HSBC is committed to the transition to net zero

HSBC is focused on helping to deliver a net zero global economy. We aim to achieve net zero in our operations and supply chain by 2030 and in our financing portfolio by 2050.

Between now and then, we are working with our clients to help them reduce their emissions and scale up low carbon solutions, as we work to reduce our own. This will be a change over time, as businesses and economies progressively move away from high-carbon activities.

We can have the biggest impact by supporting our customers on their transition to lower emissions. Since 2020, we have provided and facilitated $210.7bn of sustainable finance and investment towards our ambition of $750bn to $1tn by 2030.

HSBC website

We publish a wide range of information on our performance in relation to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. We provide access to our ESG reporting resources which showcase how we support our different stakeholder groups and do business in a responsible way.

We provide case studies on how we support clients on their sustainability ambitions – driving impact for their business, employees and communities. These are more than just customer experiences, from transforming water to energy to agriculture technology (AgTech), from electrifying transport to vertical farming.  

In the Transition Pathways series which are designated for carbon-intensive industries, provide insight, expertise and solutions to help guide hard-to-abate sectors towards net zero. Additionally, in the “Insights” section of the HSBC Malta website, we periodically share our success stories in helping our clients in ambitious and innovative projects that make a positive difference to the environment and their ability to maintain their businesses sustainable long term.  

Supporting our corporate clients in the green and sustainable space

HSBC Malta offers several products to support our corporate clients in achieving significant improvements in the green and sustainable space.

Additionally, HSBC in Malta has recently joined forces with the Malta Development Bank (MDB) on a number of products. In this respect, it is worth highlighting specifically the MDB Guarantee Facility for Loans to SMEs.  The MDB Guarantee Facility for Loans to SMEs facilitates lending to smaller businesses that are viable but unable to obtain the required amount of finance from their commercial bank due to insufficient or inadequate collateral to meet the bank’s normal security requirements and / or the novelty or nature of the business venture that may fall outside the risk appetite and tolerance of commercial banks.

The MDB Guarantee Facility for Loans to SMEs is not limited to green and sustainable loans but can be certainly used in connection with them and HSBC is fully committed to support innovative business initiatives that align with the Net Zero Transition.

Other HSBC initiatives in Malta

HSBC in Malta additionally supports a number of initiatives to directly positively impact on the local environment.

Among many others, the HSBC Malta Foundation is supporting a project entitled ‘Establishing a Framework for Net Zero Buildings in Malta’. The aim of this project is to guide Malta towards achieving its climate goals by tackling the building and construction sector, with particular focus on operational carbon, i.e. the emissions of carbon dioxide and other global warming gases during the in-use operation of a building. This project provides a framework for net zero office buildings in Malta based on HSBC’s flagship net zero building in Qormi. The HSBC head office has been selected to perform building energy modelling as a case study to retrofit offices to more efficient buildings.

HSBC internationally and locally is fully committed to the net zero transition and looks forward to supporting its customers in this process. HSBC customers in Malta can contact their Relationship Manager for more information. Businesses that are not yet HSBC customers in Malta can enquire through our website.

AWE 2023

The Malta Chamber is aiming to identify up to 50 prospective women entrepreneurs and early-stage business owners, 60% of which will aim to be business owners and 40% of which are non-business owners aspiring to become entrepreneurs, and they will receive the AWE 2023 training. This opportunity is available for members and non-members of The Malta Chamber.

Participants targeted will be women aged around 25 or over, having a post-secondary level of education and higher, aspiring to start a business or who have recently started a business who will be required to commit to the whole programme and have the opportunity to pitch at the end of the training with the possibility of winning seed money to fund their start-up or business opportunity.

Potential participants should REGISTER HERE by 24 September 2023.

Timeline of the Training Schedule – each session will be of 2 hours


  1. If you enrol you are committing to completing Dream Builder by the stipulated deadlines and you shall attend at least 80% of all Physical sessions.
  2. To be excused a letter is to be signed and sent to
  3. In case of sickness, a medical certificate is required.
  4. Deadlines are to be adhered to.

An evaluation process of those submitting an application will take place for the AWE 2023 cohort to be selected given the limitednumber of participants being selected.


