The Malta Chamber releases recommendations for culture of workplace resilience during COVID-19

The Malta Chamber’s Health & Wellness Committee has released a policy document tackling the new ways in which COVID-19 has contributed to stress at the workplace, by offering best practices and policy recommendations to both employers and government alike. These policy instruments were drawn from two events organised by the committee late last year, in which business leaders and government came together to discuss numerous challenges brought about by the pandemic as well as their solutions.

While remote working has offered certain advantages, it has also had an impact on work culture. Therefore, the document, titled “Recommendations to Employers and Government to build a Culture of Wellness & Resilience during COVID with Employees”, aims to address problems such as the impact which remote working has had on team cohesion, and the importance of new digital tools to address the resulting gaps. Potential issues such as increased risks to mental health must also be anticipated.

The ‘Re-engineering and Transforming’, resulting from collaboration by The Malta Chamber and government, is held up as an ideal example as to how policy makers may assist businesses to adapt, through incentivizing digital transformation. Furthermore, government is encouraged to provide closer lines of communication with business, to provide the information needed to adapt to continued pressures on operations.

The Malta Chamber’s Health & Wellness committee continues to work on a number of initiatives with the objective of developing policy instruments which address the needs of today’s workforce. Mental health, stress and various other factors must be given their due importance in everyone’s interest. The policy document, “Recommendations to Employers and Government to build a Culture of Wellness & Resilience during COVID with Employees”, is freely available on The Malta Chamber’s website. The committee is chaired by Mrs. Catherine Calleja, Director & Group Company Secretary at Atlas Insurance.

The Malta Chamber and JAYE team up to shape Malta’s future

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with JAYE Malta Foundation with the aim of promoting an entrepreneurial culture amongst the young, the leaders of tomorrow.

Ahead of the signing, President Perit David Xuereb noted that the MOU underlined the values of the two organisations in terms of promoting an entrepreneurial culture among the young, and providing the necessary support to all businesses.

“As Malta’s leading business representative body, The Malta Chamber’s intent was always to support, represent and connect businesses to continuously grow and engage in shaping Malta’s future. This goes very much in line with JAYE’s purpose which aims at inspiring and educating young people through practical business projects which develop attitudes and skills for professional success, life-long learning and employability,” noted President Xuereb.

“This signing perfectly compliments The Malta Chamber’s vision that young people are essential in the development of a sustainable future for Malta’s economy and should therefore be introduced to an entrepreneurial culture from a young age. To this extent, through the various services and events organised, The Malta Chamber is the ideal platform for these young and aspiring individuals to truly experience the world of commerce and business in its true form,” explained Xuereb.

Ms Fiona Captur, CEO of JAYE Malta said, “The Malta Chamber and JAYE Malta Foundation have long been aligned in their joint collaboration. Our mutual focus on developing resilient and relevant human capital brings synergies to our mission to the benefit of our students who are ultimately tomorrow’s Young Chamber Network (YCN) members.”

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Perit David Xuereb and Ms Marisa Xuereb as President and Deputy President of The Malta Chamber, respectively, who were accompanied by Board of Management Members Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo, and Mr Karl Briffa and Ms Fiona Captur as Chairman and CEO of JAYE Malta Foundation, respectively.

Klikk and The Malta Chamber strengthen ties

Klikk has renewed its Bronze Partnership Support Agreement with The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry for the second consecutive year. The Malta Chamber is honoured with the trust Klikk is placing once again in the Chamber of Commerce through this agreement and looks forward to continue building on the strong relationship the parties enjoy.

Ahead of the signing, The Malta Chamber President, Perit David Xuereb noted how this signing follows in line with the main principles that were outlined in The Malta Chamber’s Economic Vision 2020-2025 document. “As Malta’s leading business representative body, our strive in promoting enterprise growth has always been relentless. To this end, as a Chamber of Commerce, we truly acknowledge the importance of investing smartly in innovation and technology,” noted The Chamber President.

“To this end, Klikk have been vital in aiding The Malta Chamber throughout the digitalisation process. Moreover, Klikk’s vast knowledge and experience in the technology and innovation sphere will be paramount within The Malta Chamber’s Digital Transformation Committee,” explained Perit Xuereb.

Klikk CEO Kevin Rapinett said, “Klikk, a leading technology shop in Malta and an authorised partner to major brands, is proud to be once again supporting the Malta Chamber to further expedite the Chamber’s digitialisation journey through multi-dimensional support.” Mr Rapinett also congratulated Mr Xuereb on his outstanding contribution to the business community amidst challenging times in his term as President.

The Bronze Partnership Support Agreement was signed by Malta Chamber President Perit David Xuereb and Deputy President Ms Marisa Xuereb with Chief Executive Officer Mr Kevin J Rapinett, representing Klikk Ltd.

President, Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition To Address The Malta Chamber's Annual General Meeting 2021

President of Malta Dr George Vella, The Prime Minister of Malta Dr Robert Abela and Leader of the Opposition, Dr Bernard Grech will address members of The Malta Chamber during this year’s AGM which is set to take place on Wednesday, the 24th of March.

This year’s Annual General Meeting will be held completely online, and members will be able to follow the proceedings and ask questions from the comfort of their own offices.

Furthermore, with a record number of women participating in this year’s elections, the 2021 AGM will prove to be yet another significant milestone in the organisation’s history.

All members are encouraged to be present and to be part of this landmark event.

The event is open exclusively to members of The Malta Chamber.

Are you a member of The Malta Chamber? There has never been a better time to join Malta’s foremost business representative body! Make sure your voice is heard at this challenging time. Send an email to, to ascertain effective representation at this time.

