience and sustainability.

The Malta Chamber strongly believes that persisting with sporadic policy amendments goes against the basic principle of sustainable development. A holistic approach to Malta’s development planning is indispensable for ensuring proper, ethical, and responsible governance.

Raphael Aloisio Appointed Malta Business Bureau President

Raphael Aloisio has been announced as the new President of the Malta Business Bureau.

Mr. Aloisio is a Certified Public Accountant and Auditor with a substantial career spanning over 43 years in public practice. He joined Deloitte in 1987 and was appointed as a partner in 1990. Mr. Aloisio retired from Deloitte in May 2023, after contributing to the firm for more than three decades, including a tenure of 21 years as the Advisory Leader. His work primarily focused on Corporate Finance and Funding, Transaction, and Business Advisory within the Tourism and Hospitality, Consumer Business, and Real Estate sectors. Mr. Aloisio is also a Fellow of both the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and the Malta Institute of Accountants. He served on the Council of the Malta Institute of Accountants for 16 years. On his appointment as new MBB President Mr. Aloisio commented, “As I step into the role of President at the MBB, I am ready to build upon the organisation’s past achievements and capitalize on new opportunities to bridge the gap between Maltese businesses and Europe.

The MBB serves as Malta’ business gateway to the EU, and our mission is to help shape future EU legislation that safeguards the competitiveness of our business community, while contributing positively towards Europe’s ambitious climate goals.” Mr. Aloisio emphasized that the organisation will continue to highlight the unique challenges faced by Malta as a small island state, particularly in comparison to our mainland European partners. These challenges include connectivity and additional transportation costs. “We will count on the support of our newly elected MEPs to ensure that Malta’s concerns are addressed at the highest levels,” he stated.

The MBB thanks Ms. Alison Mizzi who led the organisation for the past three years, for raising the profile of MBB and for bringing it closer to Maltese businesses. Furthermore, the MBB thanks outgoing Directors Mr. Malcolm Jones and Mr. Jean-Pierre Schembri for their support and input over the past term. The MBB Board for the 2024-2027 term is composed of: Mr. Raphael Aloisio (President), Mr. Sergio Vella (Vice President), Mr. Simon De Cesare, Mr. Brian Muscat, Dr. Marthese Portelli, Dr. Andrei Imbroll, and Mr. Philipp Seifert (Directors).

The Malta Business Bureau is the EU business advisory organisation of The Malta Chamber and The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association. It is also a partner of the Enterprise Europe Network.

The Malta Chamber active at the Eurochambres Congress 2024

A delegation from The Malta Chamber, led by President Chris Vassallo Cesareo participated at the Eurochambres General Assembly meeting held in the city of Antwerp on 12-14 June 2024. The exchanges analysed the impact that recent European Parliament elections will have on the EU’s economic outlook, particularly from the competitiveness perspective.

Eurochambres represents more than 20 million businesses through its members and a network of 1700 regional and local chambers across Europe. Mr Daniel Debono permanent delegate, and Ms Helga Mizzi, International Relations Advisor, accompanied The Malta Chamber President during the meeting.

The Malta Chamber President, Chris Vassallo Cesareo, was invited by the Eurochambres Congress held in Antwerp, to share best practices on ‘Sustainability for Business’. Details were shared on the process through which The Malta Chamber assists members in embarking on their step-by-step sustainability process.

President Vassallo Cesareo informed participants of the progress made in the areas of energy transition, climate change adaptation, waste conservation and water management. He particularly recalled that The Malta Chamber placed 2nd in the implementation of the EENeregy project. He thanked Gabby Grech Larsson (Policy Executive, Sustainability) for her outstanding efforts in this respect.

Furthermore, The Malta Chamber delegation had the occasion to participate in a Congress plenary session addressed by European Commissioner Maros Sefcovic which focused on EU competitiveness, the Green Deal and Digitalisation among other issues.

The Malta Chamber President, Chris Vassallo Cesareo, also participated in the Plenary Sessions of the Eurochambres Congress. Several issues of direct relevance to European businesses were raised, ranging from over-regulation, protectionist policies, energy reforms and support to SMEs looking at implementing their digital and green transitions.

The Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Luc Frieden addressed the Congress. He pointed out that the Eurochambres event was a very timely one as the EU embarks on a new political cycle which will need to address competitiveness in conjunction with social well-being and the ecological and digital transitions.

Bridging Business: The Role and Impact of the German Maltese Business Council


What is the broad role of the German Malta Business Council, its composition, and the desired outcomes?

