Strong Results for leading technology provider BMIT Technologies

BMIT Technologies plc [MSE:BMIT] just announced strong performance results for the first six months of 2021. Despite the challenges that the pandemic is having on the target markets in which it operates, BMIT Technologies reported a positive performance all round.

Revenue for the first half of the year amounted to €12.8 million, a growth of 9.4% over the same period of the previous year. Group earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) grew to €5.7 million, a significant increase of 11% when compared to the same period of 2020. Profit before tax was at €4.4 million, an increase of 13%.

“We are extremely proud of the results we have announced today. BMIT Technologies has showed resilience in the face of unprecedented challenges and has built further on the solid results we have registered last year. These results are a reflection of decisions that my board and management team have taken during very uncertain times, and we now look forward towards to a sustained performance in the next years”, commented Nikhil Patil, Chairman of BMIT Technologies plc.

“As we are now entering a post-pandemic phase, BMIT Technologies is committed to building on the performance of these last years. Our stated commitment to look at ways how to expand our offering is progressing at a sustained rate, from the technologies we deploy, the solutions we provide to our customers and also our evaluation of options for further market expansion”, added Christian Sammut, Chief Executive Officer.

BMIT Technologies is a leading provider of technology solutions in Malta, offering a range of services in the datacentre, cloud and managed IT services to a wide range of businesses operating in Malta and across Europe. BMIT Technologies plc is listed on the Malta Stock Exchange [MSE:BMIT].

Proportionate and pragmatic decisions should continue to prevail

The reduction of the mandatory quarantine period for all those who are fully vaccinated from 14 to 7 days as from August 16 is proportionate and pragmatic.

Reacting to the announcement made by the Deputy Prime Minister and the Public Health Superintendent that vaccinated people in contact with COVID-19 cases will spend less time in quarantine, the President of the Malta Chamber, Marisa Xuereb said that the decision is reasonable and good news for businesses, particularly those whose employees cannot perform their work duty away from their workplace and who are hence most severely impacted by long quarantine periods.

“With more than 85% of the adult population fully vaccinated in our country, it is appropriate to adopt measures that reflect the tangible benefits of a high vaccination rate and translate into an improvement in the quality of life of people. Such measures boost public confidence in the effectiveness of the vaccines and provide reassurance that, even with Covid among us, we can adopt more sustainable work-life practices. Cutting down quarantine period by half after surpassing this threshold is another step forward towards the pursuit of a new normality. Had the vaccine uptake not been so high, we would not have been able to do this.” – Marisa Xuereb

Travel safely with new insurance offering from GasanMamo Insurance

Time to dip your toes back in the water, explore those cities and escape the everyday. This year finally holds the promise of many trips that were previously delayed, cancelled or simply impossible due to the global pandemic that spread across the world and brought it to a standstill.

GasanMamo Insurance is aware of the sacrifices made by the local community over the past 18 months following the outbreak of Covid -19. Having followed the effective immunisation programme which has been delivered here, the company has designed an extension to all its travel insurance products which enables GasanMamo clients to travel more safely and with peace of mind.

This extension explains Christopher J. Delicata, Senior Underwriting Manager, provides cover in the event that a client has to cancel a booked trip in the event of contracting the virus. It also provides cover for any medical expenses incurred if the insured person is required to quarantine or isolate or contracts Covid -19 whilst abroad together with a daily benefit if the trip has to be delayed.

This is being offered for all travel policies issued with GasanMamo as from 1st June 2021 and can be purchased online from or through its branches across Malta and any of its authorised intermediaries.

GasanMamo Insurance Limited is one of the leading insurers in Malta with an established reputation of providing stellar service and a large range of insurance products both for individuals as well as for the local business community.

The Malta Chamber believes in the importance of having a holistic discussion on inclusivity

In a meeting with Minister for Inclusion and Social Wellbeing, Hon. Julia Farrugia Portelli, President of The Malta Chamber, Marisa Xuereb said, “It is crucial that we emphasise on the importance of having a holistic discussion on inclusivity by including mental health into the discussion.”

President Xuereb added that it is important for employers to know and understand the necessities of their employees to be able to understand how best to help them.

Minister Farrugia Portelli, together with Permanent Secretary Mr Matthew Vella Chairperson of the Autism Advisory Council Mr Alistair De Gaetano, and Ms Edwina Gouder Senior Manager at the Ministry presented the recently launched Malta National Autism Strategy 2021-2030 to The Malta Chamber.

