Eradicate the culture of abuse – The Malta Chamber

The Malta Chamber in its Pre-Budget Document 2024 is insisting on full digitalisation of government services with real-time applications’ tracking

The pervasiveness of practices that propagate a culture of abuse of power and clientelism puts a heavy onus on Government to urgently implement digital systems that increase efficiency, provide full transparency and ensure fairness. Systematic abuses are costing millions in public funds that could easily be invested in systems that would eradicate the possibility of rackets. The monies being squandered through such rackets could be better used to support those who really need help and to address issues which are leading to the country’s deterioration such as the traffic situation, the lack of investment in utility infrastructure, the shabbiness and proper waste management. The longer we allow things to slip, the worse the repercussions and the cost of repairing them will be. Lack of appropriate enforcement, investigation and subsequent prosecution as well as failure to act on findings highlighted by the NAO and the Ombudsman are costing the country dearly and are reflecting very badly on the country’s governance.

The Malta Chamber expects Government’s strong electoral mandate to be reflected in more decisive action and a zero-tolerance policy for any kind of abuse by everyone, particularly that facilitated by those entrusted with political or administrative responsibility.

The Malta Chamber believes that the politicians and public officials who make headlines for the wrong reasons, are putting in disrepute the entire political class and the public service, including those who are doing a good job in their areas of responsibility. When the personal conduct of individuals who abuse of their power deviates from what is rightfully expected by the law-abiding, hard-working and tax-paying citizen, it has far-reaching effects on everyone, including businesses. Practices that encourage people to opt out of productive employment, either by taking up public sector jobs requiring minimal effort, or by applying for benefits under false pretences, have a destabilising effect on our labour market. At a time when everyone is concerned about persistent inflation, it is opportune to point out that such abusive practices ultimately have an inflationary effect on the whole economy, because they exert even more pressure on a very tight labour market. They also increase public spending, which increases Government debt, which is in turn financed by the issue of Government bonds, which in turn put pressure on interest rates to increase, thereby increasing the cost of funding for everyone.

The Malta Chamber therefore appeals to all politicians and policymakers to cut down on clientelism, to think about the repercussions of their actions and about the critical role they play in setting expectations and determining the choices people make in terms of their own employment and recruitment of others, consumption, savings and investments, and planning for their future. Proactive policymaking requires a thorough understanding of the interrelationships between all this, and of people’s perceptions of corruption, enforcement and fairness. 

The Malta Chamber recalls results of the most recent Eurobarometer poll whereby 92% of respondents perceive corruption as being widespread in the country. This figure represents a 13% increase compared to 2022. Businesses operating in Malta also share the perception of corruption being widespread, with 76% of respondents expressing this view, surpassing the average of 65% among the EU27 countries.

Against this bleak background, The Malta Chamber will keep advocating for high ethical standards in public life and working to improve our country’s reputation on an international level. A year ago, The Malta Chamber published a document called ‘A Strong Transparency, Accountability and Ethical Governance Framework for Members of Parliament’ and will continue to push forward recommendations to increase transparency, accountability and ethical behaviour in the interactions of politicians with citizens and businesses.

Concretely, in its Pre-Budget 2024 proposals, The Malta Chamber is calling on Government to:

  1. Fully digitalise Government services with real-time tracking, whereby applications requiring approvals from various professionals/entities would be submitted directly into the system using their digital identity to eliminate the possibility of submission of forged documents.
  2. Regularly rotate staff involved in the processing of sensitive applications to reduce the possibility of tempering with systems and improve the likelihood of detecting attempts to temper with systems very quickly.
  3. Automate various customer care and verification processes to improve efficiency, transparency and consistency. 
  4. Maintain accurate records on the provision of public services and reform the public procurement processes to ensure a level playing field.
  5. Draw a clear demarcation between political responsibility at the ministerial level and the administrative and executive responsibility of the civil service. For example, deciding whether to privatise the provision of a public service or not is a political decision, but selecting the contractor is a matter of executive competence.
  6. Allow the National Audit Office to scrutinise all public contracts above a certain value without requiring a formal request and outrightly prohibit the use of side letters which significantly modify key provisions of an agreement, like offsetting financial risks.
  7. Cap the number of people holding a position of trust and limit positions of trust to those of high political sensitivity or carrying specific security risks. Compensation and benefits received by people in positions of trust need to be fully disclosed and independent audits carried out regularly against stipulated compensation criteria.

