Malta Chamber meets with Executive Chairperson of the Cannabis Authority, Mariella Dimech

The Malta Chamber President, Marisa Xuereb, together with CEO Dr Marthese Portelli and Media and Communication Strategist Rachel Attard met Mariella Dimech, Executive Chairperson of the Cannabis Authority, earlier today.

During this meeting The Malta Chamber highlighted the following:

• the lack of necessary safeguards in the current legal system to mitigate the potential negative social and economic impact brought about by use of cannabis
• the lack of explicit clarity with respect to employer’s right to take measures to ensure a drug free work environment as well as to ensure health and safety standards
• concern on the legalisation of recreational cannabis products without having catered for the legal and safe supply of cannabis seeds and products through a well-regulated market which ensures that cannabis products are free of harmful substances

The Malta Chamber notes Chairperson Dimech’s commitment to consult with it on a regular basis.


HSBC Malta sponsors students reporting on sustainable living

Maltese and Gozitan students participated in a hybrid celebration of the Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) awards, an international Education for Sustainable Development programme run locally by Nature Trust FEE Malta. Four international awards were handed out to Maltese projects from a total of 330 entries.

The HSBC Malta Foundation sponsored one of the YRE awards which was presented to Gozo College Xewkija Primary School for an article investigating ways in which they could live life more sustainably. The student representing the EkoSkola Committee, in her article written during the past scholastic year, emphasises the importance of reducing plastic, and highlights ways in which the school is including this important issue in the curriculum and through subjects such as maths. The full article can be read on YRE Malta’s website.

The article focuses on how the students conducted surveys and kept data on plastic consumption and how it was being reduced both at school and in the community. The same students conducted a campaign on how to reduce litter. The school, through the four-year-long litterless campaign run by the Foundation for Environmental Education, sponsored a sustainable toolbox containing reusable items, such as reusable dishes and cutlery, encouraging students to carry their lunches in reusable containers, switching from disposable, single-use plastic items. Furthermore, the school, in its bid for carbon sequestration, invested in growing more trees at school.

Glenn Bugeja, Manager Corporate Social Responsibility at HSBC Malta said: “It’s always encouraging to see young people being so passionate about sustainability and also taking practical steps in their schools and the broader community. The YRE award gives students the opportunity to explore sustainability themes in greater detail, resulting is some great reporting as well as genuine change.”

Atlas staff helps Foodbank in packaging and delivery to those in need over the festive period

Atlas Insurance and its employees have once again taken the initiative to support the Foodbank Lifeline Foundation, which produces a meal a day for hundreds of families or individuals in need. This was done through two separate initiatives over the Christmas festive period.

TeamAtlas participated in the Reverse Advent Calendar campaign launched within the organisation, which aimed at collecting non-perishable food items in special collection boxes at Atlas’s head offices and its branches. Despite many employees working remotely, many staff members still donated their respective items which were delivered to the Foodbank Lifeline Foundation in January.

While working with restrictions related to COVID-19, two small groups of Atlas volunteers went on-site to help members from the Foundation pack the food items to be delivered to families or individuals in need.

“We are proud that our colleagues are always ready to come forward and lend a helping hand whenever we receive appeals for donations or voluntary work. As TeamAtlas, we are pleased to contribute to the welfare of our community and we will keep supporting such worthy causes, especially during this challenging period we are living through,” said Matthew von Brockdorff, Managing Director and CEO of Atlas Insurance.

The Foodbank Lifeline Foundation receives information from care professionals on families or individuals currently facing a short-term crisis. Volunteers then provide emergency food supplies once a day to these families.

HSBC Appoints First Head of Sustainable Finance for Europe Commercial Banking

HSBC has appointed current Ireland CEO and Head of Banking Alan Duffy as its first Head of Sustainable Finance for Europe Commercial Banking.

In his new role Alan will drive HSBC’s efforts to help business customers in Europe make the transition to net zero carbon emissions. This is a key element of HSBC Commercial Banking’s strategy to be the leading international corporate bank in Europe, and is also part of the HSBC Group’s ‘Business Plan for the Planet’; a set of actions and a commitment of between US$750bn and US$1trn to drive sustainable transitions around the world.