The Malta Chamber provided its feedback and emphasised on:

1. The importance of promoting programmes such as Vocational Assessment, Support, Training & Employment VASTE that benefit both employers and job seekers.
2. To further facilitate and improve the process of preparing employers to offer productive and long-term inclusive employment.
3. The introduction of Employment Support Workers to facilitate a smoother transition into employment.

President Xuereb was joined by CEO Dr Marthese Portelli, The Malta Chamber’s representative on the Malta Business Disability Forum, chaired by the Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD) Mr Tonio Axisa, Mr Shawn Pisani and Policy Development Executive Ms Julia Aquilina.

Download the Feedback Report here

BNF Bank employees get casual for generosity

Forming part of the bank’s culture, BNF Bank’s team is constantly active and ready to help in areas of society where social lacunae exist through various Corporate and Social Responsibility initiatives. Despite staff working remotely since March 2020, BNF Bank employees truly embraced the value of solidarity during these past months. The collective drive of the team has been acknowledged through the bank-wide monthly staff initiative #YourCause, organised on every last Friday of the month with employees donating money for different causes nominated by themselves. During the pandemic, the pleas for assistance increased and each contribution filled donors and recipients with a heart-warming feeling and much needed empathy in trying times.

Already a good number of NGOs and individuals have been assisted throughout 2021. BNF Bank started the year by supporting St.Jeanne Antide Foundation through Terra Di Mezzo (TDM) 2000, a holistic Non-Governmental Organisation which helps vulnerable individuals and families who are suffering due to difficult life circumstances whilst creating opportunities for youth members to become active in society. With a goal of opening Hospice Malta’s first palliative care complex in St. Venera, BNF Bank employees together with management contributed a generous sum during the organisation’s telethon Bl-Imħabba Naslu.

BNF staff donated essential food items to Foodbank Lifeline Foundation to help over 300 family members who through no fault of their own would have found themselves in hardship. In an effort to mark World Autism Month, the bank called for employees to ‘Draw for Autism’, as a sign of support to families and individuals, affected by the condition. The donations like the drawings made the lives of the beneficiaries a little bit more colourful.

With an outpouring call of support from BNF employees, following a national appeal by local football Marsa FC player Patrick Maia and his family, employees enthusiastically helped Luca Maia receive the treatment he requires from his aggressive metastatic cancer. Fondazzjoni Sebħ’s mission was also endorsed to extend a supporting hand to children, young people and survivors of domestic violence.

“Giving back to the community is something BNF Bank strongly believes in and through these initiatives we empathise in a tangible way, with those members of society who pass through difficult situations”, said Michael Collis, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director at BNF Bank. “We support and promote this drive of solidarity. It is very satisfying to see our staff engaging enthusiastically while contributing money and personal time to these monthly initiatives for the benefit of underprivileged and needy people in society”.

Connecting business leaders through a very successful Young Chamber Network Summer Get Together

Members of the Young Chamber Network (YCN) within The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry had the exclusive opportunity to meet, network and make meaningful connections during the YCN Summer Get Together event.

Keith Demicoli, Head of Communications and Business Development at The Malta Chamber, welcomed guests and explained the vision and aim of YCN in providing a space for young entrepreneurs and career-minded professionals to come together, connect, reconnect, collaborate and be inspired from like-minded people.

While adhering to the COVID-19 restrictions, all participants introduced themselves to the group, providing a strong basis for a successful networking session.

The Malta Chamber wishes to thank Panta, FarsonsDirect, AX The Palace Hotel and Chemimart for their support.

We must act now as we owe it to the next generation

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry is unequivocal that the outcome of the Daphne Caruana Galizia murder inquiry cannot be trivialised or ignored.

The President of The Malta Chamber, Ms Marisa Xuereb said that “we must act now on what needs to be done without further procrastination as we owe it to our people and to the next generation. The country has gone through an ugly spiral that culminated in the death of a journalist, a heinous crime that seared our collective conscience and damaged our international reputation in a profound way.”

“We cannot truly heal before we all detach ourselves from partisan emotions and commit to an objective assessment of failings and an honest and unconditional process of reform, centred around the values of transparency, accountability, integrity, and civic responsibility at all levels of Government, politics, journalism, business, and social interaction,” said Ms Xuereb.