HSBC Malta and ĠEMMA unite to nurture young minds in the Art of Socially Responsible Investing

Imagine a world where children are not only equipped with the academic knowledge, they need but are also empowered to make impactful decisions that shape the future.

HSBC Malta is excited to announce a transformative partnership with ĠEMMA, a beacon of financial knowledge, to unveil a captivating financial capability program for young explorers attending Skolasajf this summer. Following this year’s theme of “Piece by Peace” the outcome of the sessions is to cultivate the concept of social responsibility within the minds of young learners, emphasizing the significance of comprehending and making choices aligned with socially responsible investing principles.

At the heart of this endeavour lies ĠEMMA, a guiding star in financial literacy that operates under the Ministry for Social Policy and Children’s Rights. With a passion for nurturing financial wisdom, ĠEMMA empowers Malta’s communities with essential financial skills, making the world of finance accessible and relatable to everyday life.

A team of educators and HSBC volunteers work together to create an interactive, enjoyable training session which is practical, current and hands-on. Together the team will have delivered sessions to roughly 2,500 students aged eight to 15 across 45 SkolaSajf centres throughout Malta and Gozo. The workshops use critical thinking and competitive activities to impart children with the essential competencies required for prudent purchasing, discernment, and investment practices.

Feedback from these sessions has been resoundingly positive. Students have found the experience both engaging and enlightening, while educators have valued the opportunity to engage with young minds on subjects that, while not traditionally part of the standard curriculum, hold paramount importance for their comprehensive growth.

In reference to this initiative, Michel Cordina, Executive Director and Deputy Chairman for the HSBC Malta Foundation stated, “At HSBC Malta, we firmly believe in the transformative power of education and its potential to shape the trajectory of our future. This partnership with ĠEMMA underscores our dedication to the community and underscores our conviction in empowering the upcoming generation with the knowledge requisite for making well-informed decisions in pursuit of a sustainable future.”

A poster competition is also being run for all the children participating in the financially capable program, where the participants, as a team of four, must design a poster showcasing their fictitious company and list four key socially responsible initiatives they would apply. The winners will be informed during the first week of September.

The SkolaSajf workshops are closely aligned with HSBC’s unwavering commitment to advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Specifically, they contribute to Goal 4, pertaining to Quality Education, and Goal 12, focusing on Responsible Consumption and Production. For comprehensive insights into this noteworthy initiative and to garner a deeper understanding of the pivotal role financial literacy plays, the public is invited to explore ĠEMMA’s official website or connect with them on their Facebook page.

Leading a Family Business – Course launched by The Malta Chamber, EMCS Academy and the Family Business Office in Malta

“Family businesses have long been the cornerstone of economies around the world. They possess a unique blend of tradition, values, and resilience that set them apart from other enterprises. The Malta Chamber has always been a catalyst for this sector to survive as times change and markets evolve. It’s crucial for family businesses to adapt, upgrade, remain competitive and sustainable,” said Chris Vassallo Cesareo, President of The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, during a press conference that launched a course titled ‘Award in Leading a Family Business’.

This course, which is being organised in collaboration with EMCS Academy and the Family Business Office in Malta, aims to offer trainees a combination of lectures, tutorials and coaching. This provides an opportunity for them to interact with their peers and freely discuss topics brought forward and in so doing provide abstract and concrete solutions to problems related to family businesses.

Minister for Enterprise Miriam Dalli said that “the Government deeply values the significance of continuous training, reskilling, and fostering skill enhancement. By extending the Skills Development Scheme through Malta Enterprise, we aim to empower growth within Malta’s businesses. Our commitment is further underscored by the Family Business Office, offering invaluable support and initiatives. These resources extend a helping hand to family businesses, not just financially, but also through advisory, consultancy, and mediation services. I urge all family businesses to use these tools. The right skills, can ensure a smooth transition of family businesses from one generation to the next.”

“Over the past 10 years our country has made great strides in policy and regulation for family business. However, just 8 years ago, as government, we were still discussing the salient characteristics of what truly makes a family business and why these need to be recognised and supported more. In 2017 we agreed on a definition, and legislated to encourage the regulation of family businesses, their governance and the transfer of the family business from one generation to the next. Today, we are achieving a new milestone with the launch of these accredited training courses intended to provide those involved in family businesses with the necessary skill set to lead the family business towards success,” emphasised Dr Joseph Gerada, Regulator at the Family Business Office.