Information Session10 October 2023 at 9:30amOnline
AWE 2023 Launch12 October 2023 at 10amThe Malta Chamber, Valletta
Dream Builder Course – (COMPULSORY)
Course 1: Starting Your Dream
Course 2: Exploring Your Dream
Must be completed by:
6 November 2023
Dream Builder Course – (COMPULSORY)
Course 3: Planning Your Dream
Course 4: Making Your Dream
20 November 2023Online
Dream Builder Course – (COMPULSORY)
Course 5: Marketing Your Dream
Course 6: Pricing Your Dream
Course 7: Selling Your Dream
4 December 2023Online
Dream Builder Course – (COMPULSORY)
Course 8: Managing Your Dream
Course 9: Profiting from Your Dream
Course 10: Keeping Track of Your Dream
Course 11: Funding Your Dream
15 January 2024Online
Dream Builder Course – (COMPULSORY)
Course 12: Formalizing Your Dream
Course 13: Turning Your Dream into Reality
29 January 2024Online
Training Session & Networking (COMPULSORY)
Malta’s Economic Context
Silvan Mifsud, Board Member, The Malta Chamber
19 October 2023 at 9:00 – 11:00amThe Malta Chamber, Valletta
Training Session & Networking (COMPULSORY)
Assistance available in Malta for Start-Ups & Female Entrepreneurs
Alison Mizzi, President, Malta Business Bureau
2 November 2023 at 9:00 – 11:00amThe Malta Chamber, Valletta
Training Session & Networking (COMPULSORY)
Intercultural Awareness & Leading a Business as a Woman
Valerie Cabay, Founder Connect Across Cultures
16 November 2023 at 9:00 – 11:00amThe Malta Chamber, Valletta
Training Session & Networking (COMPULSORY)
Exploring the International Market
Trade Malta.
30 November 2023 at 9:00 – 11:00amThe Malta Chamber, Valletta
Training Session & Networking (COMPULSORY)
Media, Communications & Marketing
Rachel Attard, Head of Media & Communication Strategy, The Malta Chamber
11 January 2024 at 9:00 – 11:00amThe Malta Chamber, Valletta
Training Session & Networking (COMPULSORY)
Aspects of Malta’s Commercial Law for Entrepreneurs
Dr Marthese Portelli, CEO, The Malta Chamber
25 January 2024 at 9:00 – 11:00amThe Malta Chamber, Valletta
Tutorials (OPTIONAL)
Participants will have the opportunity to attend the following tutorials.
Module 1: Business Concept
Module 2: Business Strategy
Module 3: Media, Communications & Marketing
Module 4: Managing & Funding your Dream
Module 5: Legal Aspects

Bonus Tutorials – Leading as a Woman Communication & Intercultural Awareness
29 November 2023 – 27 February 2024Online
Pitching Competition (OPTIONAL)
A pitching session will be held at the end of the course to those having completed Dream Builder in time and having attended at least 80% of the Training Sessions at The Malta Chamber.
Those pitching their business idea/product/service may win a start-up prize of:
$7,000 as a 1st Prize
$3,000 as a 2nd Prize
18 + 20 March 2024The Malta Chamber, Valletta
AWE 2023 Graduation17 April 2024The Malta Chamber, Valletta

For more information kindly send an email to:

BNF Bank p.l.c. welcomes Glen Smith as its newly appointed Chief Risk Officer

BNF Bank p.l.c. has appointed Glen Smith as its Chief Risk Officer. Hailing from the UK, Mr Smith boasts over 30 years of experience in financial services and banking, specialising in risk and regulation, and occupying various senior management roles in both retail and corporate banking across various markets.

Prior to his appointment at BNF Bank, Mr Smith held the role of Senior Risk Manager with HSBC Continental Europe, based in the Paris Head Office. He was responsible for the management and oversight of wholesale credit risk activities, reporting, and regulatory and risk controls covering France, Germany and Malta, among other territories.

Chief Executive Officer Mr David Power welcomed Mr Smith to the Bank’s executive team, saying that this appointment will not only further strengthen the team, but also the Bank’s position in the market. The implementation of sound risk strategies aligns to the organisation’s over-arching agenda of being one of Malta’s strongest systemic financial institutions. “With seasoned leaders in place to scale and execute our plans, we can be confident in building on our customer-first strategy, offering a greater breadth of integrated solutions to support customer success.”

On his part, Mr Smith said he was looking forward to drawing from his experience and expertise to execute business models that advance the Bank’s profitability in a sustainable, cautious manner while contending with the staple changes in trends, markets and technologies. “I am eager to embrace the Bank’s vision and values, and to work closely with my colleagues to ultimately deliver the best products and services to the Bank’s loyal client base.”   