The role of the German Maltese Business Council is to bring together members of the Chamber who either share an existing business relationship with Germany or who want to build one up. In the past, in particular with non-EU countries, this meant the very tangible role of building relationships and sharing knowledge to cover legislative and logistical gaps, which may have prevented business before.

In a time where Germany and Malta share half a dozen daily direct flight connections, established sea and air freight routes, and mutual membership in the EU, however, the value proposition must be different. Our aim as GMBC is to bridge perceived cultural gaps between our two countries and through this enable members to more effectively enter the market in Germany and further their activities more efficiently compared to someone who has not worked in the German market before.

Further, we see our own geographic location between Sicily to our North, and Libya/Tunisia to our south as key to bringing together companies in Northern Africa with partners from Germany, as business cultures and approaches can be vastly different and potentially detrimental when not correctly understood.

Lastly, we have set a clear goal to achieve a trade mission to Germany with a small group of interested and dedicated members at the end of our current mandate. The events which lead up to this goal are designed to not only bring those companies to the forefront, but to help to determine the most appropriate and interesting industry.

Describe your role as Chair of the Council.

The council brings together decades of experience, knowledge, and contacts from our various members, and applying this combination to achieve the most effective outcome in terms of our stated goals is what my role as chair primarily entails.

What is your assessment of the existing and emerging potential, sectors/areas etc?

In particular with the volatility and changes ongoing over the last 5 years, Malta presents many interesting options that bring stability in a variety of industries. Manufacturing, for example, has reshored production capabilities in Malta which previously came from the Far East and mean that both the access of German companies into Malta and the potential for Maltese businesses to enter the German market is significant.

A very unique opportunity which presents tremendous potential for Maltese companies is the impending crisis in Germany when it comes to a significant lack of succession plans in place with a growing number of SMEs. SMEs have always formed the significant backbone of the German economy, and various incentives and structures are being put in place to connect willing individuals and businesses to the companies which are looking for an alternative way forward for their future. Maltese businesses are very often born international and have internationalization as a core part of their identity due to the small size of the Maltese market, and this is far from the reality with many German SMEs.

How does the Council interact with The Malta Chamber, and what is the added value of this very close collaboration?

Since we form part of the Malta Chamber, members of the Council are members of the Chamber and this naturally means very close collaboration. While there are specific structures within which we have to operate, the Chamber enables us to access information, resources, and collaboration which we could not achieve by ourselves. When it comes to the hosting of events, communication, and data gathering for example, Chamber collaboration and resources are invaluable.

Would you recommend this framework to other TMC members interested in conducting business/trade/investment with other countries?

If the goal is to be effective, then of course. The country-specific councils are all made up of Chamber members who volunteer their time and occupy high-level positions in prominent organizations, meaning ongoing support is required for their effective function on an ongoing basis.

A note to our newly elected MEPs


Now that the European Parliament elections are over, our elected MEPs need to look and plan ahead in view of the upcoming legislature. Over the past two decades, Malta has carefully used EU membership to establish itself as an attractive jurisdiction for trade, industry and commerce within the Mediterranean and beyond. However, 20 years on, there is a clear need to refine Malta’s outlook to EU policy and legislative instruments, and adapt our approach to ensure maximum benefit. We need nimble and forward-looking thinking.

The EU implements approximately 200 laws annually with 80 per cent directly affecting local enterprises and residents. It is important that our elected MEPs stay close to home – this is the only way that they can ensure Malta’s interests are adequately represented at the European level. It is when we participate in a coordinated and knowledgeable way that our opinions are acknowledged more fully. Even with all our recent successes, we still need to improve our level of coordination. Malta’s lobbying operations need to address internal gaps and inefficiencies.

We need to better coordinate our efforts as a nation at the EU level – we would like to see all MEPs engage more with us and with all the other social partners, we would like to see all MEPs engage more with the Maltese working in various EU fora, we would like to see all MEPs engaging more with the employees working on policy in the EU institutions, as well as with government. Over the years, we have obtained various derogations and we have also managed to successfully maintain some of these positions. The upcoming legislature should be no exception. Our limited resources cannot be seen as an excuse to let down our guard. If anything, we should punch above our weight. We must seek to achieve better alignment and more effective mobilization of all our resources.

Our MEPs must keep pushing for concrete acknowledgement of our remoteness to ensure a level playing field among all member states – this is not about privilege, it is about principle. Ultimately it all depends on our ability to negotiate. The Single Market is vital for the EU’s competitiveness. However, 30 years on, the EU needs to reevaluate how it interprets and applies its laws in order to close the disparity and provide an equitable environment for all member states in terms of growth prospects. With respect to Malta, a real Single Market ought to tackle the problem of air and sea transport links in order to maintain a level playing field by lowering geographical and logistical barriers.