“Today an important step is being made, that will enable all those involved in family businesses to acquire all the necessary skills to be able to lead successfully and in a more professional way, their family business,” said Silvan Mifsud, Council Member and Chair of the Family Business Committee within The Malta Chamber.

“EMCS Academy is proud to be launching, a unique course for all those involved in the management of a family business environment as well as next generational family business owners. The course seeks to empower entrepreneurs with the necessary knowledge, skills, and competences to effectively lead a family business using a strategic mindset. The course will target aspects pertaining to the setting up of the appropriate corporate governance structures that ensure a system of checks and balances coupled with the right policies; ensuring that the family business becomes a data-driven organisation, whereby decisions are based on timely data reporting and analysis and equally important becoming knowledgeable about all the steps and variations that have to be considered along the Succession Planning journey,” noted Ramon Muscat, Director at EMCS Academy.

Dr Marthese Portelli, The Malta Chamber CEO, highlighted that family businesses amount to more than 70% of small and medium enterprises, which makes them a vital component of our economy. “This confirms why we need family businesses to be resilient and to grow in the proper way allowing them to broaden their horizons and to become even more resilient in the face of change,” she said. Dr Portelli underlined an alarming statistic from a recent survey conducted in collaboration with EMCS stating that less than 35% of family businesses have a written succession and strategic plan. However, The Malta Chamber CEO also outlined that family businesses showed their willingness to up their game in relation to corporate governance, strategic planning, green initiatives and digitalisation efforts. “To this end, The Malta Chamber encourages all family businesses to take up this accredited course and to avail themselves of funding support offered by Malta Enterprise and Jobsplus,” concluded Dr Portelli.

More information about the course:

The ‘Award in Leading a Family Business’ course is the first of its kind to be offered in Malta and has been accredited by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority at MQF/EQF Level 5 (3 ECTS).

The first cohort of this course will start in November 2023 and will run until April 2024. A maximum of 15 trainees will be accepted and registration will be on a first-come first served basis.

This course is made up of 3 modules:

Module 1: Ownership & Structure in Family Business
Module 2: Strategic Planning in Family Business
Module 3: Ensuring a Professional Setup in Family Business

Each module will span over 2 months. During the first month, three in person sessions will be held, as well as a tutorial, amounting to a total of 9 hours. During the second month, trainees will be given the opportunity to avail of one-to-one coaching which can be held online or in person. During this second month, trainees would also be able to work on the assignment for the module in question. All assignments will be based on trainees applying the principles learnt in that module, to the family business they are involved in. 

Persons taking this course will be able to benefit from funding schemes provided by Jobsplus and Malta Enterprise. The EMCS Academy team will guide trainees wishing to avail of available schemes.  

More information about this course can be found on the EMCS Academy website.

BOV Asset Management Seminar Discusses Best Practices in Investments

A group of front-line staff, including universal bankers and financial advisors from across Bank of Valletta’s branch network, investment centres, and private banking, attended a full-day seminar organised by BOV Asset Management (BOVAM) earlier this month.

As explained by Simon Azzopardi, Chief Personal and Wealth Officer at Bank of Valletta, “The event provided a unique opportunity for our people to meet up with portfolio managers at BOV Asset Management and share best practices in the field of investments.”

Corroborating Mr Azzopardi’s comments, Mark Agius, who heads BOV Asset Management, said that in the area of investments, satisfied customers and success stories depend heavily on the personal service offered by financial advisors and universal bankers, as well as a deep understanding of customer needs. The presence of supporting experts ensures that clients from all walks of life receive the appropriate level of guidance throughout their lifecycle. “This is why BOV Asset Management invests heavily in its portfolio managers and takes every opportunity to maintain a healthy and honest dialogue going across the organisation, always with the customer at the forefront of everything we do.”

The seminar kicked off with an overview of the numerous initiatives being undertaken by the Bank to foster improved customer knowledge. “During the past months, we held a series of talks about basic investment knowledge. The response from the public was very encouraging, so much so that we shall soon be launching a new set of sessions at different branches across the Bank’s retail network”, explained Mr Agius.