BNF Bank p.l.c. is a mainstay in Malta’s financial sector a key player in the community.  With a network of branches across Malta and Gozo, dedicated business centres and a trading room, the Bank offers financial products targeting individual and business needs, underpinned by personalised service excellence. 

WE MAKE closes with a promise of further business energy collaboration

The WE MAKE Project closed with an online international event on the 27th and 28th of July. On the first day of the two-day conference, the event was opened by Hon. Minister Miriam Dalli and Ing Charles Buttigieg representing EWA. The first day was closed by Ing Ruben Cuschieri as Chairperson of The Malta Chamber’s Manufacturing Economic Group, and Mr Joe Tanti as CEO of the Malta Business Bureau. The second day was furthermore opened by The Malta Chamber Deputy President Mr Nick Xuereb. The event was moderated by Mr Timothy Alden, Senior Projects Executive (Sustainability) at the Malta Business Bureau.

Minister Miriam Dalli stated that “Through the WE MAKE project, we have facilitated the green transition, by ensuring that our businesses have all the necessary tools and resources to ensure efficiency in energy and water. This project targeted research, investment and development, pillars that make a company much more resilient.”

The 2-year WE MAKE project held 12 workshops split over a range of topics. These included industry best practices, academia-industry collaboration, and financing workshops to help businesses identify funding for their projects. Furthermore, 2 mentoring programmes were carried out to provide personalised support between larger and smaller companies. A study was also carried out for a second iteration of Malta’s EEPI based on signatory consultation. The project also resulted in energy audits and also further projects were won by applying to the EU LIFE programme as part of European consortia with over 30+ European partners.

The event featured presentations by various EU projects, including EnergyEfficiency4SME (in which both the MBB and EWA are partners), SMEmPower Efficiency, GEAR@SME, and also featured a presentation by Claudia Julius from Senercon (Germany) regarding the IMPAWATT energy platform. The IMPAWATT energy platform is being opened up for Maltese entities through EWA and the MBB’s participation in the EnergyEfficiency4SME project, through which the platform will also be developed to include financial measure identification for SME energy projects. The REEValue project, a recently awarded LIFE project due to start later this year led by EWA in which the MBB is also a partner, was also introduced.

Ing Charles Buttigieg stated “The international conference has been relevant as it facilitated enterprises gaining knowledge of new technologies currently available, especially some already being tried and tested nationally.”

The event also featured best practice presentations by various national and global leading entities. Kaeser (Germany) introduced advanced planning, monitoring, and equipment considerations in efficient air compression systems. Wienerberger (Austria) presented their performing strategy for carbon neutrality in manufacturing of construction materials across their global sites. Toly (Malta) introduced their advanced energy management systems coupled with energy initiatives across various thematics. Trelleborg (Malta) discussed their international energy goals and introduced the achievements in efficiency in Polymer Technology. Sammontana (Italy) presented their investments in water systems and water efficiency. Sustech (Malta) discussed water efficiency through measures including water cascades in planning, while Smart Cooling (Latvia) presented advanced technologies in climate control for business/industrial premises.

Closing the first day of events, Ing Ruben Cuschieri, Chairperson of Manufacturing Economic Group at The Malta Chamber, stated, “The project provided practical guidance on sustainability and fostered networking opportunities for local businesses. By tapping into the knowledge and expertise shared during the project’s events, I am certain that many have found inspiration to initiate the journey towards energy and water efficiency improvements.”

Mr Joe Tanti thereafter stated that “The project highlighted the importance of sharing as a contributor to success. Maltese businesses shared best practices and mentored one another to grow the share of the industry pie, rather than fighting over slices of it. In this way, a win-win situation may be achieved. This is a winning strategy for manufacturing in Malta.”

APS, BOV and Malta Enterprise presented their various financial measures for business energy projects, and participated in a panel moderated by Mr Geoffrey Saliba. Thereafter, EWA outlined their sustainability course.

Mr Nick Xuereb, Deputy President of The Malta Chamber opened the second day of events by explaining that “Energy tariffs will continue to increase and companies need to be thinking of moving towards a net zero position, either through reducing their energy use through alternative sources of energy, or purchasing credits to balance their gaps. By 2050 as a country and as a continent, we need to reduce our emissions to net zero. In this respect, Malta needs to invest in long term thinking.”

