BNF Bank launches new mobile banking app

BNF Bank announced the launch of an all-new Mobile Banking App designed to strengthen financial freedom. Aimed at leveraging the bank’s technology and expertise to deliver a comprehensive digital experience, the new app provides convenience and a streamlined user experience.

With fully secured biometric-based authentication, the app offers BNF users’ peace of mind for their everyday banking activity which allows them to bank digitally, comfortably and above all safely from any location and mobile device. The simple and intuitive user interface is designed to offer a multitude of functions. From balance enquiry, bill payments to quick transactions and easy scheduling of fund transfers, customers can also apply for products and services, manage their personal profile and much more.

The app which is available for free and can be easily downloaded on both Android and iOS devices from Google Play and App Store, follows and complements a successful upgraded interface of a refreshed and user interface responsive Internet Banking platform.

George Debono, Chief Commercial Officer at BNF Bank said that “the launch of our new mobile app developed to empower customers with digital solutions, marks the completion of the first phase of BNF’s strategic project focusing on new and improved electronic touchpoints for our personal and business customers. Over the past year we have upgraded our Internet Banking platform, improved our Credit and Debit Cards proposition all of which are now available contactless and have 3DSv2 security, improved ATM interface, 24Hr Live Chat Bot (BECS) and deployed the first deposit machines. We will continue to develop our digital proposition even further over the next months aimed at exceeding the expectations of our customers whilst ensuring that the interaction remains of the highest level for individuals and businesses whenever they choose the human touch with our front-line staff.”

Further information on the new BNF Mobile APP is available at You can chat with us through BECS our digital agent, through website or Facebook Messenger or send a secure message through Internet Banking. Alternatively, you can contact our Customer Care Team on (+356) 2260 1000.

The Malta Chamber of Commerce welcomes continued employment support… eager on New Economy initiatives

The Malta Chamber welcomes the extension of the existing wage supplement scheme for employees employed in businesses experiencing difficulties due to the Covid- 19 pandemic. The Chamber notes that the current scheme implemented in January of this year, which is based on loss of turnover, has now been extended until June and the Government also announced that the scheme will be extended further for the hardest-hit companies until the end of year.

Since its launch early last year, the scheme has safeguarded thousands of jobs and kept a number of businesses afloat, while working hard to recover lost business.

It is clear that this direct assistance is crucial at a time when a number of business operators are trying to survive the current impact. Furthermore, the Chamber also calls for an immediate focus on what Minister Dalli referred to as the “New Economy Initiatives”, which will be launched during the next weeks. The Chamber has held several discussions with Government and has recommended several measures linked to business re-engineering and incentivising and revitalising investment among other things.

The Chamber is therefore eager to understand what these initiatives will be focusing on and offers its assistance to Government to ensure that the business community remains competitive and resilient in the coming months and years.

MBB Presents EU Funding Report to Government

Earlier this month, business-representative entity the Malta Business Bureau (MBB) presented a report on the impact of EU funds on the Maltese economy and the opportunities and challenges that businesses face when applying for EU funds to Parliamentary Secretary for EU Funds, Dr Stefan Zrinzo Azzoppardi. The report is entitled ‘Improving Access to EU Funds by Private Enterprise in the Programming Period 2021-2027.’

An MBB delegation–consisting of MBB President, Mr Simon De Cesare, Vice-President, Mr John Huber and CEO, Mr Joe Tanti–initiated the discussion with a presentation of the study objectives and findings.

Mr De Cesare stated, “The MBB undertook this study with multiple purposes in mind, firstly to bring to light issues so many companies face when trying to access EU funds, secondly to recommend ways to overcome those issues, and thirdly to kick-start a dialogue directly with businesses on this subject to demonstrate that EU funds may meet their financing needs under certain conditions.”

Mr De Cesare explained, “Our research shows that many of the companies that attempt to apply for funds succeed. EU funds have so much potential as a source of financing for companies, if only we can increase the participation rate.”

Dr Zrinzo Azzopardi held that, “together with these enterprises, thousands of employees and their families have benefitted from European funds.” From the presented report it resulted that more than 1,900 employment and 1,400 enterprises have benefitted from the European funded programme of the past 7 years.

On 17th March, the MBB is organising a webinar to present the report to the general public, and also give a platform to businesses to speak about their experiences with EU funding. More information about the event may be accessed here.