The seminar included interventions by the Portfolio Managers from BOVAM, who provided an overview of local and foreign market trends. They referred to the Borrowers Confidence Index (BCI) which corroborates the suite of economic forecasts indicating that Malta’s economic growth in 2023 is likely to be less than in 2021 and 2022, but possibly higher than the long-term average. Reference was also made to the key drivers in foreign markets, including the actions being taken by central banks and the performance of markets such as China, whose recovery post-pandemic continues to lag behind expectations.

Among the guest speakers was Tonia Parascandolo, who heads the Bank’s Bancassurance arm. She provided insights into the market’s perceptions and understanding of pensions, ranging from the traditional state pension to the selection of personal pension plans available under the third pillar.

Clint Azzopardi Flores who heads the Bank’s ESG drive, delivered a thought-provoking presentation on the historical context that led to the Climate Paris Agreement targets (2015) to combat climate change. He also described decarbonisation efforts of the EU continent, explaining the implications of transitioning to cleaner energy, even on financial institutions who are now obliged to ensure that their financing is in line with the EU’s climate objectives. Clint explained that the green transition will depend heavily on new and emerging geopolitical realities. This shifting scenario will impact investors and the criteria on the basis of which they will decide where to invest.

In his capacity as Chairman of the BOV Asset Management Committee, Mr Romeo Cutajar brought the seminar to a close. He explained how the Committee supports and oversees the work of Portfolio Managers, ensuring that good governance is retained throughout the process that customers go through when choosing the most appropriate investment paths.

Simon Azzopardi expressed his satisfaction with the level of mature discussion and active participation throughout the event. “Watching our people working so well together and supporting one another motivates us to work harder. Such experiences offer scope for greater sharing of ideas, which ultimately enable us to deliver a consistently better customer experience.”

BOV’s ATM Screen Upgrade Driven by Customer Feedback

Bank of Valletta has just upgraded the screens on its ATM fleet, displaying a new, updated, and easy-to-use interface. The upgrades were made with the aim of enhancing the usability of ATMs, increasing accessibility, and making it much easier to carry out the transactions that customers are so familiar with. Over 650 screens have now been upgraded, including all screens for foreign cards, credit cards as well as local cards, thereby ensuring that customer interactions continue to develop into a more modern and seamless experience. The Bank has retained the flow from one screen to the next intact, so that customers continue to use ATMs in the same way that they are accustomed to.

Customer service has always been a key ingredient in the provision of financial services. As banks continue to improve and upgrade their service channels, particularly through the introduction of self-service and digital solutions, maintaining the right balance between digital and physical channels continues to play an important role.

Over the past months Bank of Valletta has been investing time and energy in improving its service offering across its channels. The Bank’s Voice of the Customer programme provides crucial feedback on the service offered by the Bank. By listening to customers, the Bank obtains regular updated pulse readings of customer satisfaction and obtains crucial feedback on areas for improvement.

The latest feedback obtained on the Bank’s ATM fleet has already resulted in a number of improvements. The Bank has already changed the servicing time of its ATM network, introduced the recycling of deposits for improved cash withdrawals and has also been sending SMSs to users alerting them when an ATM they frequently use is out of service.

Speaking about this enhancement Theodoros Papadopoulos, Chief Digital Officer at Bank of Valletta said that “Customer experience is key for the Bank. We continually strive to improve our channels, and we continue to invest in making the customer experience a memorable one. Listening to customers on a daily basis helps us in carrying out such enhancements. We recognise that there are no instant solutions. It is a continuous journey that we have embarked upon, one step at a time, small changes that together can result in a markedly improved experience. We are confident that this latest enhancement will continue in our efforts to position Bank of Valletta as the bank of choice for all our clients.”

Bank of Valletta acquires new funding to relaunch the BOV SME invest package

Bank of Valletta announced the re-launch of the BOV SME Invest Package after securing new funding through the Malta Development Bank’s SME Guarantee Scheme.

The Package aims to facilitate access to finance for local SMEs and is designed to help businesses invest and expand their operations by granting capital and investment-related working capital at a reduced level of collateral and at an advantageous interest rate. This is mainly possible thanks to the risk-sharing mechanism jointly undertaken by BOV and MDB.

The BOV SME Invest is now offered at an attractive 3% interest rate, with a maximum lending amount of €750,000 payable over a period of 10 years. Businesses are only required to pay a 10% upfront contribution.