Our MEPs need to focus on streamlining policy and addressing double reporting. We need better and less regulation if we truly want to drive our competitiveness, both if we look at it from a national perspective and even if one looks it as a whole European block. Europe needs to delve deeper into the practicality of putting ambitious instruments into practice, a case in point being the European Green Deal and the Fit-For-55 Package. The European Union’s regulatory and administrative frameworks need to be designed in a way that are more responsive to business needs and which tangibly aim at success in driving Europe’s competitiveness, avoiding policies and frameworks that simply end up missing in action. While it is highly commendable that the European Union is on a mission to decarbonize, digitize and reindustrialize, there is the growing concern as to whether Europe is managing to stay competitive in the face of world-wide competition. Europe need to look at increasing its competitiveness, particularly given the strong determination and ambition of the other big economic blocks. Europe always was a catalyst for free trade and fair competition, but at the same time it needs to ensure that it remains competitive versus the other economic powers. Decisive measures are needed to raise Europe’s competitiveness in order to support higher levels of productivity, employment and prosperity.

We also require our MEPs to insist for the one-in-one-out principle to be put into practice in a way which removes red tape and minimizes bureaucratic burden. What is the one-in-one-out principle? It is an offsetting principle whereby when introducing new regulation with new burdens, an equivalent burden is withdrawn from other EU legislation in the same policy area.

Also, our MEPs should advocate for Impact Analyses and Territorial Proofing to be conducted on all new directives and regulations at both the Commission proposal and European Parliament stages to ensure competitiveness across all member States.

Energy is another aspect which merits attention. The European Union has to increasingly support its members in pushing for diversified and renewable resources as well as robust supply routes to provide secure, affordable and clean energy for EU citizens and businesses. There is also the urgent need to address education, skilling research and innovation, to meet the requirements and demands of the economy and society more broadly.

Through our 20 years of EU membership we have benefitted from the free movement of goods, the free movement of services, the free movement of capital and the free movement of persons. Being part of the Eurozone and the Schengen area resulted in trade, investment and tourism potential. Being in the Single Market gave Maltese businesses unhindered access to a market of over four hundred and forty million people and increased Malta’s economic opportunities globally and with third countries also through the ‘EU’ brand. The funds that Malta has been allocated were primarily invested in capital projects and social initiatives which, in their majority, contributed positively towards trying to attain a well-being economy. We saw infrastructural investments in education, health, culture, innovation and renewable energy, amongst others. Investments were also made in maritime and road infrastructure. Malta benefitted as well from funds allocated to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic. We also saw our businesses raising their bar and introducing standards which meant better consumer satisfaction and more opportunities to internationalize. Accession to the European Union also served to attract foreign direct investment to Malta.

On top of all this, there are the clear political benefits of belonging to a family of values based on the observance of rule of law and democracy.

It is correct to look at our past, but more importantly we need to look ahead and think about what needs to be done. We need to aim high in order to celebrate our future.

This article was first featured on Malta CEOs on 16th June 2024.

BOV Supports Caritas in San Blas Major Renovation Project

In a significant demonstration of its commitment to social responsibility, Bank of Valletta announced its support to Caritas by spearheading a complete overhaul and refurbishment of the kitchen and dining area of the men’s quarters at the San Blas Drug Rehabilitation Unit. The upgraded facilities will provide a more comfortable and welcoming environment for those utilising the men’s quarters, enhancing their overall well-being and quality of life as they journey through their rehabilitation program.

This initiative forms part of the Bank’s 50th-anniversary program and reflects the importance that the Bank attributes to the vulnerable members of our society.

The announcement was made during a visit to Caritas by Kenneth Farrugia, the Bank’s CEO, and Ernest Agius, Chief Operations Officer, who were welcomed by Anthony Gatt, Director at Caritas and his team. The visit was highly welcomed by the residents as they shared the plights that they are facing and how Caritas is proving to be invaluable in supporting them overcome these challenges.