The Malta Business Bureau is the EU-business advisory office of The Malta Chamber and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association. For more information about the report, please contact MBB Senior Advisor (Internal Market and Legal Affairs), Mark Seychell on

‘Strategic financial planning should be a priority for recovery & subsistence’ – Maria-Gabriele Doublesin

“The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a massive shake-up, generating increased levels of stress and anxiety. While we continue to deal with highly fluid probabilities, there are many businesses struggling to survive. This holds in particular for small businesses and the hospitality industry. How to measure this uncertainty to devise adequate strategies is, in my opinion, one of the biggest challenges,” says Maria-Gabriele Doublesin.

In her work as a consultant, when focusing on building strategies for a new normal, she notes that clients automatically compare their present situation with the past. By doing so, positive memories of success and wellbeing are automatically overemphasised while longstanding problematic areas remain underrated. This partial denial results in trying to stick out the crisis, with the maladaptive notion that all will be ‘back to business as usual’.

“Many are not thinking about what this really implies. Namely, that real change is needed. It is a huge challenge to accept that life as we knew it is no more,” says Ms Doublesin. “The global crisis has forced business owners to make choices they might never have made under normal circumstances.”

Ms Doublesin asserts that, for some businesses, particularly small family businesses, it is not unusual that challenges can be compounded by issues that arise during the transition period when the family business is handed over from the older to the younger generation.

“Not only can there be the day-to-day discussions that arise due to different modus operandi with other collaborating family members, but there are also issues with trusting in younger generations to manage the business, transferring responsibility and leadership from the senior to younger members. These issues are challenging at any time, let alone in times of this global crisis.”

The unique needs of every business means that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and Ms Doublesin tailors her business transformation services according to the individual circumstances of every business owner.

With a focus on workflow and customer dynamics, she designs solutions that target problems at the root. Shifting work from the office to the kitchen table, sharing the workspace with family members, and children needing to study or to do their homework has caused a considerable disruption in workflow, she notes.

“With regards to workflow, the client and I work together to understand where the issues lie – is it productivity workflow, process workflow or project workflow? Seeing how workflow has been disrupted over the past year, I help clients assess the current situation and develop a systemic plan to improve and optimise their processes.”

Together, they also look into how a company’s business strategy is tied into the workflow design and work out how an employer can help its team collaborate better to meet the required needs. “In our workshops, we use methods and tools that also explore ways to inspire creativity in members of staff, not through trial and error but tailor-made, targeted techniques.”

As for her work in the field of customer dynamics, Ms Doublesin asserts that the exchange of information and transactions between businesses and customers is constant, and across a wide range of communication channels. “Our work in customer dynamics looks at the customer relationship from an interpersonal viewpoint – that is, understanding the needs of the customer. Businesses not only need to understand the persona of their clients in optimal conditions, but also in times of crisis. And here is where a challenge can turn into a huge opportunity.”

Creating a business strategy in the best of times for the year ahead is a challenging exercise, but this year, it seems like an almost impossible task. Sharing her thoughts on how businesses could plan and set goals for 2021, Ms Doublesin agrees that the disruptions to operations and revenues, alongside higher operating costs are creating cashflow challenges for businesses, which hinders progress and thus, innovation.

“Therefore, strategic financial planning should be the top priority for recovery and subsistence. Evaluate short-term liquidity, create a contingency plan and review loan constructs, pursue debt modifications and loan covenants if needed, and if you have a cushion in your line of credit, take it,” she asserts. “One needs to look at all their resources, and subsequently, be vigilant of the impacts on budgets and business plans. Once the strategies are strengthened through contingency review, then new directions need to be communicated with relevant stakeholders.”

Ms Doublesin adds it is common practice in local culture not to talk openly about problems and to sweep them under the carpet instead, leaving stakeholders clueless, but a shift in behaviour and attitude is needed, because a lack of transparency can be counter-productive. “We need to learn to address issues head on, which again means a change in crisis management mind-set. This might also mean reviewing your communication strategies.”

While executing revised plans, it is crucial for businesses to constantly monitor what continues to be a fluid situation and accept that plans need to be adjusted, she continues, stressing the importance of agility when building a new strategy, allowing for revisions to be done in the short term.

“The situation of a business leader right now is very much like being in a hot air balloon, whose movements depend on the conditions of the streams of air in the atmosphere and the wind. To move the balloon into a desired direction, one must know the winds, and know when to throw off ballast and when to increase the flame. Similarly, monitoring our fluid situation is essential to know when and how to rise above a problem.”