Speaking about the new BOV SME Invest, Mr Simon Grech who is responsible for the Bank’s Commercial arm, highlighted BOV’s commitment to offer key support to the local business community, with several beneficial financing options offered to sole traders, microbusinesses, and corporates. “The BOV SME Invest is offered with an 80% Guarantee through the Malta Development Bank, which in turn enables us to request fewer collateral requirements from our customers. It is also worth noting that we evaluate our product offering on a regular basis, to keep abreast of market trends whilst trying to offer better pricing options on our business financing solutions.” The BOV SME Invest Package is available until December 2024. Further information related to the Package including its terms and conditions, is available at this link.

All loans are subject to normal bank lending criteria. Interested businesses willing to benefit from the BOV SME Invest or any other Business Financing Product are invited to get in touch with BOV Business Development Unit on 2275 1122 or send an email to

Tourism – It is time to fix Malta’s Image

Rediscover Malta’s Uniqueness

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry is highly concerned about the fact that international news is describing Malta as a destination for tourists seeking inexpensive alcohol, legal drug consumption and uninhibited revelry. This undermines more desirable avenues of tourism and is diametrically opposite to government’s repeated pledge to promote the Maltese Islands as a hub for quality tourism experiences.

Tourism plays a vital role when it comes to Malta’s identity. Though the number of tourists visiting our islands may have increased, in real terms their spending power has decreased. This is why The Malta Chamber has consistently urged authorities to prioritise quality over numerical influx and to promote Malta’s uniqueness in terms of culture, heritage and history. This requires efforts which go beyond marketing and PR strategies. Waste collection, cleanliness, order, enforcement, clean seas and beaches, upkeep of public areas, a stable energy supply and traffic are just some of the areas that need to be significantly invested in to attract tourists who look for quality experiences. Over-construction needs to be addressed too. This becomes even more relevant when one notes that Mediterranean countries that Malta competes with have registered percentage increases in bed nights which are much greater than Malta’s.

Malta’s image needs to be fixed and rebuilt. Unless we immediately stem the tide, repositioning Malta as a destination of substance will not be possible. Visions, strategies and reforms which remain on paper are pointless. Immediate action from the authorities is required to revive Malta as a destination of choice by tourists looking for quality experiences. The preservation of our country’s appeal must supersede any transient allure of becoming a mere party hotspot.

Step up and act now.

Quarterly Review of Business & Consumer Surveys – August 2023

BOV Introduces New Digital Portal to Update Customer Records – MyProfile@BOV Goes Live

Bank of Valletta announced that it has launched an online portal for the updating of personal customers records, enabling customers to update their profiles at their convenience, without personally going to a BOV Branch.

Over recent months, the Bank has embarked on an extensive project to update customer records. “It is very important for us to know our customers better. This makes this exercise a necessary and essential one,” explained Simon Azzopardi, Chief Personal and Wealth Officer at Bank of Valletta. “The Bank needs to have updated customer records that correctly reflect the customer’s current profile to ensure that it meets its regulatory obligations and is in the best position to deliver the best customer experience at every touch point. This also enables us to protect customers from fraud and financial crime, whilst facilitating future interactions, making them more efficient and seamless.”

MyProfile@BOV will complement other methods currently being adopted by the Bank to update customer records. This will be particularly beneficial for individuals who value time efficiency and cannot visit a branch, waiting for in-person assistance. Upon logging into the portal, customers can conveniently review their personal information in sections and complete or update any missing details. Additionally, a user-friendly How-To Information Guide, along with a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions, will be accessible to customers. The Bank’s website also features a dedicated page that provides essential information pertaining to this service.

“The Bank’s newly introduced digital portal provides an intuitive user experience. It adeptly guides customers in identifying missing or incorrect information and provides clear instructions on the necessary documents for upload.  Another important aspect of this exercise is security. Customers are provided with secure access to a legitimate BOV portal providing peace of mind and effectively thwarting potential scams,” explained Mr Azzopardi. “To this end, we are adopting a personalised approach, contacting customers individually by letter and asking them to use their BOV Internet Banking or Mobile Banking credentials to access the digital portal,” he elaborated. 

“We take pride in offering customers an additional channel for interaction, in alignment with our commitment to place customers at the heart of our operations. Through this novel digital portal, we are offering a technological solution that not only heightens efficiency but also upholds robust security standards, thereby enriching our customers’ overall experience,” concluded Mr Azzopardi.

Any queries regarding MyProfile@BOV or the updating of records can be addressed to the Bank by contacting its Customer Service Centre on 2131 2020.