15 October, 2024

HSBC Malta Foundation funds restoration of 16 historic paintings at Jesuits’ Church, Valletta

HSBC Malta Foundation has announced a donation of €150,000 to the Jesuits’ Church Foundation, supporting the restoration of 16 historic paintings found at the Jesuits’ Church in Valletta. This significant contribution will help preserve these culturally and spiritually important works, which have been part of Malta’s heritage for centuries. The announcement was made during a visit that the Prime Minister Robert Abela had at the Jesuits’ Church in the run-up to Notte Bianca.

The project involves the disinfestation and conservation of several transept paintings, including those located in the Chapel of Saint Ignatius and the Chapel of Our Lady of Montserrat, together with their gilt decorative frames, as well as two oval paintings in the sanctuary. The restoration will be carried out in three phases, from 2024 to 2026, with each phase focusing on a selection of paintings to ensure their complete conservation.

“The HSBC Malta Foundation is honoured to support the restoration of these historic artworks, which form a vital part of Malta’s cultural and spiritual heritage,” said Geoffrey Fichte CEO at HSBC Malta. “Our appreciation of heritage and education aligns perfectly with this project, ensuring that future generations will continue to appreciate the rich history and artistry of the Jesuits’ Church. With a unique place in Maltese history, these paintings, along with their decorative frames, represent significant religious and artistic value.”

This project aims to preserve these treasures for the enjoyment and education of the Maltese public and visitors alike.

The restoration project is part of a broader commitment by HSBC Malta Foundation to support initiatives that enhance the cultural and historical heritage of Malta, promoting education, conservation, and community development.

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