Ms Doublesin also highlights the benefits of cross-sector collaboration, a subject she is passionate about and was the crux of a project she developed in 2019 for CORE platform, called Learn to Work Together.

“What I observed is that everybody operates in silos and, in our current context, doing this is very risky. Constant changes in technology, globalisation and the supply chain, among others, are creating huge shifts in the business world, and one cannot have all the skills needed to handle every situation,” she asserts.

She recommends for business leaders to carry out an exercise called boundary spanning. “Cross-sector collaboration requires you to firstly identify your strengths, what you can and cannot do, and how you can collaborate across your sector with someone who is an expert in an area that you are not. Banding together is extremely important to bridge skills gaps, to enhance, increase and improve productivity levels.”

The research component of her project ‘Learn to work together’ in combination with the outcome of the project’s consultative roundtable revealed that businesses in Malta hardly cross-collaborate, neither with voluntary organisations nor with other businesses, and when they do, it’s only for the purpose of a one-off project. “Based on the findings of the research, I devised a training programme that focused on understanding inclusive processes and devising inclusive structures for a new style of leadership and teamwork, which is precisely what we need right now.”

Choose to Challenge

In celebrating this year’s International Women’s Day, The Malta Chamber is honoured, proud and privileged to be presenting to its members, the most diverse selection of strong candidates for its upcoming Council elections, in its long history. In fact, a third of its candidates are women who have risen to the occasion, appreciated and embraced the gender-neutral space and motivation that the Chamber of Commerce is offering to its wider community.

Perit David Xuereb, President of The Malta Chamber said, “As Malta’s foremost business representative body, we are incredibly delighted that women in all areas of its membership have pursued on taking leading and significant roles within the Malta Chamber of Commerce during the last two years.”

“The Malta Chamber has been a consistent advocate for equality at the place of work while encouraging women to take on important and significant roles of leadership within the business community. This is strongly aligned with this year’s International Women’s Day motto: Choose to Challenge. Only by constantly challenging ourselves can we hope to bring forward a positive wave of energy and change in respect of meaningful gender equality in all aspects of life,” expressed Perit Xuereb.

As the Malta Chamber prepares itself for a rejuvenated and refreshed composition through a metamorphosis of its highest institution, this biannual Annual General Meeting of the Malta Chamber of Commerce will prove to be yet another significant milestone in the organization’s history.

“Let this be a celebration of our drive for an equitable and appreciative society, where diversity is strength, inclusion is natural and where talent is appreciated. I have no doubt that The Chamber will continue to grow as a leader in our society” concluded Perit Xuereb.

Discrimination against Private and Church Care Home Operators

Over the past months, both the public and the private sector had been calling on the Government to take the shortage of nurses seriously, even more so recently, since the UK was poaching foreign nurses working in Malta.

The Care Home Operators within The Malta Chamber proposed, among other recommendations, the reduction in bureaucracy being met with, when applying for work permits through Identity Malta. The duration of the permit, the substantial cost for renewals and the problems encountered when bringing their spouses and children to join them locally, were amongst the reasons several had decided to leave Malta, creating a huge problem in hospitals, clinics and care homes amongst others.

Today’s decision reached between the Government and the Union of Nurses is welcomed, however, the decision to allow only those employed in the public sector to benefit from such decisions is unjust. The shortage of nurses and care health workers is felt by everyone and the fact that the public sector is favoured and classified as more important than the private sector is unacceptable.

The Government is being reminded that the same private sector alleviates the burden to the State when offering its services to the population, and many operators are also providing their service to the Government. Removing red tape in support of the public sector alone is unwarranted and will only result in foreign health care workers seeking employment within the Public Health System compounding the problem further for the private sector.

Anything but an equal playing field is not acceptable. The Government is therefore being asked to reconsider its decision and offer the same terms and conditions on work permit duration, costs and applications irrelevant if one is employed in the public or the private sector.

Right to disconnect: a matter of dialogue, not legislation

Digital tools have transformed the way we do business. Digitalisation has streamlined operations, boosted productivity, and improved business to consumer interaction. During the past year, the Covid-19 wreaked havoc in the economy, but it provided one silver lining by forcing, or rather enabling several work activities to go on remotely.

Remote working brings about several benefits, including flexible-work-arrangements and a smaller environmental footprint. This does not come without challenges and considering how digitalization is shaping our society and the workplace, it would be appropriate for all stakeholders to take up this matter and discuss it further in the context of the future of work, particularly to address challenges regarding the blurring of work and private time in the case of those making use of digital tools for work purposes. This ought to be managed through clear guidelines, educational campaigns, in-company policies, and training.