Speaking about the initiative, the CEO highlighted the Bank’s longstanding commitment to giving back to the community. “We are extremely pleased to support Caritas in this important renovation project. Our support to Caritas, and other similar organisations, underscores our dedication to corporate social responsibility and the community that we service, as we continue to celebrate our 50-year history. This initiative and others of the same ilk reinforces our positioning as a caring Bank particularly when it comes to challenges being faced by the vulnerable members of our society.  This project builds upon an initiative undertaken a few years ago, that was also supported by the Bank, which saw the complete refurbishment of the men’s quarters. We hope that the upgraded kitchen and dining area will now provide a more welcoming and dignified space for the residents at Caritas, and I look forward to seeing such an important project come to fruition,” said Kenneth Farrugia.

Corroborating further, Ernest Agius emphasised, “I am incredibly proud of our team’s collective efforts and the impact of our longstanding CSR initiatives. This project underscores the strong corporate values of the Bank and reinforces our beliefs in the power and value of giving back to society. We are truly honoured to be part of this initiative and look forward to continuing to champion positive change through our community partnerships.”

Speaking at the end of the visit, Anthony Gatt said, “We are profoundly grateful for the unwavering support not only of Bank of Valletta as an institution, but also of its people who have always responded promptly to any call for help from our end. The kitchen has always been the heart of any household. Likewise, this project not only enhances the physical space of our rehab unit, but also symbolises a deeper commitment to improving the lives of those we serve. The Bank’s dedication to community welfare through its CSR program sets a remarkable example for corporate social responsibility, and we are grateful for this partnership which is supporting us in creating a more compassionate and inclusive society. All this is happening while San Blas is celebrating 35 years since it opened its doors and started offering renewed hope to hundreds who have participated in this rehabilitation programme.”

‘Nothing can be taken for granted anymore’


The results of Malta’s election for European Parliament are “a reality check for everyone” that make it clear that “no one can take anything for granted anymore,” according to The Malta Chamber CEO Marthese Portelli.

The shock result saw the governing Labour Party lose over 23,000 votes, the rival Nationalist Party gain less than half that number, and third party and independent politicians win a substantial number of votes.

Speaking to, Dr Portelli says the outcome “will hopefully trigger everyone to step up and act now.”

Over the last days, Prime Minister Robert Abela has stated that tough decisions cannot be postponed anymore: “We augur that this time round Government will walk the talk,” says Dr Portelli. “It needs to take the unpopular yet required decisions quickly, and implement them without any further procrastination.”

She identifies pain points in a wide range of sectors.

These include the traffic situation, which over €1 billion of roadworks failed to address, and the utilities infrastructure, with power cuts now a seemingly normal feature of summer.

Dr Portelli also points to other issues like the “shabbiness” of many areas and a lack of proper waste management.

Perhaps more seriously, there “continuing planning policy abuse and over-construction and abuse in the dispensation of public land”, as well as tragedies at workplaces.

None of this is helped with poor enforcement and a lack of proper governance, transparency and accountability, she says, exacerbated by structural problems in the labour market.

Dr Portelli points out that The Malta Chamber has been making “repeatedly” calling for these issues to be addressed since its Pre-National Election Manifesto of March 2022.

“Much of what was recommended there, restated in The Malta Chambers Pre-Budget Document for 2023, and again in the one for the current fiscal year, has not been addressed,” she says.

With respect to governance, The Malta Chamber has been “harping on it” since December 2019: “That is almost 5 years. During this period, we went through the pain of greylisting, plus we are still grappling with the reputational damage of the aftermath of several years of bad governance practices.

“This reputational damage impacts business negatively – it impacts local companies that are involved in international business and it renders us an unattractive country for high quality investment.”

While acknowledging that Malta’s GDP growth remains robust, Dr Portelli warns that this growth is increasingly dependent on sectors that are “less sensitive to reputation but have a lasting damaging impact on our environment and quality of life,” making it clear that: “This needs to change.”

Public procurement is another area The Malta Chamber has been proactive in suggesting solutions to, but “the progress we have been making on this front has been too slow to bring about the required change in mentality and tangible improvement in outcomes for the taxpayer.”

Meanwhile, “the same can be said of reforms in the construction sector.”

Dr Portelli concludes: “The speed of economic growth has not been matched by investment in resources for efficient regulation and enforcement, and in our infrastructure.

“A new direction that clearly mandates the implementation of necessary changes and reforms within the shortest time possible, is required.

“We hope that the result of this election will inspire everyone to take things more seriously.”

This article was first published on BUSINESSNOW on 13th June 2024.

Malta Business Bureau Congratulates Newly Elected MEPs

The Malta Business Bureau (MBB) congratulates the six newly elected Maltese Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and emphasized the critical role they will play in representing Malta’s interests at the European level.