The Malta Chamber reiterates that corruption is bad for everyone, but it is especially bad for business. It favours the few at the expense of the many ethical businesses who are unfairly excluded, or worse still, compromised by having to settle for the crumbs that fall off the table in full knowledge that they are not operating on a level playing field. The outcome of the public inquiry is stark reminder to be fair to everyone since it is not big business, but corruption that has brought the country to its knees. Not every big business is corrupt, just as not every politician is corrupt. It is in this spirit that The Malta Chamber has consistently promoted ethical business and appealed for good governance at all levels of Government, politics, business and regulation.

In the context of business, public procurement is extremely sensitive. The Chamber has published a detailed report on public procurement reform that it expects all entities involved to take very seriously.

“We cannot continue to justify unfair practices on the grounds of a lack of resources or expediency. We cannot continue to trivialise wrongdoings because others may have done worse. We cannot continue to turn a blind eye on unethical behaviour and blatant conflicts of interest for fear of losing favour. We need to consistently adopt a high moral ground in everything we do,” said the President of The Malta Chamber.

This has far-reaching implications for the way we do business, but also for the way we conduct journalism, for the way we finance politics and for the way we appoint public officers. Let us all be brave and rise to the challenge of doing what needs to be done without further procrastination. We owe it to the next generation.

Panta Group Sponsors upcoming Young Chamber Network Event

The Malta Chamber Young Chamber Network is organising a Summer Get Together. This member-exclusive event will allow attendees to connect and network with like-minded individuals and local business leaders.

Panta Group are the official sponsors of this upcoming event. Katrina Attard, Panta CEO explained, “Panta is proud to be supporting the Young Chamber Network, it’s a pleasure to be given the opportunity to support other likeminded, forward-thinking business people and encourage safe networking – a necessary step to strike the right balance in a world defined by the new normal.‘’

Due to Covid restrictions, strict measures will be adhered to throughout the event. All attendees will be asked to provide a vaccination certificate upon entering the venue. Members will be placed on tables of six to ensure social distancing is maintained. The event will kick-off with introductory speeches but will mainly focus on the structured networking session.

The networking event will be taking place on the 29th of July from 19:00 till 22:00, at the AX Palace Hotel in Sliema.

Established in 2019, the aim of the YCN is to bring together a high-powered pool of individuals who can support each other within the context of The Malta Chamber. It is worth noting that almost 25% of Chamber members fall under the YCN group, with this number growing constantly.

Through a newly established steering committee, the YCN’s objective is to provide a community through networking opportunities that drive positive changes while allowing members to grow both professionally and personally.

The Malta Chamber would also like to thank Farsons Direct, AX The Palace and Chemimart for their support.

📷 Daryl Cauchi

The Malta Chamber and GWU to promote active ageing and address legal anomalies

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, and the General Workers’ Union signed a framework agreement on active ageing and intergenerational approach to ensure a healthy, safe, and productive working environment to enable workers to remain in the labour market and facilitate the transfer of knowledge and experience between generations.

The two social partners acknowledged the strong need for policies in the context of the Maltese labour market to ensure that valuable human resource and experience is retained for as long as possible. They will promote good practices through a digital tool which will be made available to the public.

Ms Marisa Xuereb, President of The Malta Chamber said “active ageing and intergenerational approach policies can be part of the solution in addressing labour market challenges. The contribution of senior professionals and workers is key to the success of our businesses and the economy.”
Ms Xuereb said that The Malta Chamber and the GWU identified legal anomalies in the fiscal treatment of workers that retire at a certain age which go against the spirit of active ageing and are committed to address these issues jointly with the Government.

“The GWU supports all workers, including those who decide to continue working after reaching their retirement age. We believe that employees with long years of experience have a lot to offer to their organisations’ culture and the rest of the team. It is important to keep promoting active ageing as these employees have a lot to offer. The intergenerational approach brings the best mixture among employees because academic knowledge and experience are the best compositions to favour businesses. This agreement is putting us in a better position to keep supporting and protecting active ageing collectively. Working hand-in-hand with The Malta Chamber is a good step in the right direction to reach our aims together. This is the second autonomies framework agreement signed together with the Malta Chamber,” said Mr Josef Bugeja, Secretary General of the GWU.

The agreement was signed by Ms Marisa Xuereb and Dr Marthese Portelli as President and CEO of The Malta Chamber respectively, and Mr Victor Carachi and Mr Josef Bugeja, President and Secretary General of the GWU respectively.