Alan is widely acknowledged as a key figure in European sustainable finance, having led many signature transactions for HSBC customers. Alan said: “Europe is the gravitational centre for global sustainable finance, both in terms of setting policy and overall market activities. A rapidly increasing number of our European clients are establishing Science Based targets (SBTs) to anchor their transition journeys and to embed ESG in their operations. We must be positioned at the epicentre of this once-in-a-generation transformation.”

He added: “Being afforded the opportunity to help our teams support our clients in such a cutting edge and rich ecosystem is compelling. I am looking forward to drawing on the cultural diversity of our European business and the opportunity to help cross-pollinate ideas and best practice from within the region and from the wider HSBC Group.”

Following a number of years at Scotia Bank and ING, Alan joined HSBC in 2007 to launch its Irish corporate banking offering before becoming chief executive of the Irish branch in 2014. He will continue as CEO and Head of Banking at HSBC Ireland until a new appointment is made to that position, and he will remain based in Dublin.

Earlier this month HSBC appointed Natalie Blyth as its Global Head of Commercial Banking Sustainability. Natalie said: “Alan’s personal energy, his passion for sustainability and his deep understanding of European corporate banking will be a huge asset to our customers across the region. I’m delighted he’ll be on the team as we tackle the critical mission that is the transition to net zero.”

Joyce Grech, Head of Commercial Banking at HSBC Malta, welcomed the appointment: “I am looking forward to working with Alan and drawing on his vast experience to support our local commercial customers in their transition journeys.”

Entrepreneurship in the creative industry

Earlier this week, The Malta Chamber CEO, Dr Marthese Portelli, took part in a panel discussion during Malta Film Week organised by the Malta Film Commission. The panel discussion focused on the topic of ‘Entrepreneurship in the creative industry’.

In her opening remarks, Dr Portelli emphasised 3 key ingredients for business success; business know-how, contacts and an entrepreneurial mindset. “Effective pre-planning and proper evaluation of critical success factors and related risks must also take centre stage to ensure success,” continued Dr Portelli.

“The Malta Chamber believes that the Cultural & Creative Sector is an Industry in itself. We believe that it has a lot of potential and therefore we must identify the strong points and address the challenges”, said the CEO. “We have the talent! Therefore, our thinking of this industry should go beyond local,” she said.

Dr Portelli continued by outlining the various initiatives and efforts that The Malta Chamber has undertaken to not only support but also aid in scaling up this industry. Through agreements and collaborative actions with entities such as MCAST and MEIA, The Malta Chamber has been able to work on targeted outreach programmes and policy formulation specific to this industry.

Dr Portelli outlined 5 points that require immediate attention in order to enhance the creative industry:

  1. FRAGMENTATION – We have too many entities dealing and supporting directly/indirectly with this industry. Let’s consolidate.
  2. FUNDING – Different funds across different government schemes exist. We need to consolidate here as well. We need funding support that is exclusively designed to meet the needs of this industry.
  3. INFRASTRUCTURE – We need to modernize and invest more in our infrastructure, including our digital infrastructure and that of marketing
  4. TRAINING – We need appropriate training to upskill our human resources and to keep abreast with the fast pace with which this industry is moving.
  5. INCENTIVES – We need incentives for Maltese, foreign and international business alike. We need to start looking at the end product, at its potential, at its value-added.

Dr Portelli concluded by acknowledging the hard work and dedication of the artists that operate within such a competitive industry. “Let us appreciate our artists, their talent, dedication and continuous work in elevating Malta’s culture and identity, ” said the CEO.

BNF Bank Wins ESQR’s Quality Achievement Award 2021

The Quality Achievement Award 2021 was given in recognition of BNF Bank’s outstanding commitment to endorse and improve quality management across its services.

This prestigious event recognises the top organisations that have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to quality-orientated practices, including in the world of banking.

Bringing together leading business professionals, public administrations and experts in the field of quality, the convention offered BNF Bank the opportunity to network with potential partners and increase its competitive capacity in the Maltese financial services sector.

BNF Bank has always striven for quality and believes in combining leading technology with personal interaction to deliver a seamless experience at every stage of the customer journey. By winning this award, BNF Bank has proved to be a reliable partner for its customers and stakeholders, supported by a professional team that is quick to respond to changing customer needs, digital requirements and economic trends.

George Debono, Chief Commercial Officer and Melvin Pellicano, Head of Business Development at BNF Bank, received the award on behalf of all employees at BNF Bank.