The partners EWA, the MBB and The Malta Chamber thanked the c.a. 45 business representative attendees, as well as all stakeholders that participated in the project. The list is long, however notable appreciation goes to The Malta Chamber’s Manufacturing Economic Group, the University of Malta’s Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, MCAST, Malta Enterprise, BOV and APS. Following the WE MAKE project, the REEValue is set to be launched later this year, with a focus on the greening of supply chains and logistics.

The Water and Energy Management and Knowledge Transfer in Manufacturing Enterprises (We Make) project, is a collaboration between the Energy and Water Agency (EWA), Malta Business Bureau and the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, sponsored by the EWA, to give manufacturing industry businesses guidance on how to consume energy and water efficiently.

For more information please contact the MBB on:

The Malta Business Bureau is the EU business advisory organisation of The Malta Chamber and The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association. It is also a partner of the Enterprise Europe Network.

BNF Bank announces positive financial performance for the first half of 2023

BNF Bank is pleased to announce its positive financial performance for the first half of 2023, demonstrating robust growth and resilience in a dynamic market environment.

Net interest income remained the primary driver of the Bank’s profitability, showing a 28% increase to reach €16.1 million in the first half of 2023. The increase in net interest income in the first half of 2023 pertained not only to loan book growth, but also to the impact of rising interest rates, positioning the Bank for sustained financial success.

Despite increasing inflationary pressures, the Bank demonstrated prudent cost management, and has reported an improved cost-to-income ratio of 59.2% as of June 2023, compared to 62.8% in June 2022.

During this period, the Bank’s lending book grew by €34.0 million while maintaining its high credit quality. Non-performing exposure decreased by €1.0 million and remained largely secured with collateral, reflecting the Bank’s prudent risk management practices.

As of June 2023, the Bank’s Capital Adequacy Ratio was at 18.9%, reinforcing its solid financial position and remaining well above regulatory capital requirements. The Liquidity Coverage Ratio and Net Stable Funding Ratio remained healthy at 215.7% and 134.7% respectively.

The Bank’s growth combined with the commitment to continue delivering reliable banking solutions has contributed to its successful performance in the first half of 2023.

“We are pleased with the Bank’s strong position in the market and the positive trajectory we are experiencing,” said Mark Micallef, Chief Financial Officer at BNF Bank. ” With a strong focus on customer-centricity, prudent risk management, and sustainable growth, we remain dedicated to providing exceptional service and value to our customers and stakeholders.”

People or Numbers?

Are you a CEO facing relentless pressure from your board and shareholders to deliver exceptional results? The burning question is, how do you measure those results? Are they solely confined to numbers, or do they encompass the crucial realm of people-related metrics?

In today’s fast-paced business world, economic pressures often push CEOs and Business leaders to focus on figures, margins, and profits. Yet, amidst this financial element, one vital aspect often gets overlooked – the people driving the very success of these organisations. How can we truly achieve sustainable growth and success without putting people at the forefront of our strategies?

Think about it. Behind every profit and margin are dedicated individuals, the lifeblood of any thriving enterprise. It’s people who innovate, collaborate, and drive the numbers upward. They are the catalysts for transformative change, growth and success.

Despite this undeniable truth, we’ve noticed an alarming trend when it comes to CEO recruitment.  Related recruitment waves primarily seek candidates with backgrounds in Finance, ACCA qualifications, and Big-Four exposure. Naturally these are typically valid and great candidates and I personally know of many successful ones, but what about brilliant minds from diverse fields like Human Resources, Operations, or other domains?

Should they not be deemed equally eligible? Is our obsession with numbers overshadowing the broader potential that people-centric leadership can bring?

This and much more will be explored in the upcoming HR GIG 8, Redefining Leadership.  The event will explore the dynamic landscape of leadership from diverse perspectives, empowering the audience to challenge conventional norms and forge new paths.

Together we will discover innovative approaches, harness the power of vision, and unlock the keys to effective decision-making both from a Human Resources and Business dimensions.

Just as an outdated curriculum fails to equip students with the skills necessary for a successful career in the ever-evolving job market, CEOs who cling to traditional approaches in dealing with business metrics risk becoming irrelevant and leading their companies towards failure. Continuing to rely on conventional methods such as focusing solely on numbers and financial metrics is no longer sufficient. Instead, CEOs need to adapt their leadership styles by embracing innovation, fostering agility, and cultivating a people-centric culture. By doing so, they can effectively navigate the complex and rapidly changing business landscape, ensuring long-term success and contributing to the wider economy.