Recently, the Malta Chamber and the Malta Business Bureau (MBB) took note of public remarks by the Maltese Government on the prospect of introducing national legislation on the Right to Disconnect, even jumpstarting a process at European level. Both organisations agree that this is neither necessary, nor time appropriate.

Malta Chamber President Perit David Xuereb noted that, “European legislation such as the Working Time Directive, which is transposed into national law, already sets out the rules on working and rest time and protects the health and safety of workers. These rules are adequate, and thus no further legislation is required. Future legislation, particularly if modeled on a recent Maltese-led report in the European Parliament, raises many questions on how this could be implemented without adding substantial administrative burden on businesses. Needless to say that this is not the time to add more burdens on companies.”

MBB President Simon De Cesare acknowledged that, “If not well managed or if used excessively, digital tools can impact workers’ wellbeing, leading to stress. But in today’s society this is not just a work-related matter. It is equally applicable to private life. Therefore, rather than creating legal obligations, it would be better to create a space for dialogue where employers and workers, together with their representatives, find flexible solutions relevant for their workplace based on collaboration and mutual trust.”

The Malta Chamber and the MBB have in fact been proactive on the matter and have recently been awarded a grant by the European Commission through its European Social Dialogue programme to implement the EU autonomous framework agreement on digitalization in Malta, which was negotiated by EU Social Partners BusinessEurope and the European Trade Union Confederation. The General Workers Union is also an associated partner of this project and more stakeholders will be approached to contribute to the process.

The Malta Chamber and the MBB also welcome a point in the recently adopted European Parliament report by MEP Alex Agius Saliba on the Right to Disconnect, whereby while calling for an EU Directive, it refers to the European Social Partners Framework Agreement on Digitalisation, acknowledging that it includes arrangements for connecting and disconnecting and recalls how the Framework Agreement provides for the social partners to implement the agreement within the next three years. The report therefore notes that a legislative proposal before the end of that implementation period would disregard the role of social partners laid down in the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union.

In the spirit of the above European Parliament resolution, and in view of the proactive stance by the Maltese social partners, the Malta Chamber and MBB call on Government to refrain from introducing national legislation on the Right to disconnect. It should rather encourage social partner dialogue to address new challenges and opportunities at the workplace and provide direct support to companies through more dedicated schemes to take up digital tools and provide safe equipment applicable for remote working.

Malta Chamber insists on more vigilance, discipline and remote working

In view of the new restrictions announced on Thursday, The Malta Chamber calls on all the business community to provide remote working options to their employees when possible. Only those workers who have no other option but to work on-site should be asked to do so. The Malta Chamber reiterates its plea to all for a greater sense of responsibility.

“Our journey has reached a very delicate juncture, as our country is seeking to overcome the recent spike of cases of infections while heightening its vaccination efforts,” said Perit David Xuereb, President of the Malta Chamber.

“We must remain vigilant. The record-breaking figures we experienced this week have been a stark realisation that the race has not been won, and we still have a long way ahead of us. We must not let the encouraging results achieved by our advanced vaccination efforts give us false hope. This mistake could have tragic consequences” Xuereb said.

The Malta Chamber urged the business community at large to do their part by strictly observing the mitigation measures in the workplace.

The Malta Chamber also called for stronger enforcement efforts, in the context of the demonstrably more aggressive variants, which are spreading the virus wider and quicker. The Chamber believes that if we all join forces we can lead the way to recovery. Every effort, no matter how small, can have a significant impact.

Care Home Operators Business Sector within The Malta Chamber meet with the Leader of the Opposition

The Care Home Operators Business Committee within The Malta Chamber recently met with Dr. Bernard Grech, Leader of the Opposition and Dr. Maria Deguara, Shadow Minister and spokesperson representing the Elderly.

Dr. Grech and Dr. Deguara listened to the concerns of Care Home Operators, especially following the last year as they battled Covid19 trying to keep the elderly in their care safe. They spoke of their apprehension now that, it has been suggested that measures within care homes will be eased and their wish that this would be done in stages, to further safeguard the elderly.

Other topics discussed were the shortage of nurses as Malta faces losing these to other countries, and the cautious approach required leading to more interaction with relatives, whom this last year has shown, are integral in the lives of the elderly, especially when it comes to their mental health.