Commenting on this achievement, George Debono, said, “BNF Bank’s keen focus on innovation and a personalised customer service has been vital to our distinctive success in the field of customer care and quality management. This award is testament to our team’s exceptional resilience over the past few years as well as the hard work we are doing behind the scenes to provide a superior level of quality to our clients, through both our online and other services. Receiving this accolade reinforces our commitment to innovation so that we can deliver an exceptional experience to our customers time and time again.”

Despite pandemic challenges and the bank’s significant investment in technology, BNF Bank reported an increase in profitability throughout 2021. By providing secure and reliable lending and deposit solutions whilst continuing to grow its digital channels, BNF Bank was able to give customers the necessary confidence needed to carry out transactions, thus accelerating growth.

In addition to its recent achievements, BNF Bank also won ‘Bank of the Year 2021’ for the second consecutive year. These notable honours confirm BNF Bank’s determination to become the Bank of choice in Malta by maximising the full potential and quality of its services.

Malta Chamber signs MOU with UAE Federation of Chambers

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry signed a Memorandum of Understanding with The Federation of Chambers of Commerce of the United Arab Emirates, which incorporates the Chambers of Commerce of all seven Emirates, at the Embassy of Malta in Abu Dhabi.

The agreement was signed by the President of the Malta Chamber, Marisa Xuereb, and the President of the UAE Federation of Chambers, H.E. Abdullah Mohammed Al Mazrouei. Present for the signing where H.E. Dr Thani Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of State for Foreign Trade, Malta’s Ambassador to the UAE, H.E. Maria Camilleri Calleja, the Secretary General of the UAE Federation of Chambers, H.E. Humaid Ben Salem, and Lino Mintoff, Internationalisation Advisor at the Malta Chamber.

Prior to the signing, the business and investment opportunities in Malta and in the UAE, and the mutual interest of the two countries in enhancing commercial relations and bilateral cooperation between the respective Chambers, were discussed. A series of initiatives are being planned to bring together entrepreneurs from the two countries in the coming months.

The signing of this MOU followed participation of the Malta Chamber in an official delegation to the Dubai Expo on the occasion of Malta Day.

Malta Business Bureau congratulates MEP Roberta Metsola on her election to European Parliament President

The MBB congratulates Dr. Roberta Metsola on being elected President of the European Parliament, the highest democratic institution in the European Union. With her election, MEP Metsola is making history as the first Maltese citizen to take up such a prestigious position. She is also breaking barriers by achieving this despite being from the smallest EU Member State, and also as the first female President in 20 years.

MBB President, Alison Mizzi congratulated MEP Metsola on her election and augured her a successful mandate. “Roberta can be proud for obtaining the confidence of a great majority of MEPs from so many diverse countries and political backgrounds. The work she undertook in the European Parliament shows her abilities to negotiate while fighting hard for what she believes in. For this reason, she deserves the recognition received with today’s vote,” stated Ms. Mizzi. “MEP Metsola is also taking the leadership of the European Parliament in very challenging times. Globally we are still fighting our way through a pandemic, and Europe is still finding its way to economic recovery. At the same time the EU is paving the way for the green and digital transitions. Apart from the policy and legislative cycles, the EU itself is in the process of transforming itself to remain relevant for the citizens of Europe. Roberta has the privilege and the responsibility of being in the centre of this process and I am sure she will stand up to the occasion,” concluded Ms. Mizzi.

MBB CEO, Joe Tanti also commended MEP Roberta Metsola on her election, saying that, “Being the only Maltese private sector organisation with an EU representation in Brussels, the MBB has continuously liaised with MEP Metsola and her office over the past years. Roberta is a humble and visionary leader who is always well-prepared for every point of discussion and has actively cooperated with our initiatives. For this, we are very grateful. I have no doubt that her good qualities will allow Roberta to do an excellent job as European Parliament President, which will meet and exceed the expectations at European level.”

Malta Chamber congratulates Roberta Metsola on winning EP President Election

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry congratulates Hon. Roberta Metsola on becoming the next European Parliament President and wishes her every success in this new role.

This is indeed a prestigious appointment which can contribute to elevating Malta’s profile at EU level and internationally.

The Malta Chamber looks forward to collaboration in every possible way.