Let’s not allow this great sacrifice to be prejudiced

The further measures announced tonight, though necessary, will certainly take a toll on Malta’s already suffering business community. These restrictions must be mitigated. The Malta Chamber, as it has always done, shall be constructive in its support to the country’s authorities in this regard.

Let’s not allow this great sacrifice to be prejudiced. While the vaccination efforts proceed, lets’ all come together and pull the same rope, in order for the country to come out of this dark patch with the least damage possible.

Once again, The Malta Chamber calls on all its members and the members of the country’s business community to heighten their vigilance at this time. All sanitary and social distancing protocols ought to be observed diligently, while remote working should be encouraged in all cases where this is possible.

Digital transformation at the core of signing between The Chamber and BMIT Technologies

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry has signed a Bronze Collaboration Agreement with BMIT Technologies plc. The agreement will pair BMIT Technologies with The Malta Chamber’s Digital Transformation Committee which will provide awareness to the business community in areas related to data economy, cyber security and digital skills amongst others.

“As a Chamber of Commerce, we fully promote the need for smart investment in digitalisation, innovation and research in support of the business community at large. Through this signing, The Malta Chamber is once again strengthening its resources by collaborating with national business champions such as BMIT Technologies to be more effective to the needs of the country more than ever before. We are eager to support our membership with the inevitable ‘techceleration’ in a robust and resilient manner” noted The Chamber President, Perit David Xuereb.

Ing. Christian Sammut, BMIT Technologies CEO, said “We are excited to be partnering with The Malta Chamber and support the digital transformation initiative being launched. We look forward to contribute our expertise and resources through steering the Digital Transformation committee and play a leading role in rendering Malta a better place to do business and in so doing generating better lives for its people. Our vision of harnessing technology to power businesses fits perfectly in this initiative”.

Through this signing, BMIT Technologies plc will be supporting the Digital Transformation Committee to raise awareness among companies of disruptive technologies. Moreover, this collaboration will allow our Digital Transformation committee to formulate policy positions for a sustainable economic future that is transforming our economy in a rapid manner.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Perit David Xuereb and Ms Marisa Xuereb as President and Deputy President of The Malta Chamber, respectively, and Ing. Christian Sammut, CEO at BMIT Technologies plc.

Reengineering the manufacturing and retail sector

In the current challenging economic and social scenario, keeping ahead of the curve is vital for any business.

With this in mind, The Malta Chamber as part of Enterprise Europe Network, spread across 65 countries around the world, will be organising a digital event entitled ‘Re-Engineering the Manufacturing & Retail sectors for the New Norm’ aimed at shedding light on how businesses within these two vital sectors for any economy, can re-vitalise their business models to thrive in the new norm.

The virtual event spread over four days between the 14th and 29th of April, will put together manufacturing, retail and technology companies with business experts, public bodies, corporate services providers, and academia to interact, meet and assist in the current recovery phase, towards realigning business activity, restructuring their operations, optimising the use of technology and identify new markets which embrace sustainable practices.

A purposely designed digital platform is now LIVE, hosting local and international profiles of buyers and sellers, creating a virtual marketplace within which business stakeholders can set up individual meetings, pitch their offers and requests and do collaborations.

If you fit within the target audience of this digital event, you can register your company profile right away, free of charge, by logging in here.

Over 65 participants from 13 countries already booked their space to meet, learn and engage with the support of Malta Chamber and its Enterprise Europe Member partners!

Grab this excellent opportunity of engaging with local and international business leaders and learning how disruption is shaping the industry from a stellar line-up of panelists during the various webinars that The Malta Chamber has lined up for you.

Learning from their insights on tangible and practical ways in which technology, sustainability, and talent were brought together to re-engineer business may be your concrete leap towards making your own business transformation a success.

MBB welcomes EU vision for digital transformation

The Malta Business Bureau welcomes the publication of the European Commission’s Communication, “2030 Digital Compass”. This sets out the EU’s vision for Europe’s digital transformation, and its ambition to be digitally sovereign in an open and interconnected world, supplementing the transition towards a climate neutral, circular and resilient economy by 2030.

The Communication proposes a set of digital principles, which include rapidly launching multi-country projects to achieve its aim, while laying the groundwork for legislation to set out a governance framework to monitor progress.

MBB CEO, Joe Tanti stated, “The key to ensuring digital autonomy is the sustaining of a robust and competitive European digital industry, built upon a Digital Single Market which allows for businesses to fully and easily provide goods and services across borders as though they were doing so in their own country of origin.”

The Commission’s Communication proposes several key ambitions. These include empowering 80% of adults to have at least basic digital skills, 90% of SMEs to digitise aspects of their day-to-day operation, and all key public services to be available online – all by the year 2030.

“Digital technologies have been crucial in ensuring business continuity throughout the COVID-19 crisis. They are clearly the future and will be the key factor in ensuring a successful transition to a forward looking, post-pandemic economy,” concluded Mr. Tanti.

HSBC Malta reopens Rabat Gozo branch

HSBC Malta will reopen its branch in Rabat, Gozo, on Friday 12 March 2021. The branch had closed temporarily on 26 February due to positive testing for Covid-19.

Crawford Prentice, Head of Wealth and Personal Banking at HSBC Malta, said: “Despite the challenging situation that we are all currently facing, HSBC Malta remains committed to providing essential branch services to its customers. In doing so, we will continue to ensure the highest possible safety standards to protect both our customers and our employees. Having taken all the necessary health and safety measures in line with the Health Authorities’ guidelines, we are now in a position to reopen the branch and we now look forward to welcoming our customers back to our Gozo branch from Friday 12 March.”

The Bank reminds customers that the majority of services can be availed of by using Credit & Debit Cards, Mobile, Internet, ATM and Deposit Machine services. The bank encourages customers to limit branch visits to essential matters only, at this time.

More information on HSBC Malta’s services is available on