MBB looks forward to collaborating closely with the new MEPs throughout the upcoming EU legislature. It strongly urges them to work diligently to promote Malta’s priorities within the EU, contribute towards policy discussions that impact our economy, and tackle head-on the disadvantages which Malta faces as a small island state.

The organisation further encourages MEPs to establish consistent communication with Maltese stakeholders on key policy matters. This will enable them to understand the realities on the ground and present a strong position in Brussels.

Prior to last Saturday’s election, MBB identified several key areas of focus for EU policymakers in a publication outlining business priorities ahead of the next EU term. The publication is structured around three main pillars: (i) Competitiveness and Growth, (ii) the Green Transition, and (iii) the Digital Transition. It advocates for measures to alleviate regulatory burdens, secure adequate funding, prioritize subsidiarity and proportionality, address geographical challenges, and resolve labour shortages, among other issues.
The publication repeatedly underscores the importance of competitiveness, which is expected to become increasingly prominent in EU policy dialogues in the next term.

MBB strongly urges the elected MEPs to actively engage with these priorities within the European Parliament and help ensure that Malta’s business interests are heard and addressed at the EU level.
The full publication may be viewed on Those interested in further information are encouraged to contact the MBB EU policy team on

The Malta Business Bureau is the EU business advisory organisation of The Malta Chamber and The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association. It is also a partner of the Enterprise Europe Network.

Announcing the Bootcamps & Events 2024 Training Programmes

The eSkills Malta Foundation is proud to announce an extensive list of training programmes for Bootcamps & Events 2024. These programmes diligently cater to a diverse audience, ranging from adolescents to senior adults, and target groups including females, SME employees, ICT professionals, teachers, and educators. With a focus on empowering participants with cutting-edge digital skills and knowledge, the 2024 training programmes promise to bridge the digital divide and foster a more inclusive digital economy.

List of Training Programmes:

  1. AppVisionaries: Empowering Girls in Mobile App Development
  2. Artificial Intelligence for Assessment
  3. Artificial Intelligence for Teaching
  4. Artificial Intelligence for Teaching & Learning
  5. Artificial Intelligence: Powering Your SME’s Success
  6. Business Intelligence Fundamentals for SME Employees
  7. ChatGPT: Zero To Hero for Educators
  8. ChatGPT: Zero To Heroes for Employees
  9. Create Beautiful Educational Material like a Pro Designer with Canva
  10. Cyber Savvy: Navigating the Digital World Safely
  11. Cybersecurity to the Next Level – A Training Course for IT Professionals Working in SMEs
  12. Digital Empowerment: Integrating AI and IoT in Healthcare
  13. Digital Skills for Hospitality Success: Empowering Women in the Industry
  14. Digital Skills for the Artificial Intelligence Revolution DS4AIR
  15. Digital Skills: Youths & Adults
  16. Digitalise Your Small Business
  17. Education and Beyond: Integrating AI into Your Teaching Practice
  18. Emerging Technologies for the Digital Transformation
  19. Empowering Citizens with Emerging Technology: A Focus on AI
  20. Empowering Vulnerable Females through Technology
  21. Foundations of Coding and Computational Thinking for Educators
  22. Gamify Your Classroom
  23. Innovazzjoni Digital għaż-Żagħżagħ
  24. Introductory Digital Literacy for Senior Citizens
  25. Intermediate Digital Literacy for Senior Citizens
    Press Release 02/2024: Announcing the Bootcamps & Events 2024 Training Programmes
  26. Navigating Digital Transformation: Equipping Leaders for Transversal Excellence
  27. Programming Basics with Python
  28. Programming Basics with Python for Females
  29. Social Media Marketing Course to Boost Your Small Business with AI
  30. The Future of Data-Driven Automation – Alteryx
  31. Women Transforming STEAM

These programmes cover a broad spectrum of contemporary digital skills, including artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, digital literacy, and programming, ensuring participants are well-equipped to navigate and thrive in the digital landscape.

Programme Highlights:

  • Inclusive Training: A special focus on empowering vulnerable groups, including women and senior citizens, and ensuring equal opportunities for all.
  • Industry-Relevant Skills: Courses designed to meet the needs of various sectors, including education, healthcare, and small to medium enterprises (SMEs).
  • Innovative Learning: Emphasis on the latest technological advancements such as AI, IoT, and digital transformation strategies.
    About eSkills Malta Foundation
    The eSkills Malta Foundation actively promotes and develops digital skills in Malta. By providing various training programmes and events, the foundation aims to enhance the digital literacy of the Maltese population and support the nation’s transition to a digital economy.
    For more information about the training programmes and to register, please visit our website at