The scope of HR GIG 8 Redefining Leadership is to inspire and ignite the leadership potential within CEOs, decision makers, and HR professionals. Delegates will gain invaluable insights and actionable strategies to drive meaningful change in their organisations.

The event is taking place on 1st September 2023 at The Xara Lodge from 8:30 till 12.30.  From 12:30 onwards will be networking, entertainment and refreshments.  The event website can be accessed here.

Movers & Shakers 2023

What makes local CEOs succeed? How do they affect the structure of their company or organisation? Movers and Shakers is a high-quality publication which showcases Malta’s leading CEOs. It focuses on the work they carry out, with particular emphasis on their key objectives, aims and goals for the year. Movers and Shakers is an annual publication of The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry – the longest established social partner in Malta – published as a joint venture with Media Hut.

For Impact: Event & Fair 2023

On the 28th March 2023, the Academy of Givers organised the For Impact Event and Fair, with the main objectives of improving Corporate Responsibility and Giving Efforts, while connecting Businesses with NGOs.

PwC Malta continues its growth and diversification by appointing two new directors and CTO

PwC Malta is pleased to announce the firm’s new appointments of Pamela Mamo and Mark Tabone as Directors within PwC’s Academy and Advisory lines of service respectively, and Etienne Bonnici who has been appointed as Chief Technology Officer (CTO).

David Valenzia, Territory Senior Partner at PwC Malta, says: “I am very proud of these new appointments, which have taken effect on 1 July 2023. These appointments reflect the continuing diversification of our business, and the multidisciplinary nature of our offerings.’’

Pamela is leading PwC’s Academy – the firm’s external training offerings, covering learning and education (L&E) strategies, e-learn developments, training platforms and learning architecture and delivery of client specific training solutions. Pamela first joined the firm in 2004 as an audit associate and in 2007 moved into an internal role to assist in setting up the Human Capital function of PwC.

In 2013, Pamela took over the responsibility for the strategy & business development aspect of PwC’s Academy leading a team of learning professionals. She has a key role in driving the Academy as a leading training service provider in line with the national quality education standards and in line with digital education requirements for the 21st century. She has an active role in providing L&E consulting
to clients, designing training curricula and scoping of courses, designing niche training products in line with Malta’s skills gaps, meeting clients to analyse their training needs and to assist them in translating their needs into effective training programmes. She continues to be one of the firm’s business skills trainers and has developed and delivered several training programmes to PwC’s managerial team and to PwC’s Academy external clients around the areas of learning, talent management, leadership and management skills, coaching, staff development & effective people communication.

Mark became part of the Assurance line of service at PwC Malta in 2003, gaining invaluable experience at PwC Jersey, London, and New York. He moved to the Advisory Deals practice in 2011 being specifically involved in Transaction Services, covering a range of areas such as due diligence, business valuations, impairment assessments and feasibility studies amongst others. He has managed a series of Financial Due Diligence projects both locally and internationally operating at PwC London and Milan.

Mark is presently responsible for the firm’s Mergers and Acquisitions sector in Advisory. The importance of M&A has, for some time, been highlighted by clients, with PwC investing in further developing a target team, whilst also collaborating with the PwC Corporate Finance network globally. Graduated at the University of Malta, Mark is a Certified Public Accountant holding ACCA and MIA fellowships.

Etienne has over 15 years of IT management experience within the firm and is responsible for leading and driving PwC’s Malta technology and information security strategy. Etienne joined PwC in 2002 after successfully completing his studies at the University of Malta and leads a team of technical experts in various environments. Over the years, he has been involved in the performance of systems and process controls reviews, including documenting and assessing controls over operations and management, application change control, computer operations, security administration, physical and logical security and disaster recovery planning for a number of clients. Etienne has also been responsible for providing outsourcing services for ICT infrastructure management and support to a number of clients in a range of industries.

PwC Malta continues to invest in differentiating capabilities that allow the firm to deliver on its purpose, to be a community of solvers coming together in unexpected ways and continuing to help organisations build trust and deliver sustained outcomes. These appointments demonstrate the plan for the sustainability of the firm, and reflect the opportunities that exist for all.